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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. Big shout to the lad with the Joelinton flag at Silverstone this weekend!
  2. We are gradually building a stronger squad.. we are not in a position to have worldies on our bench just yet. Plus if this lad had been playing abroad with his goals and assists record people would be all over this. Please don't make him the next boo boy
  3. Would the majority of us be excited if we were signing him today... probably yes. Did he have a bad season due to fitness, ability or fitting in the team dynamic... Probably two out of three. Did his fitness coincide with a team on a massive winning streak.. yes. And I think the latter impacted him more than anything as he went from starter to a squad player, a fans favourite to a boo boy. Same happened to Ginola, Robert and Ben Arfa.. once the manager didn't trust them their faults appeared. (Maybe more to do with the difference in managers )
  4. We don't need to worry about lack of links in the press. Which half the time are purposely pushed by selling clubs, agents or click bait. Seems we do our work behind closed doors on players that are on our list despite clubs not proactively selling. We have probably had a number of knock backs but then deals like Bruno, Isak and Sandro come good.
  5. Can we get this played pre game instead of the normal crap!
  6. Why not we (allegedly) have got them out of hole with the Saudi transfers lol
  7. Nathan Collins has now had 3 summer transfers in a row totalling £64 million... And I can honestly say I have no idea who the kid is? Stoke Burnley Wolves And now Brentford Honestly today highlights how mad the game has gone.
  8. Robson had his blue chip players, Pardew his purples. Think Botman, Isak and Tonali are the start of golden generation!
  9. Think he knows he would never pass a medical anywhere else... So a reduce wage here is better then pay as you play elsewhere?
  10. Depends what you choose to believe.. Talk of southampton wanting to inflate the transfer fee to cover the 40% sell on clause is going to limit his options. But the only ones who can afford it will no doubt have a player he sees as competition. very unlikely both him or Southampton will get what they want
  11. Can help the u23s? Didn't Liverpool sign Joe Spearing for that kind of role ? Second return to Liverpool On 17 June 2022, Spearing was registered as a player for the Under-21s team as an over-aged player.
  12. Randomly it's being played across two countries and they decided the split would only meet in the final
  13. The prices they are after it amazes me they are heading to the championship and not the champions league!
  14. If you sort you core out it lifts the team... Or maybe we actually have long term plans for other positions next year when more funds become available. Still think we are running ahead of our strategy and are not ready to buy the players we want.
  15. Maybe overtime we can positively change their perspective through the club ? I mean a women's team is one small step in the right direction. The fact Amanda has such a positive presence another?
  16. I also wonder if the local journalists know they have been played and no longer push transfer links... Don't think I've even seen any new names for two weeks?
  17. 48 pages on non transfer rumours Can we please lock it down and start again...
  18. To be fair it will not be the first non England friendlies played in the UK. Mostly played in London in smaller grounds (QPR springs to mind) but this does come with added grief in my eyes. Plus will Mexico have the pull of a crowd as say a Brazil with a couple of our players playing.
  19. Again it would be another top 6 team to spend a big chunk of their budget. (although I thought Liverpool were the poorest club in the league according to their fans!) Just makes it easier for us to complete our out of the blue deals with no competition!
  20. Next week the market will pick up... Chelsea, Barca etc will have cleared their squads out Rice, Mount will have made their moves West Ham will have money to burn Leeds, Leicester will begin their fire sales Villa will continue to buy players (how do they get around FFP ?) Kane will drag on all summer and then stay for one more year. we will have Mctominay links on repeat but then buy a young worldie out of the blue. I'm not coping lads
  21. I hear you but... Just don't like him so going with my take lol
  22. Three seasons, 19 league goals in 90 league games for Chelsea. Its not like he has been playing in a poor team either? ( This season apart)
  23. I'm hoping the Club are waiting for the new reporting year and things start moving from next week. More so for the forums sanity as I think we all need that hit of excitement a random out of the blue transfer brings.
  24. My two pennies on Arsenal... I didn't once look at Arsenals performance last year and think they needed a Cdm or CF ...( Pretty much like I never thought we needed David Batty and Asprilla back in the day but that's another story lol) Maybe they needed to replace a couple of outgoings but just think there was better value then 170 million for the two they bought. But if it means they are now out of the market for other player's thats great news for us.
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