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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Botman is just class.. aways in the right place it seems and can play a pass.
  2. Looks like every player knows how to play the system howe wants.. My god its light years from this time last year.. so excited for the season
  3. ?? I'm not serious mate. Was Joking about the club adding to this price tag after last night...not his actual value ?
  4. He added 15m just last night unfortunately
  5. Closer to deadline day the more appealing money will start to look to these clubs.
  6. Yeah but Barnes is a boring name..so he's probably rubbish
  7. was a loan from the owner I think.
  8. Very good run out this.. almiron and trips are different level, longstaff looked decent and botman is a rock..
  9. Gaztoon

    Emil Krafth

    Absolutely deserved. His turn around as been just as impressive as big joes.
  10. Don't think I am over the top by saying.. this guy could end up the best player we've ever had.
  11. They know we won't spent 60-70m on one player.. but always stick our name on the end of tweets
  12. Loving how nobody in the media as a clue what's really going on.. The appointment of eales showed that.
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