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Nile Ranger


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I think once he does leave us his career will go on a downward sprial. At times he looks as if he's got the talent, but needs to work hard, by the sounds of what is coming out of the club he hasn't got that dedication to improve. It doesn't look like he'll become a good player with us. He is 4th choice as it stands, we are looking for a top notch forward and are likely to play with only 1 out and out striker next season so his chances will be very limited.


If he goes then I don't think it will affect us at all.

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Guest Stephen927

Any idea what kind of wage he'll be on? Chances are he might not accept less to go elsewhere if he thinks he won't get another chance at a club like Newcastle.

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Rather than leave for another club he might be happy to rot in the reserves for 5 years, doing the bare minimum training whilst pissing about in his private life with the money we pay him.

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“Discipline in and around the building I will definitely improve next year,” Pardew said. “When you inherit a club halfway through a season and you start laying down the law – and I think that has happened in the past here — and changing things and saying this isn’t acceptable, that isn’t acceptable. I’m not sure it works.

“Players need to be in at a certain time, food will stop at a certain time, let’s train on time. I think that is the minimum ask from a professional player.”

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Newcastle remain convinced that a permanent move is required to invigorate the 6ft 1in forward’s career and his removal from the payroll will raise the club’s chances of signing French international Kevin Gameiro from Lorient.


Not sure whether to laugh or cringe at this suggestion.

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Any idea what kind of wage he'll be on? Chances are he might not accept less to go elsewhere if he thinks he won't get another chance at a club like Newcastle.


According to some people that know him from Wood Green (where he was raised up) He's on 15k a week.

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Any idea what kind of wage he'll be on? Chances are he might not accept less to go elsewhere if he thinks he won't get another chance at a club like Newcastle.


According to some people that know him from Wood Green (where he was raised up) He's on 15k a week.


Are we allowed to accept hearsay on Ranger's wages when so many have taken offense at assuming Barton and Nolan's demands based on pure speculation?

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It's painfully obvious, and to repeat what I've said around 100 times already but he should have been out on loan this season and at least half of the championship season, three half seasons where he should have been out on loan and he's been on the bench doing fuk all, is not great blooding, especially when the like of shola and lovenkrands get games without question by the management, if he doesn't rate him above those two then he should have been out to somewhere that would use him.


Also loaning him out shows he has a long long way to go and the club see him as a kid rather than a premier league players as that's where he seems to See himself currently.


A player with this many problems off field and has a history should be monitored 24-7 like Fergie does with all his players, turning up at parties and dragging the likes of giggs and Lee sharpe out and marching them home. It sounds drastic but some players need this kind of discipline, especially in a city like Newcastle.


If you treat every footballer the same, every personality with a one size fits all attitude, especially with a problem like ranger then expect poor results. Craic is the club thought they could handle him, they haven't, they didn't, and the club must take some responsibility as to why this has happened. In saying that most of the blame lies at the players feet, but I expected more from us especially after the way we handled Carroll.



I agree with this - he should have been sent on loan last season and even at the start of this season


What I don't get is we obviously rated him enough to give him a lengthy contract yet we now want to get rid of him?


Even now sending him out on loan would be the best situation - he would get the necessary experience and be a better player for it and even if we still wanted to sell him then I think we could get a higher fee

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Selling him for a couple of million right now would be absolutely criminal IMO.


Why not loan him out and see how he performs in a tough league with regular football?


He is shite.

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Unless he's Smith-bad, we've got nothing to lose by loaning him our and giving him a chance to prove he isn't shite.


The money we would get for him now would be negligible. Although he hasn't played 'well', he's shown he can trouble Premier League defenders. And no kid of his age should be written off based on so few appearances.

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Unless he's Smith-bad, we've got nothing to lose by loaning him our and giving him a chance to prove he isn't shite.


The money we would get for him now would be negligible. Although he hasn't played 'well', he's shown he can trouble Premier League defenders. And no kid of his age should be written off based on so few appearances.


Would loan him out to a League One club for the first half of the season. Yes, he's shit - but his value will be so low at the moment. We should aim to increase his worth by January.

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I'm hoping he's been told this to try and actually kick him up the arse and sort himself out. Frankly though, I guess he's on his way. We'll spend more replacing him.

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Ben told he sobbed like a baby when told to find another club


If that's so, he only has himself to blame. If he applied himself more in training (like taking Nolan's offer of help) then he may not be in this position atm.


I'm hoping he's been told this to try and actually kick him up the arse and sort himself out. Frankly though, I guess he's on his way. We'll spend more replacing him.


I hope this is the case too.

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I think its a bit harsh offloading him on the back of one average season considring his age, sending him out on loan to some shithole club untill he learns sounds like the best option, look at what the Preston loan did to Carroll.

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