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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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Guest Chris P

"It took a restauranteur from Beaconsfield, to really really open my eyes.."


What Barty said was sad, but then all the rejection he's had

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"It took a restauranteur from Beaconsfield, to really really open my eyes.."


What Barty said was sad, but then all the rejection he's had

Maybe not!
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Can Barton not complain that Agbonlahor made obscene gestures that he was a baby; when clearly he is not? And, just as well Gabby didn't show him his knob to suggest he was a knob and Barton had told him the "Fuck off big knob".

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Barton's got gift off the Gab


GABBY AGBONLAHOR let Joey Barton off the hook because he reckons the Newcastle star has already had enough bad publicity.


On Monday night, Aston Villa striker Agbonlahor was the target of verbal abuse from the Toon midfielder, who also pushed him in the face.


TV viewers also claimed Barton called Agbonlahor “fat lips” — with the FA prepared to launch an enquiry in to the bust-up.


But Agbonlahor made it clear to Villa he wanted the matter dropped.


He insisted: “I just want to forget about it.


“I wasn’t very happy at the time but Barton’s had enough bad press so I decided to leave it.”


Barton did time for assault earlier this year and has just returned from a six-game ban.


Agbonlahor added: “The club said they’d back me but I decided I’d leave it.”


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Christalmighty - the rags plunge from depth to depth.

When you think they can't get lower, THEY DO.


Actually, the one thing they have done is unite all Newcastle fans behind Barton, even those who were agin him.

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What a year: Sponsors owe billions, The WHOLE Keegan/Ashley thing & everything that has brought, a Newcastle lass at the centre of the Brand/Ross waiter off Faulty Towers fiasco, one man saga Barton & now the most sickening thing of all we are the center of a disputed Frank Lampard goal which will either confirm or deny him 100 Premier League goals.

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Had a look at who is on the Sunday Supplement tomorrow: Martin Samuel, Patrick Barclay and John Richardson. With Rico (as them on the North East beat like to call him) means Newcastle will more than likely be a topic & fatso Samuel will be getting stuck in to us.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wheyse Keyse at it again - who heard this chanting? She's obviously upset about Woyston.




She is quite simply a lying cow, with a scurrilous and mischievous agenda aimed at politically stirring as much trouble as possible for Newcastle United who she so obviously hates with a passion.

She takes the SAD in SMB to a new level.

It really is time her editor or the press council reeled her in before her insane anti Newcastle bias causes real trouble.


By the way Louise your beloved Sunderland is well known as a hotbed for racist organisations and Sunderland fans as some of the most racist and threatening in football. (England vs Turkey - Stadium of Light. Frequent pitch invasions and threatening opposition players on the pitch etc etc)

Have you ever reported that ?  No didn't think you had.


No real surprise you had to dredge the bottom of your non-story locker on the weekend your beloved Roy finally went off the rails.

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