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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Best Bruno to ever play in the PL.
  2. The thought of PSG never winning the CL is fantastic.
  3. Every season about this time of year there is a random story about x club getting a points deduction to throw the relegation/top four/title fight into disarray. It never happens.
  4. mackems when they survived several times, Leicester the year before they won the league, us when we went down… there are loads of examples of it. Whether it consistently happens or if it’s just one or two teams every so often is up for debate.
  5. Pretty much every year the teams down the bottom get more points towards the end of the season, including some shock results against the too six.
  6. 4 points from Southampton and Everton and we’re safe. Especially if that’s a win at Everton. Only realistically need 8 points from 12 games. Based on their points earned so far, Burnley are set to reach 30 points. If you were generous and said they’ll get a higher proportion of points at the end of the season due to the fear of relegation, they’re still not going to get much higher than 36.
  7. Lampard buying Dele Alli on tick was outstanding. That chap who couldn’t be arsed to turn up for a top four battle being asked to try for a relegation one.
  8. Their run-in is horrendous Wolves, Newcastle, West Ham, Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Leicester, Brentford & Arsenal. Watford and Burnley to re-arrange too. What can they best hope for there? 12 points? Would happily bend over and accept the British cock from Burnley on the final day if it sends Everton down.
  9. 9 points from their last 19 games
  10. If it’s all Rafa’s fault, why can’t Lampard turn it around? Rafa got more points in his last five games as Everton manager than Lampard has got in his first five.
  11. Flicking through Grand Old Team tonight… Fuck me. Would love to beat these and add to their misery.
  12. Hope this ends up 5 or 6. Don’t let off, go for their throats Tottenham.
  13. I keep telling myself they’ll never go down but then they go and do shit like this
  14. The minutes from their supporters meeting with their part-time owner “MB (Senior Supporters) asked how the club judge the mental capacity of young players to play in front of 30,000 fans.”
  15. The problem is they just employ any ex-pro, all of which tend to have links still in the game that often disrupt their opinions. As we see with Bruce, playing the game doesn’t qualify you to have the knowledge to talk about it. Plenty of footballers are thick as fuck and have no idea on the tactical elements of the game, they just turn up and follow instructions. But the standard of journalism is equally as bad in this country. So there isn’t much of a talent pool to take from there either.
  16. That would also include, I assume, a bumper away end in comparison to what the likes of Cambridge and Ipswich would bring.
  17. Imagine someone trying to explain to you in December we’d have a £40m CL player on the bench to accommodate Jonjo Shelvey.
  18. Finally found his voice to criticise the manager today, which he failed to do despite OGS’s side putting in pathetic performances that far outweigh today.
  19. He’s got the turning circle of an Eddie Stobart.
  20. Absolutely died of laughter with this. That poor lad. Just wanted to talk football.
  21. He’s such a typical passionate fan. It’d be like shoving @ManDoonon Sky after we’ve just taken a pummelling.
  22. Challenged plenty with bookies only to get told to fuck off, basically If there is a way our excuse to not pay out, guarantee they’ll play for it (unless they want to use a big compassionate payout for a free marketing snippet).
  23. Has Rashford had a kick since he came on?
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