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Everything posted by Joelinton7

  1. He’s whinging again. Is this all he does? How they dare enforce the rules on us. As if we have to pay for our own stadium! We wanted Newcastle’s sporting director than less than what they paid for him and they won’t give him to us, it’s just not fair! Next PL meeting should involve a unanimous vote to get this guy to shut his gob.
  2. I agree, Villa are moving at a pace with Monchi. Definitely puts us a step behind at the min.
  3. Designs apart, how have Castore managed to weasel themselves into so many contracts despite being unquestionably shit in every area of product delivery and customer service?
  4. That’s So Czech. The hit new tv show where contestants have to guess if something is Czech or not! Staropramen! That’s So Czech! I’ll get out now
  5. Calafiori and Zirkzee
  6. I want them fully investigated. I want forensics looking at all of their dealings, all of their hotels, every floor. I want Boehly’s cat’s shit examined. Leave no stone unturned. They need to be taken down. There’s no way everything is above board there.
  7. This is how fkd up psr/ffp is. Sell your best player or one of your most promising young players to one of the top teams, or we’ll fine and deduct points from you.
  8. Do Adidas even do the names on the back? Also, it’s a bit different to shirts literally falling apart, having badges upside down or in some cases missing completely.
  9. Joelinton7

    Fabian Schär

    Fabi getting a bit excited at beating Hungary
  10. Rio about Bellingham - “this is my game and I am him”. Fucking hell. Does everything he says come from some EPL Twitter banter account. You’re 45 mate.
  11. They’re “threatening” to walk away from Branthwaite now. Nice of them to do the groundwork for City though when he inevitably ends up there.
  12. So true, it’s utterly ridiculous. Telegraph says now they have no intention of going near the £70m Everton want. Saying Man U offered £35m + £8m add ons.
  13. How dare Everton be “not willing to negotiate” an offer amounting to less than half of what they’re asking for one of their best players. Man U taking the high road to some other defender.
  14. Joelinton7

    Lloyd Kelly

    Was down at Longsands on Tuesday. Bloody lovely it was.
  15. Basically Karius’ replacement with no expectation that he’ll play. So I fully expect him to be starting for us in a cup final in 8 months.
  16. He’ll carry on through it all, like a waterfall
  17. Thing is, it’s not a strategic approach with some long-term big brain plan behind it, you just don’t have the money. It’s been stated several times in the press post Rat’s arrival that this is the case. Rat is there to keep costs down and placate fan unrest. The Glazers have spent untold billions (like good owners do) and he’s there to tighten belts. All the signs are there. Low ball bids, trying to use media pressure to push prices down, asking for a free stadium. I’m baffled when I read links to top players on Sky Sports, for high prices. Top players don’t go to Man Utd for a start, and they can’t afford them. Maybe if you sell a high proportion of your top earners but that’s far easier said than done. No one in their right mind is buying such highly paid damaged goods. What Rat’s doing now, lowballing, Ashley did it with us, and we watched on as we missed out on key target after key target because he wouldn’t (couldn’t) pay the extra which set us back years. This started a chain reaction of dampening expectations, which has already begun with your lot. He also appointed incompetent people in positions of power who’d take the criticism and stand up for him (cough cough). Obviously the soup of delusion is thicker with your lot so it’ll take longer but we already see it with your fans being over the moon to win the FA Cup. But you finished 8th and are nowhere near being title challengers anymore. You’re being overtaken by us and others, regularly get beaten by teams you would have brushed aside years ago, have a farcical media circus surrounding the club (mainly built up of ex players who don’t have the club’s best interests at heart). The football is just the worst. ten Hag had been sacked about ten times before you decided to give him a new contract. I couldn’t think of another club with a bigger gap between expectation and reality.
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