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Its a funny one. I used to care very little but having moved to Scotland i feel its more of a duty than a desire. Certainly enjoy watching Englnd games but then again i enjoy going to see Cowdenbeath versus Berwick.


For me club all the way and apart from the banter at work tomorrow i'll be more interested in the banter with my boss who's a Liverpool season ticket holder in the run up to Saturday.

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Guest alijmitchell

Dissapointed in the sort of we should do better kind of way, but more because we deserved it. Actually just underwhelmed by it rather than dissapointed, because tbh i could see it happen when we equalised. I couldn't give a fuck that we're not there, as it would actually be nice to enjoy the football without the fucking cockney press/average england twat fan spraying their loads all over the place. Just the feeling of 'fuck me could they really not pull their fucking fingers out and put in a perfomance for once?'.

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Am I allowed to say I'm gutted that a team I support has gone out of a major tournament or will I have my soopafan badge revoked?


Why some people wear it as a badge of honour is beyond me.


Haha! You clearly don't support Newcastle.



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Am I allowed to say I'm gutted that a team I support has gone out of a major tournament or will I have my soopafan badge revoked?


Why some people wear it as a badge of honour is beyond me.


Because they are arseholes.


I'm gutted, because I'm an English football fan. I support England for the same reason that I support Newcastle - it's where i'm from. There is no conflict, except for retards.

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Good poll.

But you missed "Angry at the idiocy of the manager and the sheer laziness and stupidity (not to say lack of ability) of the players"

Or did you think that would have been a bit long ? :D

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There is no conflict, except for retards.


So everybody has to be an England fan if they are a toon fan, and if you're not you are a retard?????








What a fucking spakka.

No, but there isn't a conflict imo. People seem to think you're more of a soopafan if you hate England. Can't get my head round it personally and I'd love someone to explain why they think the way they do.

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How does hating England make you a supa fan?


Newcastle forst for me followed by England.


I'm neither disappointed or angry with Englands failure, we could all see there was something wrong half way through the qualifyers. 





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How does hating England make you a supa fan?


Newcastle forst for me followed by England.


I'm neither disappointed or angry with Englands failure, we could all see there was something wrong half way through the qualifyers. 





Doesn't necessarily apply to you but a few on here (who are English) see it as the badge of honour Wullie mentioned imo. See Nobby for example. Could a user name be more apt btw? :razz:

Personally I'm gutted despite the fact we could see there were problems within the side. I think the way we were given a lifeline made it worse in terms of disappointment. I.e. we couldn't even get a home draw in our last match when we needed one. For me though, McLaren should have been sacked even if we went through and I said that when it was 2-2.

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A bit disappointed, aye, but not too bad. McClaren's gone now, so at least we got something out of it. I just hope that Sweden fucks up now, can't stand them tbh. Everyone got a chip on their shoulder about England, especially after Sven and it's becomming tedious having to explain to these stupid fuckers that just because mcclaren is a retard (sorry, that's harsh on the those that actually are retarded) doesn't make Sven's reigm any better.

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Guest Geordiesned

I was disappointed last night but am over it today. I won't like watching the finals next summer though without England, or any home nation for that matter. At least at USA 94 the Republic of Ireland qualified.

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