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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Absolutely hate the guy on the PA system at Man City.
  2. Sky with an absolutely useless camera angle for that free kick.
  3. Having someone like McTominey in the team explains why Man Utd are so shite atm. He’s about as good as Longstaff who can’t even get a game for us.
  4. Bruce tried to flog him. Says it all really.
  5. He’s a player who thrives when the going is good, but can’t motivate himself when it’s not so good. He’d never drag us out of the shit by the scruff of the neck, he’d be stood watching it happen around him.
  6. The stark difference between this and OGS is insane. A team set up with a clear plan and instructions. The quality of that team is questionable though.
  7. Like everything, it happens once and then everyone is desperate to become the next have-a-go hero.
  8. They’re effectively Ashley’s NUFC but on a grander scale with more money, imo. No investment in the infrastructure, money syphoned out, whatever money is spent is to grease the palms of an agent or someone in a dodgy deal, staff employed in senior roles who have absolutely no clue. Fergie held it all together, like Rafa did here to some degree. But apart from that it’s been a shambles. Their 4th place was our 17th. No interest in winning anything as long as they stay in the CL gravyboat.
  9. Agree with this - reckon it’ll be a storming 2-2 or something.
  10. But we also find that four of his teammates have run forward, which he’s ignored, and the opposition come away with the ball and play through the gaps in our team. Not so great when defending a lead. It’s the same as the praise for Wood. While we’re winning games it’s not so important, but during that terrible run at the start of Howe’s reign, we could’ve done with less blind alleys and more passes. That said, he’s the least of our problems and one of a few players who we should keep next season.
  11. Is it too late to hang out of my bedroom window holding it up?
  12. Why do people have little bags of money? Love that he’s such a crazy bastard.
  13. Hodgson getting booed already
  14. Can someone explain to me, in straightforward terms what all of this Helios stuff is about?
  15. He’s just really inconsistent in general. For every Everton performance, there are three terrible ones. I suppose that’s why he’s playing for us and not Man City. He’s essential to play though because even his bad games are better than the other option of Jacob Murphy.
  16. Top of the Classiest Club league though.
  17. Arsenal look so class at times under Arteta but then they’ll follow it up with a honking performance.
  18. I think we’ll get 4 points from Southampton/Everton which will virtually see us safe.
  19. I thought the same and have backed them already I often find some strange odds like that particularly in the French and Spanish second divisions.
  20. Holy shit. The video of the poor chap where people were trying to pull him to safety, only for the fans to pull him back and kick him in. He’s literally already unconscious ffs.
  21. They’re so good Quest didn’t even show any highlights from the first half
  22. So realistic that Everton get 7 points from their remaining 15 games (which is the same as our first 14 games despite not winning a single match) and we only get 7 points from our final 13 despite being the 2nd most in-form team in the league. Gonna be some crumble for the two of us.
  23. Fantail Breeze

    Jacob Murphy

    Which is absolutely the right level for all three of them.
  24. Fantail Breeze

    Dan Burn

    Been a good signing, was totally wrong about him. Plays really well with Schar.
  25. Looked okay but doesn’t mean he should stay in the team.
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