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Mohamed Sissoko


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Strong, determined, can tackle, athletic, but the gaps in his passing ability and reading of the game are far too great for a club like Liverpool.


Should of joined Everton, he needs regular games to iron out those faults, including touch. Not sure if i'd like us to be the ones to bring him on, in fact, i'd probably say no.





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No, we've got enough grafters. We need technical players that can hold onto the ball and create openings.


Is probably the correct answer really.


I'd have him over Geremi & Butt, but i wouldn't get him in for when these two are still at the club.

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I think hes better than Butt defensively because of the added height and strength, and a better tackler especially with his reach, but hes just as bad on the ball if not worse, so he wouldnt represent an improvement in the team overall unless we're looking to build a team of players with physique but no ability (ie Allardyce's Bolton until the latter stages of his tenure there).


Which is why I was hoping we'd sign Edmilson. Someone with defensive ability as well as some decent technical ability, ie someone who'll increase our possession percentage without the normal weaknesses of low work rate of inproper physique for the Premiership. Thats an improvement.


Plus Sissoko is an absolute liability. With Barton and Smith often attempting to kick lumps out of the opposition, we'd be the dirtiest bastards in the Premiership if we added Sissoko to that.

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No. wouldnt have him here although i would like to see any improvment on our DM situation, i happen to think that DM is actually the key position to fill with the type of football we're aiming to play.


People seem to think (and i was one of them) that what we need mainly is an AM who's gonna create things, and therefore make a lot of chances, but having looked at the team play i dont think that this will be effective. The reason fo this is that i dont think our wingers get into very penetrtive positions, rarely do you see Milner or Zog trying to get behind the full back, an attacking midfielder is gonna need these types of options in order to be effective.


However, i do believe that one of our weaknesses and it shows in a lot of performancs, is the protection of the defense, which at times is non existent, i find that when Butt has a good game, we play reasonably well and when he has a stinker, so do we. I think that thas more than coincedence. We often sit back as a team, and if the protection isnt good enough, then teams invariably find there way through, which is why finding a player who breaks up there attacks is imperative.


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DM especially in the modern game is possibly now the most important position, or the emphasis seems that way anyways.


A defensive midfielder who knows when to release the ball and can quickly start a counter attack is something that is not to be underrated. The over infatuation with someone like Makelele hasn't helped as well, he wasn't in someone like Redondo's league.

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defensively much better than what we have - but his passing really is poor.


so imo he needs to play alongside a real good passer of the ball - and we dont have that (and no, it is not emre either...)


but a midfield of him and barton would be quite vicious :D


besides - he is going to a much bigger club....



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Think I would rather give Rozy a go at DM when we have enough defenders fit.


Has Rozehnal's passing in recent games not discouraged you though?


Its been all over the place, with no accuracy. He looks like he has good technique when passing, but thats only for a centreback. And he looks woeful in possession when being closed down, completely panics and ends up playing the team into trouble - not a good attribute for an anchor midfielder.

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Guest mandakin

Liverpool fan here. I dont think you would want Sissoko. He is awesome when he is running around throwing in tackles but does not know what to do once he gets the ball. His best performances have been when he was sandwiched between Gerrard on the right and Alonso on the left, both of whom make up for his lack of passing. He was stunning against Barcelona were kicked the living daylights out of Ronaldinho and Deco.


He is very good when used against teams who are obviously significantly better than you. TBH, in the premier league when Sam has got his tactics sorted, I dont think you will need him for 75 % of the matches. A more cultured defensive midfielder or a passer who keeps things simple like lucas leiva is what you need.

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