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Steve McClaren


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Time and time again you utter useless f***ing c*** even a f***ing blind man can see your tactics and f***ing formation do not f***ing work. I never though we could possibly get a manager worse than Pardew but f***ing hell well done Charnley you have succeeded.


Tbf this was down to Carr's recommendation. Charnley and Ashley know f*** all about football so they'd have gone along with it.


Be best if we did go down, and stayed down. Maybe then we might be rid of the fat c*** and his cronies.


You maybe right and agree the whole lot of the cunts need to go as this club is a fucking shambles.

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I liked what he was doing at the start, possession football and it seemed to be progressing. But the fixture list meant he lost a lot and bottled it. Now I think it's too late to change back.

Even that possession style was utterly shite like


Well I didn't think so but it's a moot point now.

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So he's had half a season

- The team hasn't got any better

- He doesn't know a formation or style of play that works

- There is no upward trend

- Other teams around us are starting to gain momentum


Thing is he'll lose the job, but only once the january window has closed.

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I liked what he was doing at the start, possession football and it seemed to be progressing. But the fixture list meant he lost a lot and bottled it. Now I think it's too late to change back.

Even that possession style was utterly shite like


Well I didn't think so but it's a moot point now.

We didn't win a game when we had that style though. The only time we've been remotely effective is when all we had to do was sit back and break once in a while

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Inspiring - no

Charismatic - no

Tactically versatile - no


I really thought he might be the type of honest manager to accept his system and selections have become a hindrance and be open to letting pride go and change. Disappointing.


He and his team obviously can't get the best out of any of our players. That would be a huge question for me as a boss willing to give him a further 50m to turn things around. 


Yeah its always going to take time to turn things around and build a new culture with the inherent problems and attitudes ingrained in players but he was never what we needed. Maybe as a dof but never as a manager. I said it then, now and inbetween we desperately needed charisma and inspiration to bring the fans and club back together and to inspire the players.


Hugely dissapointed to be watching another relegation fight which more than ever, including the year we went down, I am resigned to us losing.


He is gone. It's just a matter of how long Ashley or his goons will wait to sack him. It's not getting better and no player we get in January will turn it around because he isnt able to organize, inspire of utilize them properly.

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Shit football, shit results. Back where we deserve in the relegation spots.


The Villa game was the moment we had to truly turn a corner and we couldn't manage to attack and defeat the leagues shittest side at home. If we won that well we could have built some momentum to then take on Everton and this game on a high. Instead we've sleepwalked back in to shit performances, and McClaren will have to try something else to dig us out of this mess.

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I do have sympathy for him in that the players, on the whole, aren't good enough and are totally ill-suited, but he needs to do something different now. It's all become stale bar the odd spell.


I just can't have sympathy though when he continues week after week to use the same formation and players out of position. Wijnaldum and Sissoko will never be wingers in a month of Sundays and Dummett and Colback are just plain and utter garbage.

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I've spoken at length about how crap I think the squad is. And I do think he's hamstrung to some degree.


But he's been awful. He's not changing anything. He can't even maintain momentum. Rarely changes anything. The last two results before today are looking even worse with Villa & Everton losing comfortably/at home. He's everything negatively that i was expecting and worse.

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I agree they're better footballers but they're both bottle jobs when it comes to getting stuck in and mixing it in the middle of the park.



We need to offer something going forwards and we don't do that enough through the middle, we don't need all of our players getting stuck in because we're inviting teams onto us constantly.  We should be looking to take it to the opposition a bit more and giving them something to think about instead of the ball going into the middle and going sideways or backwards.

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I do have sympathy for him in that the players, on the whole, aren't good enough and are totally ill-suited, but he needs to do something different now. It's all become stale bar the odd spell.


I just can't have sympathy though when he continues week after week to use the same formation and players out of position. Wijnaldum and Sissoko will never be wingers in a month of Sundays and Dummett and Colback are just plain and utter garbage.


Neither of the first two are PL CM's imo.

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What player who values their career one bit going to want to come and play under this shower.


clearly the present lot aren't even willing to play decent to entice a new club, so, give 'em a good contract ,doss for a couple of years and hey presto your a multi millionaire who don't give a sh*t

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I don't rate him and I think he's made some very poor decisions particularly in the last three games, but I am withholding total judgement.


If we've not made adequate reinforcements in January and plod on with more defeats, by the end of February he'll rightly be absolutely reviled. He's on the board, he's signed up to all of this; so if he's content just to sit and allow the club to be eaten by the cunts at the very top - just as his predecessor was happy to do - he'll get a similar level of stick from me.


The squad has a few scrapes of talent here and there but it is simply not good enough to consolidate a position in the league. That needs addressing; and if it doesn't, McClaren is accountable from various angles.

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I do have sympathy for him in that the players, on the whole, aren't good enough and are totally ill-suited, but he needs to do something different now. It's all become stale bar the odd spell.


I just can't have sympathy though when he continues week after week to use the same formation and players out of position. Wijnaldum and Sissoko will never be wingers in a month of Sundays and Dummett and Colback are just plain and utter garbage.


Neither of the first two are PL CM's imo.


Wijnaldum is more of a number 10 though and I woul be playing him there. Sissoko is a better option than Colback though even a f***ing lego toy is a better option than him and to be fair some of Sissoko's best gmes have come from midfield. I'm no a great Sissoko fan as although he has ability he just doesn't do it often enough for me but at the same time any f***er is better than that useless mackem c***.

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