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Everything posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. Oregon_Geordie

    Jacob Murphy

    Not sure why there's a need to highlight our own players and take a swing week in week out. He's clearly a good lad doing his best (in multiple roles) but a championship level player (in his best position). He'll be lucky to make the bench this time next year but he's helped us get to 7th (should be higher) and he loves the club. I don't think he's ever been shocking, nor ever played above a 7 at his best - I don't get it. Better things to worry about.
  2. Oregon_Geordie

    Joe Willock

    Not sure he's the smartest lad. Seems to lack a football brain at times. He's an athlete but not sure he's a great footballer. File under Miggy.
  3. Poor today, but feeding on scraps.
  4. Think the system is fine with ASM running and cutting in. But when you replace him with Murphy, Fraser etc etc you need to consider, playing out and out wingers and mixing it up. go more direct. The pass to Miggy to then cut back to trippier to cross is a little predictable tbh. I'd like to see more variation, but then again we need more wingers and stop pay Bruno so deep.
  5. Horse Shit. But Smiles and Runs around, right?
  6. Beneath the 3/4 quality players we have, the rest are still bang average. We can't play without ASM and Wilson. And we're missing Shelvey. Bruno needs to play higher. The only fucker with an eye for a pass are Tripps and Bruno. This inverted (shit) wingers formation aint great either - one of those days.
  7. Frustrating, one of those days. Almost as frustrating as Almiron, my patience with him and his 'right foot' is wearing very fucking thin. How a professional player can't kick with both feet is beyond me like. Midfield is too slow today. Where you need Bruno higher, Isak's had nowt into his feet.
  8. I'm fine with Longstaff on the Bench longer term but actually have more time for him at the moment then Willock. Longstaff clearly has an eye for that clever pass. Liverpool away and the similar ball for Wilson last season. He's playing as the deepest most central of our three and taking on a huge amount of responsibility tbh, he never hides and gives his all. I think he's better suited in one of the other two roles. I'd start him or Anderson over Willock, who I think is a little slow, mentally at times and also pulls out of some tackles. Murphy is super limited, if he had no pace, he'd be playing League 2 I'd imagine.
  9. Haha yeah, the lad next to me at St James was from Sydney. So we certainly get about, us Geordies. You too mate. Honestly can't beat being Home. The city is one of a kind.
  10. Worth the trip back from the states that one... typical! ha Thought we looked jaded as expected. Do agree Anderson needs to come in for Willock. Didn't think anyone particularly had a great game and we were blowing warm and cold most game. It was scrappy with little momentum. Just excited to see our west 11 when we can get them all out. Still can't beat Newcastle for a full match day - what a fucking city. I'm hanging today mind. Onwards and upwards!
  11. Great post! I'm flying home tomorrow from the US! Will be at Palace too, ready to cheer the lads on! Proud of this team and Manager. Special mention to Dan Burn also. The Guys a Warrior. Presses play on. I'm coming home Newcastle
  12. One of the worst strikers to ever wear the shirt. Sunday League standard. Always 2 seconds late to everything and run like a whale, trapped in a plastic bag. Loan to Gateshead.
  13. He is totally and utterly dogshite this lad. Offers nothing. As did Wood - like fucking Houdini!
  14. Think Willock is a little powder puff in the challenge, generally. Trippier gave him a bollocking later on in the game for pulling out of a 50/50 that nearly cost us.
  15. Love the guy. Agree on Longstaff hiding a little also. Think there was one point where Schar had the ball and was looking for an angle to pass into Longstaff. He never moved to open it up but stayed hidden behind the midfielder. Basics. Big Jo is there to break the play, the other two have the license to create, and today both did little. Also, the amount of ground he covers both centrally and for ASM on the left is ridiculous. I'd argue we would miss him more than Bruno in a game.
  16. He's heavy, immobile and plays on his heels. Other than the odd header and lay off he really offers nothing. Sure he's a great lad but he's simple not good enough to be starting for us or most EPL teams. His limitations far outweigh his strengths, I've said it before but he reminds me of your stereotypical 80's target man, unfortunately the game asks more of a striker these days.
  17. Lovely strike, and nice to see him sprinting back for their disallowed goal. I dont envy any one playing off Chris Wood. Used to have better strikers in the Newcastle West Sunday League.
  18. Did ok, but is quite one dimensional. Not quite great at anything but covering ground, slowly... Gave away the ball a fair bit today with some sloppy long ball attempts 6/10.
  19. Agree with this. Willock is average at best. Love how this lad always wants the ball.
  20. Just catching up on this! Fucking hell! Some singing. I for one look forward to just enjoying the lad develop and watch him link up with the other talent we're building up. Looks to have some pace, amazing feet and a hell of a strike! Excited for this one What a change we're witnessing at the club.
  21. All players make errors. It's part of the game. I didn't see any clangers today against arguably the best team in Europe. Excited to see him grow into the role.
  22. Oregon_Geordie

    João Pedro

    If we get this lad. I personally think he will be first class. Once he gets that Brazilian Geordie energy he'll be banging them in. If we were buying the kid straight from Fluminese with his undoubted ability and technical flair, we'd all be knocking one out. Give the lad a few months, his talent alongside better players and with Eddies coaching, he's gonna tear it up.
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