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Mort: I’m in charge

Mr Logic

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Placards should be strung up from the rafters and noises of disapproval should be raised, on the final home game of the season, in the event of Owen leaving in January under the proviso of board not supplying the necessary funds in order to find a ready-made replacement.


Shepherd would've been on the receiving end of this very treatment - despite rubberstamping Souness' 25m+ acquisition of England's no.1 Hitman in Owen, and one of Spain's brightest attacking talents in Luque.......... and Martins for Roeder - and the same rule should apply to Mort & Ashley. *two 10m+ acquisitions who both saved us from relegation in separate seasons.


It's all good and well for Mort to be media savy by laying out a grand plan off-the-pitch and it's been to his benefit. 'Foundation building' is the right idea and it's what supporters want to hear from a new regime who are trying to earn their stripes from the supporter base. Talk of 'direction' gives supporters hope. Combine this with Ashley seemingly winning over the hearts of some by rolling up to home games draped in a replica shirt.


But you know what it's still 'hot air' to me. The 'foundation building' Mort and Fredbob speak of - ie. The Arsenal Model - will take an even longer before any comparable benefits are reaped in our case when you consider that the well travelled Wenger arrived at Arsenal with his own network of personal contacts in place, in France/Africa and Sth America that is. In our case - ie. scouting networks, contacts etc - at present it's bare bones stuff and i don't think Allardyce has the same resources, from his own experience, in his locker as compared with Wenger and therefore our approach should be balanced ie. The Arsenal Youth Model combined with signing at least one marquee player a season according to departures & team needs.


To borrow a well worn cliche 'Rome wasn't built in a day' but remember Wenger in the infancy of his empire building, when restructuring the already mention foundations/club direction at Arsenal re-youth, was still backed by his board in signing the one marquee attacking midfielder - ie. Bergkamp - who made an immediate impact. Until he does likewise Mort's 'foundation building' talk will stay in the realms of 'hot air' imo.


In relation to how far Mort is prepared to back Allardyce, January remains a litmus test imo.



so we should start planning now to protest 9 months early? and january is the test of any boards buying intentions? yep, ok mate

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Placards should be strung up from the rafters and noises of disapproval should be raised, on the final home game of the season, in the event of Owen leaving in January under the proviso of board not supplying the necessary funds in order to find a ready-made replacement.


Shepherd would've been on the receiving end of this very treatment - despite rubberstamping Souness' 25m+ acquisition of England's no.1 Hitman in Owen, and one of Spain's brightest attacking talents in Luque.......... and Martins for Roeder - and the same rule should apply to Mort & Ashley. *two 10m+ acquisitions who both saved us from relegation in separate seasons.


It's all good and well for Mort to be media savy by laying out a grand plan off-the-pitch and it's been to his benefit. 'Foundation building' is the right idea and it's what supporters want to hear from a new regime who are trying to earn their stripes from the supporter base. Talk of 'direction' gives supporters hope. Combine this with Ashley seemingly winning over the hearts of some by rolling up to home games draped in a replica shirt.


But you know what it's still 'hot air' to me. The 'foundation building' Mort and Fredbob speak of - ie. The Arsenal Model - will take an even longer before any comparable benefits are reaped in our case when you consider that the well travelled Wenger arrived at Arsenal with his own network of personal contacts in place, in France/Africa and Sth America that is. In our case - ie. scouting networks, contacts etc - at present it's bare bones stuff and i don't think Allardyce has the same resources, from his own experience, in his locker as compared with Wenger and therefore our approach should be balanced ie. The Arsenal Youth Model combined with signing at least one marquee player a season according to departures & team needs.


To borrow a well worn cliche 'Rome wasn't built in a day' but remember Wenger in the infancy of his empire building, when restructuring the already mention foundations/club direction at Arsenal re-youth, was still backed by his board in signing the one marquee attacking midfielder - ie. Bergkamp - who made an immediate impact. Until he does likewise Mort's 'foundation building' talk will stay in the realms of 'hot air' imo.


In relation to how far Mort is prepared to back Allardyce, January remains a litmus test imo.



Good post.


Long term building needs to be balanced with significant first team needs...There isn't much ground in making it appear one is more important than the other imo. Both need addressing.

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Placards should be strung up from the rafters and noises of disapproval should be raised, on the final home game of the season, in the event of Owen leaving in January under the proviso of board not supplying the necessary funds in order to find a ready-made replacement.


Shepherd would've been on the receiving end of this very treatment - despite rubberstamping Souness' 25m+ acquisition of England's no.1 Hitman in Owen, and one of Spain's brightest attacking talents in Luque.......... and Martins for Roeder - and the same rule should apply to Mort & Ashley. *two 10m+ acquisitions who both saved us from relegation in separate seasons.


It's all good and well for Mort to be media savy by laying out a grand plan off-the-pitch and it's been to his benefit. 'Foundation building' is the right idea and it's what supporters want to hear from a new regime who are trying to earn their stripes from the supporter base. Talk of 'direction' gives supporters hope. Combine this with Ashley seemingly winning over the hearts of some by rolling up to home games draped in a replica shirt.


But you know what it's still 'hot air' to me. The 'foundation building' Mort and Fredbob speak of - ie. The Arsenal Model - will take an even longer before any comparable benefits are reaped in our case when you consider that the well travelled Wenger arrived at Arsenal with his own network of personal contacts in place, in France/Africa and Sth America that is. In our case - ie. scouting networks, contacts etc - at present it's bare bones stuff and i don't think Allardyce has the same resources, from his own experience, in his locker as compared with Wenger and therefore our approach should be balanced ie. The Arsenal Youth Model combined with signing at least one marquee player a season according to departures & team needs.


To borrow a well worn cliche 'Rome wasn't built in a day' but remember Wenger in the infancy of his empire building, when restructuring the already mention foundations/club direction at Arsenal re-youth, was still backed by his board in signing the one marquee attacking midfielder - ie. Bergkamp - who made an immediate impact. Until he does likewise Mort's 'foundation building' talk will stay in the realms of 'hot air' imo.


In relation to how far Mort is prepared to back Allardyce, January remains a litmus test imo.



Dennis Bergkamp was signed by Bruce Rioch. See here if you don't believe me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Bergkamp)


Mort and Co are intelligent, well educated guys and they understand the club's situation more than any of us on here (they would have inherited all sorts of issues from Shepherds running of the club behind the scenes I'm sure).


It's up to Mort and Co to deliver on our potential and I'd like to think they realise that means implementing long term, sustainable plans and not the sticky plaster mentality of the past regimes.


That doesn't mean less emphasis on the short term, but it will mean chucking resource at those planning for and working towards the long term.


I get the impression that some people are waiting with baited breath for him or Ashley to fuck up in order to use it as some sort of justification of the previous regime and their handling of club affairs?


He's not put a foot wrong in my opinion and long may it continue.


Continuity and stability may be buzzwords but they're exactly what we need and in Sam and Mort I'm confident that in the medium term we'll be a much better club for it.


I, for one, thank him for his work so far.

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I get the impression that some people are waiting with baited breath for him or Ashley to fuck up in order to use it as some sort of justification of the previous regime and their handling of club affairs?


Indeed. And it's mind-bogglingly pathetic.

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I get the impression that some people are waiting with baited breath for him or Ashley to fuck up in order to use it as some sort of justification of the previous regime and their handling of club affairs?


Indeed. And it's mind-bogglingly pathetic.



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Placards should be strung up from the rafters and noises of disapproval should be raised, on the final home game of the season, in the event of Owen leaving in January under the proviso of board not supplying the necessary funds in order to find a ready-made replacement.


Shepherd would've been on the receiving end of this very treatment - despite rubberstamping Souness' 25m+ acquisition of England's no.1 Hitman in Owen, and one of Spain's brightest attacking talents in Luque.......... and Martins for Roeder - and the same rule should apply to Mort & Ashley. *two 10m+ acquisitions who both saved us from relegation in separate seasons.


It's all good and well for Mort to be media savy by laying out a grand plan off-the-pitch and it's been to his benefit. 'Foundation building' is the right idea and it's what supporters want to hear from a new regime who are trying to earn their stripes from the supporter base. Talk of 'direction' gives supporters hope. Combine this with Ashley seemingly winning over the hearts of some by rolling up to home games draped in a replica shirt.


But you know what it's still 'hot air' to me. The 'foundation building' Mort and Fredbob speak of - ie. The Arsenal Model - will take an even longer before any comparable benefits are reaped in our case when you consider that the well travelled Wenger arrived at Arsenal with his own network of personal contacts in place, in France/Africa and Sth America that is. In our case - ie. scouting networks, contacts etc - at present it's bare bones stuff and i don't think Allardyce has the same resources, from his own experience, in his locker as compared with Wenger and therefore our approach should be balanced ie. The Arsenal Youth Model combined with signing at least one marquee player a season according to departures & team needs.


To borrow a well worn cliche 'Rome wasn't built in a day' but remember Wenger in the infancy of his empire building, when restructuring the already mention foundations/club direction at Arsenal re-youth, was still backed by his board in signing the one marquee attacking midfielder - ie. Bergkamp - who made an immediate impact. Until he does likewise Mort's 'foundation building' talk will stay in the realms of 'hot air' imo.


In relation to how far Mort is prepared to back Allardyce, January remains a litmus test imo.



Dennis Bergkamp was signed by Bruce Rioch. See here if you don't believe me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Bergkamp)


Mort and Co are intelligent, well educated guys and they understand the club's situation more than any of us on here (they would have inherited all sorts of issues from Shepherds running of the club behind the scenes I'm sure).


It's up to Mort and Co to deliver on our potential and I'd like to think they realise that means implementing long term, sustainable plans and not the sticky plaster mentality of the past regimes.


That doesn't mean less emphasis on the short term, but it will mean chucking resource at those planning for and working towards the long term.


I get the impression that some people are waiting with baited breath for him or Ashley to f*** up in order to use it as some sort of justification of the previous regime and their handling of club affairs?


He's not put a foot wrong in my opinion and long may it continue.


Continuity and stability may be buzzwords but they're exactly what we need and in Sam and Mort I'm confident that in the medium term we'll be a much better club for it.


I, for one, thank him for his work so far.


Great post bytheway, pretty much everyhting ive tried to say in one post! Crikey, my english is shit and i'm english!

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No surprise to see big nose stirring the shit, calling these quotes 'outrageous'. :rolleyes:


Exactly what I was thinking!


Does he still live around Liverpool?


If so, I hope some fucker is robbing his house as he spouts his anti-newcastle shite today.


Fucking hate that man.

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No surprise to see big nose stirring the shit, calling these quotes 'outrageous'. :rolleyes:


TBH Anyone who knows anything about football doesn't listen to him anyway.


Still doesn't help when he's got millions listening.

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No surprise to see big nose stirring the shit, calling these quotes 'outrageous'. :rolleyes:


TBH Anyone who knows anything about football doesn't listen to him anyway.


How the fuck does he warrant a place on that panel?


I think they should bring different guests on every week (a la goals on Sunday) and drop some of those useless old wankers.


Merson just sounds like a cockney spastic.

Le Tissier can hardly string a sentence together.

I'd rather listen to a cat being cooked alive than the big nosed wanker.


Charlie Nicholas is just about bearable.


Fuck it, make it the Jeff Stelling show. He's the only bastard worth tuning in for.

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No surprise to see big nose stirring the s***, calling these quotes 'outrageous'. :rolleyes:


Which quotes?


Big nose basically said thats Mort referral to 'I' in the article (as in 'I will be buying kids in Jan' and 'I don't think buying more Defenders would work' etc etc) was very worrying and he shouldn't be buying the players, it should be the Manager and that this talk was for the Boardroom and not the public arena.


Just shit-stirring as Dave said.

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Big nose basically said thats Mort referral to 'I' in the article (as in 'I will be buying kids in Jan' and 'I don't think buying more Defenders would work' etc etc) was very worrying and he shouldn't be buying the players, it should be the Manager and that this talk was for the Boardroom and not the public arena.


Just s***-stirring as Dave said.


The chairman should buy the players so his use of "I" is correct, it's up to the manager and those he trusts to chose them.

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Big nose basically said thats Mort referral to 'I' in the article (as in 'I will be buying kids in Jan' and 'I don't think buying more Defenders would work' etc etc) was very worrying and he shouldn't be buying the players, it should be the Manager and that this talk was for the Boardroom and not the public arena.


Just s***-stirring as Dave said.


The chairman should buy the players so his use of "I" is correct, it's up to the manager and those he trusts to chose them.


Which is what we were saying.

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Where would we have to finish at the end of this season for you to look back on it and be able to think that we've done quite well?


I want to see signs that Allardyce knows the game and is on the right lines, and the chairman and owner are understanding what it takes to match those top teams that win the trophies. At the moment, I see neither.





What would be more of a sign of an improvement, a higher league finish or almost £20 million spent on a Spanish winger and a defender from Rangers?


how about answering me ?


You're moving the goalposts. 20m spent on 2 such players who justified their fees - and that Rangers right back looks a canny player - would almost certainly justify a higher finish. [but that particular judgement is up to the manager].


What would you say if we lost out on, for instance, Dean Ashton or David Bentley to someone like Man City or Everton because they were prepared to pay more than us ? Are such players not "trophy players" anymore, and as such you would prefer the club to buy lesser players to keep the books perfectly balanced ?





Under SBR we signed players like Gallacher, Andy O'Brien, Bassedas, Gavilan, Quinn, Elliot, etc. Then, because of his good management, we improved a bit and then he bought better players like Robert and Bellamy who made a huge difference.

I think we have to improve a bit in terms of league finishes so that we have a bit more money and a better profile to attract the better players. Under SBR we didn't just go out and spend big and finish 4th.

Incidentally, £6m -Smith, £6m Barton and £6m Enrique (i think?) is hardly bargain basement stuff!


I'm pleased you think the club have stopped buying these "trophy players". As you are happy with them, dont' bother in future complaining if you think they aren't good enough.



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I may be missing the point as I only read ChezGiven post but we signed Owen in the summer not Jan


We also bought Woodgate in the January, I hope nobody is saying we shouldn't buy a player of that calibre just because its the "wrong time" - a completely absurd view if ever you saw one.



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how about answering me ?


You're moving the goalposts. 20m spent on 2 such players who justified their fees - and that Rangers right back looks a canny player - would almost certainly justify a higher finish. [but that particular judgement is up to the manager].


What would you say if we lost out on, for instance, Dean Ashton or David Bentley to someone like Man City or Everton because they were prepared to pay more than us ? Are such players not "trophy players" anymore, and as such you would prefer the club to buy lesser players to keep the books perfectly balanced ?






How about answering you, you didn't ask a question.


I'm not moving any goal posts, I'm pointing out that spending doesn't always work and you seem to think that spending is the way to judge how we're doing as a club.  League position doesn't seem to be something that you're too worried about as a measure of success but spending is, you also want to see that Allardyce knows the game and is on the right lines.  Did you not think he knew the game before you went on about why we should get him here?  I agree that judgements on players should be up to the manager, do you not think that is the case?  I know it hasn't always been the case but we've covered that so no point going over it again.


I wouldn't be bothered if we lost out on any player because somebody was prepared to pay more than us if the other team was paying more than the player was worth, I guess Liverpool fans feel that way about Michael Owen coming were.


I'm not bothered about balancing the books too much if we get value for money. 


not an answer. Sorry. Your attempts to avoid answering questions which may put the old board in a more favourable light than the new one for proving they had ambition are laughable. Its a waste of time asking you anything.


Liverpool fans wanted Owen back btw.


Your last statement is a direct contradiction of everything you used to talk about with your chum macbeth



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