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Guest Wearside

Liverpool confirm he wants out.


Well thats just great,so now we are going to have a strikeforce of Torres,Drogba and Anelka against us on Tuesday night.


Dalglish out.


:frantic: :frantic:

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Guest bmoregeordie

Can't believe it takes journalistic inside info to know Torres wants to go.


He's been playing like it since the start of the season - as enthusiastic as a wife's blowjob.


sounds like you need a new wife.

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Guest neesy111

The speed of Oba & the height of Zigic should in theory be a good strike force but in reality they will be lucky to score 10 goals between them.




Aye, we are the best people to know that having a good team on paper means fuck all.

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Guest Wearside

Liverpool confirm he wants out.


Where was this?


Liverpool have confirmed they have knocked his transfer request back.




He will be gone by Tuesday,no doubt about it.

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If LFC sells Torres and replaces him with Suarez and if Suarez fails they are in deeeeeep trouble.

they're in deep trouble now, even if they keep torres he won't give 2 shits about playing for lfc for the rest of the season putting everything on suarez and for a guy going to be playing in a new league with a different style thats a huge amount of pressure on him and if he doesn't have the best start the kop will be restless

finally though the "king kenny will lift torres by entering the room and commanding his respect" can die a death

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