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Crouch: foreign players play-act


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Crouch angered by Mikel conduct


Liverpool's Peter Crouch has accused foreign stars of play-acting in the wake of his sending off for a horror tackle on Chelsea's Jon Mikel Obi.


The England striker was dismissed for a two-footed lunge in the Carling Cup quarter-final defeat at Stamford Bridge, but claimed Mikel overreacted.


He said: "Foreign players have brought a lot to our game, but that's something you don't want to see.


"I didn't catch Mikel but he has gone down like he's been shot."


Crouch added: "What I'm thinking is if you go in on Frank Lampard or John Terry would they roll around like Obi Mikel did? I don't think they would have done.


"Would someone like Jamie Carragher have gone down like that? I think it's safe to say that he wouldn't."


The England striker will now serve a three-match ban over the holiday period in a season where he has struggled to earn a regular place in Liverpool's starting line-up.


And the red card from referee Martin Atkinson increased his frustration.


He said: "Mikel came in with his studs up and that was in the back of my mind. Then I thought there was another foul in there and obviously I've lost my head.


"There are no excuses for the tackle I made but if the referee had pulled the foul up when he should have done it wouldn't have happened.


"A lot was going their way and I think frustration got the better of me.


"You give and take with referees and sometimes the decisions go for you and sometimes they don't, so you can't always blame them."


Funny how he doesn't mention Steven Gerrard, or Joe Cole. They'd go down like that wouldn't they Peter?

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i thought Crouch was a decent bloke, expected him to come out and say sorry or something along those lines, maybe he didnt catch Obi Mikel with the challange but if he had connected it would have been a serius injury.

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Although diving is rife throughout all footballers is does tend to be more of a foreign affliction to roll around like you're dying for a few minutes after the slightest glance. (Although Messers J. and A. Cole seem to be getting the hang of it as well now)

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Although diving is rife throughout all footballers is does tend to be more of a foreign affliction to roll around like you're dying for a few minutes after the slightest glance.



Except for Liverpool's foreigner's they're all sound as a bell and would help yer Gran across the road with a kindly smile and a tip of the cap. Just ask Crouchy.



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Guest Sniffer

Diving was brought into the English game by foreigners, like it or not, as they've been doing it for years.  Just that everbody else all caught on that cheating is the name of the game today and joined in doing it.

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Guest VegasToon

I just watched a replay to see it since I didn't watch the game.  Maybe Crouch should do the same. 


Piss poor tackle.  He did make contact with Mikel and it looked like Mikel's ankle got twisted by Crouch. 


Without a doubt he deserved the red card.

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Makes me laugh when a British player comes out and says that it's only foreigners who dive, that's utter shite!! :lol:


Also it's bollocks to say well they brought it into the game over here. What!?!? So they're forcing you to dive are they? Fuck off!!


All footy players are total pussies, they all think they're hard men, but the slightest breeze has them rolling around on the deck like an epileptic having a fit. Get up you pricks and show some self-respect you're a fucking embarrassment.


Crouch needs to have long hard look at himself and his team mates before he criticises anyone else's behaviour.

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Liverpool's England striker Peter Crouch faces the threat of a possible 'racism' probe after implying foreign players cheat following his red card for the two-footed lunge on Chelsea's Jon Mikel Obi. (Sun)
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Liverpool's England striker Peter Crouch faces the threat of a possible 'racism' probe after implying foreign players cheat following his red card for the two-footed lunge on Chelsea's Jon Mikel Obi. (Sun)

yeah, just read the article online.  Fair enough Crouch's tackle was bad, but then for Mikel (or his agents) to come out and then say this really does take the piss for fucks sake.  Racist???  He should go and play in Turkey/Serbia or somewhere then he'll see what racism really is
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I like Avram Grant's comments:

Crouch is a very honest guy but he can only be talking about the foreign players who play for his own team. I don’t think he knows much about other foreign players.


“I really don’t like it when people talk about ‘foreigners’ like this. We need to think about the person and not his nationality.


“For me, there are good players and not good players; players that behave nicely and others that don’t.



“I see foreign players that behave well and I see some English players who make bad tackles that take opponents out for a few weeks.


So I take it Crouch marched up to Torres and told him in no uncertain terms that he is a diving Spanish c**t who needs to cut it out...?

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Liverpool's England striker Peter Crouch faces the threat of a possible 'racism' probe after implying foreign players cheat following his red card for the two-footed lunge on Chelsea's Jon Mikel Obi. (Sun)


Should be quite easy to defend himself seeing as there is nothing racist about what he has said

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