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Paul Ince confirmed as new Blackburn manager

Guest Coubury

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Well, i didn't really mean that.


The point i'm making is, every season, there's a manager in League 2 that does well. Obviously. Someone has to win. This season it's Paul Ince so his wanted level is high, cos he's famous for playing for Manu and Liverpool.


The demand for the guy wouldn't be so high if his name was John Smith and he'd played for Gravesend and Scarborough earlier in his career, regardless of managerial success. Just like the bloke who won League 2 the season before. He didn't get a move to the Premiership. Do you get what i mean?


Obviously, this is all cliched and really uneducated - i've not watched MK Dons this season. But it's true. I'm not writing Ince off or anything, he might do well, but this is how he's got the job.


Basically, what i'm saying is, i think it's a massive, massive risk - far bigger than people realise. And it's being masked because of who he is.


If Blackburn had appointed Graham Turner, manager of Hereford who did extremely well in League 2 like MK Dons, there'd have been absolute uproar.


I'm pretty chuffed with the appointment from a rivals' point of view.


Two really good posts.

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A risk, yes, but if I were a Blackburn fan I'd be much happier the board have taken that risk in a young, exciting manager like Ince instead of ending up with the likes of that fat headed prick Allardyce.


Fair enough, but they finished seventh last year in arguably the strongest league in the world, certainly the highest profile league. And they could only attract a promising manager from three leagues below. That's pretty poor if you ask me.

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A risk, yes, but if I were a Blackburn fan I'd be much happier the board have taken that risk in a young, exciting manager like Ince instead of ending up with the likes of that fat headed prick Allardyce.


Fair enough, but they finished seventh last year in arguably the strongest league in the world, certainly the highest profile league. And they could only attract a promising manager from three leagues below. That's pretty poor if you ask me.


Didn't they have a shortlist inc Ten Cats and others?

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Surely taking Ince on is as risky as Southgate (NO managerial experience) or Keane (NO managerial experience). Out of those two or Fat Sam or Wally with Brolly I'd take Ince 100 times before I risked any of the above mentioned.


I think he'll be a great appointment and good luck to him.

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Surely taking Ince on is as risky as Southgate (NO managerial experience) or Keane (NO managerial experience). Out of those two or Fat Sam or Wally with Brolly I'd take Ince 100 times before I risked any of the above mentioned.


I think he'll be a great appointment and good luck to him.

He has had managerial experience though.

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Surely taking Ince on is as risky as Southgate (NO managerial experience) or Keane (NO managerial experience). Out of those two or Fat Sam or Wally with Brolly I'd take Ince 100 times before I risked any of the above mentioned.


I think he'll be a great appointment and good luck to him.

He has had managerial experience though.

My point is that previously in this thread it was said that he would fail because he only had lower division experience, Southgate and Keane had zero managerial experience and not much was made of that when they were appointed.

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Surely taking Ince on is as risky as Southgate (NO managerial experience) or Keane (NO managerial experience). Out of those two or Fat Sam or Wally with Brolly I'd take Ince 100 times before I risked any of the above mentioned.


I think he'll be a great appointment and good luck to him.

He has had managerial experience though.

My point is that previously in this thread it was said that he would fail because he only had lower division experience, Southgate and Keane had zero managerial experience and not much was made of that when they were appointed.


Agreed. Blackburn must have had a lot of good feedback about him and they have taken their time, so wasn't hurried either.

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I'm quite surprised. Getting MK Dons promoted from the bottom division isn't the most startling achievement, and I don't know what it is that would have pushed him to the top of the list.


The guy has always struck me as a rather mouthy, arrogant character. He might be able to push around players from the lower division, but it'll be a different story at Blackburn.

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I'm quite surprised. Getting MK Dons promoted from the bottom division isn't the most startling achievement, and I don't know what it is that would have pushed him to the top of the list.


The guy has always struck me as a rather mouthy, arrogant character. He might be able to push around players from the lower division, but it'll be a different story at Blackburn.


It seems your identikit Ince profile is about 10 years out of date.

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I'm quite surprised. Getting MK Dons promoted from the bottom division isn't the most startling achievement, and I don't know what it is that would have pushed him to the top of the list.


The guy has always struck me as a rather mouthy, arrogant character. He might be able to push around players from the lower division, but it'll be a different story at Blackburn.


It seems your identikit Ince profile is about 10 years out of date.


We'll see, I guess. I wasn't impressed by the fact that he actually started his coaching qualifications but hasn't shown any persistence in completing them. I'm not talking about the full licence here, just the lower one.


This is the guy who, at Man U, tried to insist that his team-mates called him 'the guv'nor'. People do change, but I reckon Ince will have had a bigger challenge than most, put it that way.

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lets think for a sec here. those slating blackburns decision to appoint paul ince because he is inexperience might well have been the same people shouting "shearer, shearer, shearer!!" outside SJP when fat sam got fired. id like to see a young british manager do well to be honest, but dont forget those who disagree with the appointment, you might see it differently if shearer had been managing a load of league 2 teams and then got appointed here.


also my mate has seen mk dons and said he was genuinely impressed with how exciting their football is- which is a hard thing to do at that low level i guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Former Chelsea and Italy midfielder Roberto Di Matteo has been confirmed as MK Dons' new manager.


The 38-year-old has succeeded Paul Ince, who assumed control of Blackburn Rovers this summer, at Stadium:mk and will be unveiled at a press conference on Thursday.


Swiss-born Di Matteo has now signed a one-year deal with The Dons, although there is an option for a further season.


Great success


Di Matteo, who retired from football aged 31 due to injury, enjoyed great success at Chelsea - including scoring in their 1997 FA Cup success over Middlesbrough within 43 seconds of the kick-off.


"Like the club itself, Roberto is young, ambitious and hungry to succeed," read a statement on the club's official website in regards to Di Matteo, whose job with MK Dons is his first managerial position.


"We are enormously excited about the team moving forward under his leadership."

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Guest optimistic nit

So that's Dalglish, Robson, Souness and Allardyce whose managerial careers have been in/definitely crucified following stints here. Crimony.


not robson, imo we were always going to be his last job. souness should have been crucified years ago, its criminal it took so long and allardyce has just shown what he is here, he was always and will always be the same type of manager, and if a club doesnt want that, he wont sign him. this stint has just shown that allardyce cant and wont change.


we did fuck up dalgleish though. gullit as well, but he was a cunt and is now back managing isnt he?

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Guest optimistic nit

Hope it goes tits up for MK:Dons, farce of a club.


defnitately, grade a cuntish wankers.

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Guest Mucky01

Hope it goes tits up for MK:Dons, farce of a club.


yep, but Di Matteo seems a top bloke, but too nice to be a manager?

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Guest optimistic nit

I didn't say it was better, I was just saying it's a different kind of experience. In some ways Ince will come in with the advantage over what Hughes had, in some ways Hughes would have come in with an advantage over Ince. If that makes sense.


Makes sense - I was just surprised that both yourself and Dave seemed to think appointing Ince was a bigger risk than Hughes. Personally, I think Hughes was more of a Hail Mary compared to which Ince is almost a safe bet, but I guess time will tell...



but look at where wales has gone since hughes, itll take them a few more years to recover and he left 2-3 years ago. he showed he was a very good coach there, at top level football, playing against big teams and beating them. ince does have more experience in running club football, but not with coaching top level players and playing against good teams.


both were big risks, but i dont see ince being less of a risk than hughes, and how long has he been in management? because hughes was at wales for around 3 years and had been very successful. ince did manage to halt the extremely amusing decline of the dons though.

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So that's Dalglish, Robson, Souness and Allardyce whose managerial careers have been in/definitely crucified following stints here. Crimony.


not robson, imo we were always going to be his last job. souness should have been crucified years ago, its criminal it took so long and allardyce has just shown what he is here, he was always and will always be the same type of manager, and if a club doesnt want that, he wont sign him. this stint has just shown that allardyce cant and wont change.


we did fuck up dalgleish though. gullit as well, but he was a cunt and is now back managing isnt he?


Gullit's managed to survive - was at Feyenoord at some point after us and is at LA Galaxy now i think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Robbie Fowler???? Sounds like Ince needs a friendly face in that dressing room.


It's certainly a very very odd move to make. When it's your first week in your first big management job and people are waiting to see how you cope, it's a bit of a risk to say the least. It'll give anyone a bit sceptical about his lack of experience loads of ammo if it goes tits up.

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