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Everything posted by Hovagod

  1. I think it was the fact that Owen was so brazen about not caring. Arshole.
  2. “I remember Look North, years ago making a right fuss over some daft SAFC fans burning a kids sized mag top, virtually implying that we burn little kids.” Yes, who could forget. That time when that happened. Christ, when do we officially get to ignore these deranged fuckwits?
  3. Nobody ever mentions the Arsenal game, presumably because instead of the heartbreak narrative it was just a case of a dogshit performance. Awful.
  4. And of course, even if we were going to double his wages he would never sign for us on account of his astonishing loyalty to Sunderland
  5. We’d be giving him super money. He would be around his mates and the shit bars in Boldon his family hang about in. The whole thing just feels like the worst possible direction we should be going in with our new owners. He is also a cunt.
  6. Well, he’s right. The odds can be whatever they are, but you won’t win. Thinking otherwise is what bookie scum want people to do
  7. It’s always related to how well your own club is doing too. Becomes very tempting to take your own disappointment at your team and move it outwards to encompass the whole game in such a way as to not look fickle. Hornby does this in Fever Pitch but does cop to it, in fairness.
  8. Hugely unfair if season ticket holders get to buy extra
  9. The one on its own is presumably the driver’s
  10. Yeah, I paid something like 900 quid for my seat in the East Stand last summer.
  11. For years we tortured ourselves with this unfounded idea that City’s owners were in for us but did a runner for whatever reason. Would love it to be Chelsea’s turn next.
  12. Something about Johnson's victim asking for it
  13. Surely the fake money would be in reference to our new owners? Still tacky, like.
  14. Hovagod

    On this day...

    Was good to hear our fans sing his name last weekend for this reason. Let’s reclaim our heroes
  15. People seem to enjoy their rage. I just get Linehan vibes from it now- it’s genuinely weird and uncomfortable. Hope they’re all okay and all of us can move on.
  16. Prediction: Whatever happens with Everton over the next month and couple of years, this somewhat enthusiastic rivalry that lots seems to be enjoying- if not manufacturing- online will fizzle out and be all but forgotten in a few years time. No such thing will ever happen to Sunderland, however much we pretend it has to irritate them.
  17. Both stay where they are.
  18. Went onto Ian Cusack’s blog earlier. Is everything okay with him? If anybody knows him it might be worth checking in.
  19. Things you didn’t expect to read in January.
  20. Looking on their forum, it seems that Leeds are considered the ones to catch now. No idea how feasible it is.
  21. It’s also the monomania. We talk about the thread dedicated to us, well, the numbers are astonishing but every forum has a thread like that about their rivals. But conversation about us bleeds into everything they talk about, usually by the end of the page. They’ll be talking about a reserve keeper or something and yet only ever one or two posts away from some deranged comment aimed at Newcastle United
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