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Nile Ranger


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You are basing that completely on assumptions though. Just because you feel like that doesn't mean everyone will. I kinda feel like life would be extremely dull if you thought like that, why not enjoy it for now? If be quite happy to look back and think "yeah remember that period of life. That was class." I'd rather have them when it looks good and you can enjoy them. As much as I utterly detested this statement as a rule, you really do only get one chance. I wanna maximise that. Not look back and go "shit I wish I had those tattoos when I was younger" know what I mean?


It's not an assumption, it's a fact. I'm really happy that I didn't get any of the (in hindsight) dumb tattoos I briefly considered when I was a kid.


Perhaps I wasn't clear enough that I'm only talking about myself. Like I said, I couldn't care less if somebody else wants to paint stuff on their body or have holes made in it.


You're right re the "you only get one chance" thing, but I hardly think it applies to tattoos. A 45-year-old can just as easily have a tattoo done as a 20-year-old.

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You are basing that completely on assumptions though. Just because you feel like that doesn't mean everyone will. I kinda feel like life would be extremely dull if you thought like that, why not enjoy it for now? If be quite happy to look back and think "yeah remember that period of life. That was class." I'd rather have them when it looks good and you can enjoy them. As much as I utterly detested this statement as a rule, you really do only get one chance. I wanna maximise that. Not look back and go "shit I wish I had those tattoos when I was younger" know what I mean?


It's not an assumption, it's a fact. I'm really happy that I didn't get any of the (in hindsight) dumb tattoos I briefly considered when I was a kid.


Perhaps I wasn't clear enough that I'm only talking about myself. Like I said, I couldn't care less if somebody else wants to paint stuff on their body or have holes made in it.


You're right re the "you only get one chance" thing, but I hardly think it applies to tattoos. A 45-year-old can just as easily have a tattoo done as a 20-year-old.


You're not fighting a lone fight - I'm with you! Maybe it's because I'm of a similar age as yourself, but I regularly give thanks that I never succumbed to the imbecile notion of having ink injected into my skin. And I can confirm that if I did have visible tattoos I would be at serious risk of having my employment terminated on the grounds on not maintaining an appropriately professional appearance. I also feel that is a perfectly reasonable position too.


San Toon, I'm not sure how old you are, but many of your posts on this matter betray the arrogance of youth, a sort of "Fuck The Man if he don't like my ink." The fact is that many people who aren't teens and twentysomethings look at ink and automatically think "Idiot" or even "Criminal."


In fact, the same sorts of responses the majority of people think when they see Ranger's face tattoo...

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Maybe it's the circles I move in, or my workplace and the people who pay for our services. But I can certainly tell you I am not in the minority of one or even a minority of people I associate with.


I find it amusing that you claim to not have a "fuck the man" and be so hysterical when presented with the fact that some people judge people based on their tattoos. Especially when quoting my comment about people who aren't twentysomethings and then saying that you and your friends are.


Thanks for the advice, too, about concern, because you're right when you say it's up to other people what they do. But the flip side of that is that you can't be concerned when others do what they want, which is to think that the tattoos they see are trashy, tawdry and terrible.

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`I don't think many people think like you,`  do you actually think at all?


Just cos ur a clueless youngun, doesnt mean you know how every one thinks.


I guess if you spend all our time around chavs, then you wont understand how people with some class look at tattoos.  Personally id bring back public floggin for people with them.  Its disgusting and barbaric thing to do, wouldbe better to just cut yourself like other attention hors do.

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I don't think most young people have any prejudice against well done tattoos not on people's faces. However I see where wacko and co are coming from in the sense that these young people are not the one hiring people for jobs, rather people in their age group which I don't have troubles believing mostly have a negative view of tattooed people when it comes to employment.

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Guest Recoba

I don't think most young people have any prejudice against well done tattoos not on people's faces. However I see where wacko and co are coming from in the sense that these young people are not the one hiring people for jobs, rather people in their age group which I don't have troubles believing mostly have a negative view of tattooed people when it comes to employment.


The may well do, but I'm just going from what I've seen first hand. Like I mentioned earlier my best mate worked in probably the most image conscious industries going and had zero problems at all. I don't doubt it exists, prejudice exists practically everywhere, how prevalent it might be is debatable. If people want to express opinions on a subject then its expected there might be opposition, I'm merely representing the other side of the debate


Most image conscious industry? Priest? catwalk model? BBC News presenter? Childrens entertainer? Judge? Copper? Nurse?

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You're probably a G-Star man.


Any intelligent man who tattoos their face surely realises that it's going to project a pretty big message to anyone they come into close contact with, it's a pretty big stigma and is more than likely done with the intention of being so. Otherwise why get it on your face?


What's so important about this message that you wish to convey that you put it on your fucking face?

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It is a pretty big stigma like, I mean you're sitting there talking to someone and all you're thinking is "why has this man got a tattoo on his face?"


And if you're not thinking that then you should be, as the person you're speaking too actually made a conscious decision to go and get a tattoo on their face.


I'm not saying they cannot do it like, I'm just not thinking "good on you mate for expressing yourself in your own way" when I see them, I'm thinking "you have a tattoo on your face, you fucking creep." Once I get to know them my perceptions may change dramatically, but I'd probably never ever agree that their decision to actually get a tattoo on their fucking face was in any way a good one in 21st century Britain.

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Guest Recoba

Military/Private Security


If you think squaddies and bouncers are the most image conscious jobs around you are clueless.

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Two equally qualified people, one with visible tattoos and one without any tattoos. The person without tattoos will find getting a job easier than the person with tattoos (unless it's working in a Tattoo parlour or joining the Yakuza in Japan). The person without tattoos will have more choice. That is a fact. There are around 2500 people where I work. I haven't seen a single office worker who has visible tattoos. The people I have seen with tattoos work in building maintenance or as cleaners.

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I would respect someone more if they weren't well dressed to be honest :lol:


Someone in a grunge band with massive fuck off spikey hair I'd think fair enough, If I was holding job interviews for a fairly formal vacancy and someone walked in with a teardrop tattoo I'd seriously worry about the man's self awareness. Him getting the job would fully depend on how he does on the "If you were a biscuit then what would you be?" question.

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Guest Recoba

Military/Private Security


If you think squaddies and bouncers are the most image conscious jobs around you are clueless.


I was talking about Royal Marines and Private Security in Afghan, i.e escorting dignitaries to meetings/etc. But yeah good one :thup: I assume the hours he used to spend pressing his kit, the no flip flops in the eating all, the regimented hair cuts, the constant upkeep of his kit and appearance was for nothing.


In all my years watching the news I have never seen a politically important person being escorted by an undividual with visible tattoos.  I think your mate is pulling your leg and guards IT contractors in iraq for a few quid. The big jobs do not go to the guy with the manky neck tattoos.

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