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Everything posted by Hovagod

  1. I know what you mean. However, I live abroad and keep a season ticket so I can use it easily whenever I am back to get into games. When I am not using it I give it to family or sell it on here for below face value. I have been outisde of the North East since 2005, and the only time I didn't do this was the 2019-2020 season. That was the year Ashley gave away ten thousand tickets. I won't blame anybody who took him up on that- obviously- but, when I consider that I ended up paying 120 quid to get into the Palace, Everton and Leicester games that Christmas (agg: 2-5), I don't feel especially bad about ensuring I can still get into games whenever I can.
  2. Points for home cup games too.
  3. When will the renewal period start?
  4. Hovagod


    It's always hilarious when Sunderland lose, but honestly given our own trajectory now I almost want them in the play-offs, actually I wouldn't mind them going up. Seeing them struggle in the championship next year would be fun, add another juicy little narrative which is bound to be an exciting season. Essentially now, Sunderland are what I have always pretended they are- a diverting irrelevance. This in contrast to how their previous fuck ups at promotion have easily represented the highlight of our own season.
  5. Thought Tripper handled the Bruno stuff well, it was a bit snide and unprofessional of the co-host to act like he was lying about being aware of him. Trippier pointing out that he has played football abroad and in Europe was a nice rejoinder without looking arrogant.
  6. After the first goal, he had Shelvey over for a chat, presumably something tactical. I’m a teacher and when I was training it never occurred to me until it was pointed out that the in-lesson talk was the actual teaching. But of course that’s what it basically comes down to. In the moment it felt like such a novelty after Bruce to see a manager manage.
  7. Hovagod


    On the one hand it’s what the fuck are you talking about? We’ve been fucking relegated twice. On the other, cheers nice one lads
  8. Scored against Liverpool after a scouser had thrown it onto the pitch. We all know about the famous kop sucking the ball in, this was a rare own goal from their fanbase
  9. Honestly happy to hear more. But you’re right, maybe better suited to another part of the forum.
  10. Don’t disagree about America’s wars being disgraceful. I think the links are a lot more nebulous though. It’s an emotive and horrible subject though, and I do apologise for my pithy reply.
  11. Yep- I said this earlier. Any other answer would have been rightly cited as hypocrisy
  12. Hovagod

    On this day...

    Man Utd fluked it twenty six years ago today… Or did they? Finally forced myself to sit through the highlights this morning and our chances were no way as clear cut as I had remembered. We just seemed to stop dead in the second half too.
  13. Hovagod


    The thing is, if Inter did some deal where they agreed to take Sunderland players on loan or something, it would be all ‘prestige’ and amalgamated badges as ready to go avatars. Levels.
  14. What else could she say though? Agree that it’s disgusting, but this is what we have got into bed with. It would be obviously hypocritical of her to say anything else otherwise, and even equivocating would draw the obvious accusation.
  15. If he tries, they can just say, Nah thanks though
  16. Being honest, the morals of all of this were obviously always dubious at best. We made the deal, though- not many of us objected. So I’m just delighted at every comment they make that confirms their long term and exciting intentions clear.
  17. Us, because we got rid of the cunt and are now the richest sporting institution in the entire world
  18. Hovagod


    Terrible. I always think of that bit in Fever Pitch and the dead Crystal Palace fan. All the loose ends.
  19. It’s not the football authorities is it? He’s being sanctioned by the government
  20. Hovagod

    On this day...

    The exact type of goal we never score and yet if one went in against us we would all scream, ‘typical!’
  21. Hovagod

    St James' Park

    I also love the sound of a novelty season at Gateshead or Sunderland. Would be a fun, unique little thing.
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