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Getting carried away...


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Are we? Should we have a right to?


In my opinion its been a while since we've had something to cheer about, but lets remember this is newcastle united and heart-break/disappointment is always lurking ahead. Lets get another win before we start exponentially raising the expectations.


(sorry for being a buzz-kill)

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Are we? Should we have a right to?


In my opinion its been a while since we've had something to cheer about, but lets remember this is newcastle united and heart-break/disappointment is always lurking ahead. Lets get another win before we start exponentially raising the expectations.


(sorry for being a buzz-kill)


Classic workers destroy the company post.

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Don't really see anyone getting too carried away tbh.


Getting carried away would involve predictions such as "maybe we can make Europe now!", "top 6 finish for sure next season", "Messi and Kaka to the Toon this summer".


I just see a lot of people enjoying a decent win.

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Are we? Should we have a right to?


In my opinion its been a while since we've had something to cheer about, but lets remember this is newcastle united and heart-break/disappointment is always lurking ahead. Lets get another win before we start exponentially raising the expectations.


(sorry for being a buzz-kill)


I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows I'm miserable now.


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Are we? Should we have a right to?


In my opinion its been a while since we've had something to cheer about, but lets remember this is newcastle united and heart-break/disappointment is always lurking ahead. Lets get another win before we start exponentially raising the expectations.


(sorry for being a buzz-kill)


I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows I'm miserable now.



Exacerdetly.  :razz:

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We've had a glimpse of what this team can do finally. The doubts about Keegan have been allayed. We're almost certainly staying up.

I don't think we're getting carried away. No-one's mentioned top four next season yet (have they?)

Who'd have though that a team without Milner, N'Zogbia, Duff and Emre could be the answer. Sell them all and buy more strikers!

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actually from a strategic pov, i think you may be right.


It wont take prem managers long to work out nufc new game plan  eg owens new role.  Clearly spurs tried to respond to our new tactics and totally fluffed it ))


However i have more faith in coppell to spoil the party, reading are much better in the art of stodge than `better` teams like spurs.

Reading will come to sjp and try to stop us playing, so sat could be a frustrating afternoon; ofcourse they could fail totally whcih is what we hope)

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We've had to put up with loads of shit from the media, people at work, wankers who you dont know having a pop at newcastle, the people and the city all becuase we have been playing badly.


We have won two on the trot and could make it three this saturday.


Every game we win now is to be rammed down every cunts neck who jumped on the lets bash NUFC band wagon and every cunt that was expecting us to go down and thought KK was a big mistake.


I am currently enjoying it, Fuck them!

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Keegan has impressed me massively.


Bringing Beye, Enrique and Faye into the side.


Consistant starting line up's (On the whole).


Sticking with Barton


Dropping Duff and Smith


Getting Owen scoring and playing a different style


Getting the strikers playing in tandum


Have all been brilliant decisions. We over do losses so often in this place it's about time we were allowed to over react to a win.

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Keegan has impressed me massively.


Bringing Beye, Enrique and Faye into the side.


Consistant starting line up's (On the whole).


Sticking with Barton


Dropping Duff and Smith


Getting Owen scoring and playing a different style


Getting the strikers playing in tandum


Have all been brilliant decisions. We over do losses so often in this place it's about time we were allowed to over react to a win.


Bang on

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We've had to put up with loads of shit from the media, people at work, wankers who you dont know having a pop at newcastle, the people and the city all becuase we have been playing badly.


We have won two on the trot and could make it three this saturday.


Every game we win now is to be rammed down every cunts neck who jumped on the lets bash NUFC band wagon and every cunt that was expecting us to go down and thought KK was a big mistake.


I am currently enjoying it, Fuck them!



Well said, as am I, but i'm just worried that a loss on saturday will  - much like bipolar patients- instantly turn this fit of joy into another spell of scathing criticism (harry-norway is perhaps the poster-boy for such behaviour).

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Keegan has impressed me massively.


Bringing Beye, Enrique and Faye into the side.


Consistant starting line up's (On the whole).


Sticking with Barton


Dropping Duff and Smith


Getting Owen scoring and playing a different style


Getting the strikers playing in tandum


Have all been brilliant decisions. We over do losses so often in this place it's about time we were allowed to over react to a win.


The fact he has kept a consistent side for 3 games now is a massive plus, they're finally starting to get used to playing in a certain way and I think that told yesterday. Wouldn't change it between now and the end of the season tbh, unless injuries etc. forced it!!!!

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Of course we can get carried away, alot of us thought we were going down until the last couple of games. Barring a miracle from Bolton we are now  safe.

I have the worst hangover today from celebrating last night that I have had for ages.

KK has saved us just like he did last time

Bring on next season.

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I don't think we have even started to get carried away to be honest. KK's done the tricky part and then some. To have that team playing football on the floor to even half decent effect needs applauding. Reading was going to be a tricky match before yesterday, but I'm certain we'll beat both them and the unwashed now.

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I never saw a winning mid containing Barton, Butt & Geremi, so well played KK for finding that and sticking with it.


All three have really impressed me in the last few games, i'm delighted with it.



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I never saw a winning mid containing Barton, Butt & Geremi, so well played KK for finding that and sticking with it.


All three have really impressed me in the last few games, i'm delighted with it.


What about Smith, Butt & Geremi then? :razz:

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I'll admit it. I'm completely fucking carried away. I just cannot believe that the same guys that dropped 4 to Derby are actually capable of playing football. The same guys that couldn't get over a Kenny Miller wonder strike didn't even flinch when Tottenham scored early. The contrast between watching these guys under Sam and seeing them get their confidence back under Keegan has completely destroyed my ability to reason.



I mean, The Butt Barton midfield combination resulted in a goal and probably an assist yesterday. How fucking crazy is that?



Geremi scored on a set piece!

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This place is typically Bi-polar but its fair enough after the depressing shite we've seen this season and the worry that all the changes have imposed. We arent paid to forsee the implications of decisions, we're here to grind down finger nails and freak out every 5 minutes. Some semblance of realism at some point along the way is needed, need to be careful about building up expectations too high too soon.


That said, i think if we take 4 points from the next two games, go into the derby and dispatch of the mackems, THEN we can get carried away. Bit premature for me. 

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Guest BigAl2

I am not getting carried away just looking forward to the next match which is something that hasn't happened for a while!

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