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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Get used to it. Being groomed by the BBC to replace Lineker for some unknown reason.
  2. Saying that Palace didn’t play well is disgusting. They were fantastic. The second(?) goal was absolutely delicious play.
  3. Pre-VAR that’d been given as a penalty all day long. Refs don’t make decisions these days - relying on a technology to prove them wrong when the onus is to not do so. Farcical.
  4. They’ve used the only angle that’d ever get this line in that position like We’re looking at it miles behind the actual play.
  5. VAR managing to find some sort of bizarre angle/freeze frame to give that is quite impressive.
  6. His goal record this season of 1 in 5 and tracking back through his games this season seems to suggest it’s true. Even during our run of good form I can only really pick out the Everton & Man Utd games where he was good. Since Howe came in, those two games plus Brentford and maybe Norwich at home. I can easily recall many more games where he’s been incredibly poor or completely uninterested: Liverpool, Villa, Man City, Cambridge, Arsenal, Leicester, cameos at Everton, Chelsea & Brighton.
  7. Really appreciate your updates on here. Have such a soft spot for Barton (I know, it’s wrong to) and with Anderson there too it’s great to hear how it’s going.
  8. Said it numerous times but he performs well about once every five games, mainly because of his decision making and selfishness. For now, we can just about accept that as a bottom half team. Will that be good enough next season, or the season after? Nah. He’s a loveable maverick and does some brilliant charity and local work but he’s not going to last long. He’ll be off to Nice/Marseille or somewhere.
  9. If you played Gayle for 90 minutes for 16 consecutive games, he’d more than likely have achieved more than 1 goal and 0 assists like. They’re both shite, but Wood is diabolical.
  10. Scholes reminds me so much of Pete from Gavin and Stacey. Especially since he started snogging feet.
  11. Not a good night in the lower leagues. Everyone around them picking up points in their games in hand. Clinging onto their playoff place with their fingertips.
  12. Not even the worst refereeing performance this week. Thought he did well. Tried to let the game flow and not book every single foul.
  13. No idea where Lampard gets any credibility from at all. Been shite in his previous two jobs and nothing to suggest he’ll be a good manager other than his name as a player. Rafa still getting the blame and stick but he got more points in his final six games than Lampard has got in his first six. The games were much harder too. Lampard’s deadline day signings were suicidal too.
  14. Would be easier just to buy the sniff in Boro.
  15. That statement from Middlesbrough is ace.
  16. I don’t get this “favouring the big teams” crap. This very weekend alone we’ve seen Liverpool not get a clear decision in their favour through VAR. Every team feels hard done by. The clear answer in all of that is that all teams are affected by the incompetence. Just google “*team name* and referee decisions” and I can guarantee you’ll find article after article after article like the ones below, just using three of the “top six” as an example: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/man-united-var-referee-decisions-20328660.amp https://www.goal.com/en/amp/news/everything-against-chelsea-tuchel-bemoans-referee-decisions/blteb93e5cb1884a739 https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/liverpool-var-premier-league-decision-22164758.amp
  17. No chance that deal goes through with the complications on both sides. How can he actually sell Chelsea in this situation? Where would the money go?
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