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Everything posted by AJ9

  1. @Froggy. Re the money, I know, but is their interest unlimited? Like what value do people place on a PIF franchise league where each club is basically owned by the same people. Edit - the way I see it is if the City Group clubs started a league and just bought all the best players to play against each other. Beyond the initial interest, would people really give a shit about the competition? And if the interest doesn’t sustain, do PIF continue to pump money into it?
  2. With the amount of money going on wages in Saudi Arabia, in reality no club is going to be able to sustain it unless there is some sort of massive TV or commercial deal going on to support the league. So how could it be at all sustainable? Unless PIF continues to finance the whole league structure, but then if all the clubs are in essence owned by the same people, like PIF franchise clubs, what is the point of the competition?
  3. So good to watch this after the fuck on with memberships ?
  4. Apologies I probs need a break from this place. It’s driving me up the wall.
  5. Let’s play a game to see who has got the most stupid fucking opinion on this forum. I’ll start us off - Eddie Howe isn’t a top manager. Anyone else want to outdo me?
  6. AJ9

    Sandro Tonali

    God fucking end this nightmare already. Burn the bastard forum to the ground.
  7. Honestly man, what is the matter with people this summer? Some of the things people are spouting are completely skewed. We’ve not had two years since the takeover.
  8. AJ9

    Lewis Miley

    Must be fucking gutting to have that happen like. My nephew has been playing football in the same team as his cousin. Both got asked to train with Rangers, his cousin has been kept on and my nephew didn’t. Was a sore one for him and he’s only 8.
  9. AJ9

    Elliot Anderson

    Really like him. I think he needs to stay and push for a place in the team.
  10. AJ9

    Harvey Barnes

  11. We don’t demand a club that wins, we demand the club buys all the players I like
  12. Bullshit, basically. It’s pretty clear the scousers are hurting and are scared of us. Petty little crooks.
  13. AJ9

    Tino Livramento

    Spot the “you guys” in the post and it’ll no doubt match up…
  14. Nice kit, but wacky but that’s the right vibe for a 3rd kit.
  15. I do think your signings will be good mind. I like the look of that midfield.
  16. Aye I agree. I mean I’m not saying that in the sense that we always worry and they’re always shite…there’s a very good chance they’ll be near us next season. I just think we always worry about them, and I don’t think we really need to be worried about anyone.
  17. Feels like every season we worry about Villa. It’s become a bit of a ritual. They’ll probably do well this season tbf.
  18. This argument is all a bit Ben Arfa now… Though of course Hatem was a much better player than Maxi.
  19. AJ9

    Harvey Barnes

    How many top teams can you think of that has a player doing what ASM does? City won everything last year with Grealish and Silva…I don’t think you really need what ASM offers to be successful to be honest. Especially in these days where the system and tactics are king.
  20. AJ9

    Harvey Barnes

    He can’t half finish like. All the chuntering will stop once he starts rifling them in from 20 yards. Not many capable of doing that in our side.
  21. Any kind of wedge for guys like him is frankly amazing. Glad he’s on his way.
  22. It used to be the case that if you book early enough and look for the east coast mainline trains that go all the way through to Glasgow, you could get better deals on tickets. Anything that involved a change onto the Scotrail train between Edinburgh and Glasgow was usually pretty expensive.
  23. A lot of the stuff to do with the old firm people seem to turn a blind eye to now compared to a few years ago when people were getting pulled for sectarian chanting and such. I’ve come across the UBs at away games…I wouldn’t say they’re necessarily more aggro than your average away support in the prem, lots of drinking and powder going about, but they are intimidating. Saw Ross County vs Rangers last year and they basically just took over the pubs in Dingwall and do whatever they like. Having said that there wasn’t any bother, but that’s probably because the locals in these sleepy places tend to let them get on with it. From colleagues that have kids in schools in Glasgow, some of the kids that join in the UBs are shall we say, the hard cunts and obviously they have a political persuasion…but again, I’ve not seen any evidence of proper trouble. There does seem to be a sort of culture ingrained with both sides of the old firm with the pyros and displays about making a “show of force” - some of the title celebrations over the past few years have been wild and kind of shut down the city. Most of them are organised by the UB and the green brigade. Also always found it very strange the way fireworks became a thing in Glasgow the past few years. I know this isn’t related to the ultra movement, but more the wider culture of getting one over “them”, you’d hear wee davey in springburn or wherever letting off fireworks in the backgarden as soon as full time went in the old firm. Replicated across the city. Always found it a bit mad really and again seemed linked to this idea of making a show of strength.
  24. Howe sees Anderson as an option in midfield, so unless he goes on loan I think that’s our lot for midfield
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