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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. They spent plenty of time looking at Chelsea’s.
  2. Said it earlier - will repeat it again. What is the point in VAR? Refs now don’t give decisions, knowing VAR will pick it up for them - problem is, it doesn’t. Diabolical.
  3. Fantail Breeze

    Dan Burn

    Lascelles coming in and trying to tell this beautiful man what to do.
  4. You panicking about people who aren’t panicking though And you’re panicking about him panicking that people aren’t panicking. Worrying.
  5. A front three of Almiron, Wood and Murphy is about as impotent as you could get 5 goals and 1 assist between them in 67 games this season.
  6. Assuming you’re basing that on the Daily Mail rather than actual first hand experience?
  7. This was actually a bit of a myth, his ‘offside record’ is actually no worse than quite a few strikers. For example: Cisse - 106 offsides in 117 appearances Wood - 160 offsides in 162 appearances Vardy - 246 offsides in 263 appearances
  8. This, this and this. They’re no more evil than our ancestors. They haven’t modernised, like many other places and cultures. Two wrongs don’t make a right though, obviously. It’s abhorrent, like it was years ago here.
  9. Watching the Championship makes me miss pre-VAR football. It’s such an easier sport to watch knowing a decision is actually the decision, rather than waiting around to see if it goes to VAR and then if anything changes once it does. When we’re still seeing incorrect and ludicrous decision in most matches, what is the point?
  10. Didn’t give it purely because it resulted in a goal. If it didn’t and they had to give a pen, nailed on he’d have been sent off. Ridiculous but happens quite often.
  11. An Everton loss and wins for Leeds and Watford today please Now we’re safe, it’d be glorious to watch them get relegated.
  12. Anything other than a morale-crunching thrashing is fine here.
  13. His playing career was also based on following his dad around.
  14. Fantail Breeze

    Dan Burn

    Been absolutely brilliant for us. Was underwhelmed by him and Targett but they’ve both been great. Wrong about both of them.
  15. Everything will be. They’ve lost everything. Now we’re on our way to being successful, relegation threat has gone, Eddie is doing well - they’ve got nothing to hang onto other than KSA/sports washing/buying our success. That’s all we’ll hear from them for eternity now. Bless them.
  16. Much better last night. Took his goal well, fantastic ball in from Shelvey too.
  17. If Everton go down I’ll be so erect they could sell my sweat as Viagra.
  18. Next away shirt should be Joelinton heads.
  19. Don’t beat these and I’ll be back up to a 10.
  20. The fuck are Three doing to afford that? They only have about 20 people with contracts don’t they?
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