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Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out...


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We simply cannot let him leave right now. I personally don't care how much sulking he is doing. He's contracted to us and we are dangerously short of players at the moment. Unless we know for a fact that we can sell him and turn around the transfer fee for another left-sided midfielder, then I'll be upset we let him go.

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f***ing hell man. Just get rid. Incredibly disappointed with how he's turned out. Personality wise, I mean.


same here.


fuck him, he's an arse.


problem is, i can see him being top drawer if he goes and joins wengers boys


howay man lovejoy, surely you can ask yourself "why can't we make a player like this see a future here "


THAT is the way forward, not just saying bollocks and good riddance.




Agreed, it's about man management. We have to accept the fact that there are shits in football and work with it.


Often those with the suspect attitudes are the ones with the most talent.





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We simply cannot let him leave right now. I personally don't care how much sulking he is doing. He's contracted to us and we are dangerously short of players at the moment. Unless we know for a fact that we can sell him and turn around the transfer fee for another left-sided midfielder, then I'll be upset we let him go.


I don't see how we have a choice, this is too bad for morale. Imagine if you were Beye(or whoever) and your teammate is talking like that, like the team is shit and he is too good for it. We have time to replace him, so lets do it. Gutierrez has played on the left alot so we have cover there if we don't get anyone in for the start of the season.

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Like I said last time he said he wanted to leave, who wants to buy him? Years ago there were rumours about Arsenal being interested but who knows if they really were? As far as I can remember, no team has ever put an actual, confirmed bid in for him. He also now limits the clubs he would like to go to as London clubs only.


Keegan may talk him round. We'll see.

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Guest Deep456

Like I said last time he said he wanted to leave, who wants to buy him? Years ago there were rumours about Arsenal being interested but who knows if they really were? As far as I can remember, no team has ever put an actual, confirmed bid in for him. He also now limits the clubs he would like to go to as London clubs only.


Keegan may talk him round. We'll see.


Where did you get the years ago from? It was only last year.

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Like I said last time he said he wanted to leave, who wants to buy him? Years ago there were rumours about Arsenal being interested but who knows if they really were? As far as I can remember, no team has ever put an actual, confirmed bid in for him. He also now limits the clubs he would like to go to as London clubs only.


Keegan may talk him round. We'll see.


Where did you get the years ago from? It was only last year.

Link? I remember they were supposed to be interested (but for all we know that was media bullshit) when he started playing well in the first team. That was around 3 years ago.

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I can see him ending up at West Ham tbh, I don't think Spurs will be in for him during this transfer window and I don't think Arsenal are remotely interested at the moment.


KK will not want him around, if he has no interest in playing for the club. I'm not sure if the money has dried up at West Ham now Egghead has moved on but if it hasn't they are the only London club I can see him ending up. He'll probably go on to have a great season or too which will be blown up out of all proportion by the London press and then he'll get his move to a glamour club.

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f***ing hell man. Just get rid. Incredibly disappointed with how he's turned out. Personality wise, I mean.


same here.


fuck him, he's an arse.


problem is, i can see him being top drawer if he goes and joins wengers boys


howay man lovejoy, surely you can ask yourself "why can't we make a player like this see a future here "


THAT is the way forward, not just saying bollocks and good riddance.




Some players just want to leave.  Ronaldo for example.

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Keegan just needs to pat him on the back, then sit him down in his office, offer him a coffee and then in a very calm and fatherly manner explain that if he doesn't buck his ideas up he will knock out his teeth with a motherfucking baseball bat.  I'm convinced that is all the moody French git needs.  The gentle threat of physical violence for inspiration.

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Guest neesy111

I wont lose any sleep if he leaves, and I'm sure McKay will be trying to engineer a move, but I think people are getting worked up over nothing really. He was probably asked direct questions like "You were not chosen for the team towards the end of last season, are you happy with your current situation at Newcastle?" and "What do you think of the teams you have been linked with in the English press such as Arsenal and Spurs?", then they edit it so it looks like he came out with the quotes spontaneously.


better players have been thrown out of the club for saying far less tbh

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I saw him cutting through Eldon Garden the other week & I was tempted to give him  "TheSpence pep talk" but I only have an hour for my dinner & I was good 15 mins into it.


He is in a small very elite group at Newcastle being one of the few players at SJP to get arses off seats when gets the ball, so it would be a shame to see him go but his time is up if he is coming out with shit like that & he is stroppy cunt.

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I can see him ending up at West Ham tbh, I don't think Spurs will be in for him during this transfer window and I don't think Arsenal are remotely interested at the moment.


KK will not want him around, if he has no interest in playing for the club. I'm not sure if the money has dried up at West Ham now Egghead has moved on but if it hasn't they are the only London club I can see him ending up. He'll probably go on to have a great season or too which will be blown up out of all proportion by the London press and then he'll get his move to a glamour club.


could see pompey picking him up for about 10p and turning him into the player he should be, like redknapp has done with a number of players

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The club does not need players who are like rotten apples - all they do is spread discontent and make the whole situation worse.


Unfortunately, this sort of thing was what ruined SBR's final years at SJP and unless it is cut out, it will continue to eat at morale among other players.

We may have to suffer a year or so of mediocrity(AGAIN)because we get rid of one or two talented whingers, but it will pay off in the long run ; NUFC needs to build a CLUB SPIRIT, not just a side and if N'Zogbia wants to leave, let him - players we wish to sign need to see that the players we have WANT to be here, not rambling on about wanting to leave all the time.


There is a difference between handling so-called 'difficult' talented players,and letting overpaid Prima Donnas walk all over you and its about time everyone, including the club, faced up to this.

That is why it is more important for NUFC to develop its Academy than possibly any other club in the Prem(barring the Mackems, and who cares about that !?).


He's got to go.

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This is the summer, the agent's just shit-stirring. Wait 'til Charlie starts pre-season, wait 'til he's around KK and getting some games and I'm pretty sure he'll stay.


It'll be disappointing if he leaves, no doubt.


We know what he can do on his day, and we also know that KK would love a player like that in the team so there's no need to go spending millions on a type of player that we already have. If Charlie knuckles down and works hard, he could take that left center midfield spot from Barton and actually be a goal threat from midfield.


He's a whinging, ungrateful cunt, but you don't just give up on players like this. Look at Cristiano last year after Euro '06. He was all up for Real but Fergie said 'nah, you're staying' and that was that. And then look how he played throughout the season. People will always have second thoughts when £££'s concerned but that doesn't mean they can't be convinced to stay. We don't need players who bleed black and white.

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