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The Weekend's Other Matches

Guest quklaani

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I have nothing but admiration for Aston Villa and the way they've gone about things. It's the model for how we should be run, not scrimping and saving and pretending to be like Arsenal.


Feel sorry for Villa because Man U are going to hunt O'Neill down as soon as Ferguson calls it a day


Mark Hughes tbh. The big money, big expectations scenario he has now will have Man Utd rubbing their hands with glee as a brilliant 'test'.

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I have nothing but admiration for Aston Villa and the way they've gone about things. It's the model for how we should be run, not scrimping and saving and pretending to be like Arsenal.


O'Neill shouldnt be trusted with funds cos he spent £12m on Milner. better to force out a good manager than let them waste money.


He bought Marlon Harewood, he bought Zat Knight, there was even tabloid talk of a bid for our very own Alan Smith. Half this forum would have had the useless fucker sacked off for that.


He has that ability, like Keegan, to get performances out of players that most other managers cant

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I have nothing but admiration for Aston Villa and the way they've gone about things. It's the model for how we should be run, not scrimping and saving and pretending to be like Arsenal.


O'Neill shouldnt be trusted with funds cos he spent £12m on Milner. better to force out a good manager than let them waste money.


He bought Marlon Harewood, he bought Zat Knight, there was even tabloid talk of a bid for our very own Alan Smith. Half this forum would have had the useless fucker sacked off for that.


He has that ability, like Keegan, to get performances out of players that most other managers cant


Exactly and for me, it's the key aspect of this whole charade.


Ashley does not understand football and seems to think that 'good players = good football and success' with someone to actually manage the players coming way down the list of priorities. For me it shows a total misunderstanding of the situation and it's why he backed Wise ahead of KK, because he thinks that transfer policy is paramount when it is not even close.


Everyone on here can give you a long list of duds bought by some of the greatest managers in the game but it is what they get out of the players that matters. This is even moreso when you're buying the types of players we are - foreigners who need to feel loved and settle in and young players who need someone to bring them on and take them to the next level. You can get away with average management if you're buying some of the best players in the world but it takes a Keegan to get the best from players like Guthrie (watch Jonas go down the shitter when he gets back anarl).


My belief is that Ashley thought "we've bought good players therefore it won't matter from a footballing point of view if Keegan walks so I'll let him go" and that is what has left us where we today. Meanwhile Martin O'Neill bought James Milner for £12m. What a mug, bet the Villa fans can't believe they've got such a clown in charge.


God I'm sick.

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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.



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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.



results do not prove that a 4th choice centre half was the right move. if so we should have been happy with dabizas/o'brien/titus as centre halves cos we finished 3rd with them
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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.




Class feeling to have complete faith in a manager, isn't it.

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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.




Class feeling to have complete faith in a manager, isn't it.


Stop it man, you're gonna make me cry here :(

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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.



results do not prove that a 4th choice centre half was the right move. if so we should have been happy with dabizas/o'brien/titus as centre halves cos we finished 3rd with them


No, they don't, but Knight did a decent job last year. We actually had our best defensive spell when he was in the team.


I was one of the people covering my eyes when we signed him, but he contributed last season, and now he's down the pecking order with much better players in front of him


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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.




Class feeling to have complete faith in a manager, isn't it.


It isn't as simple as having complete faith.


One of the reasons i think Directors of Football and people other than the manager choosing which players get bought does not work is that you take away the manager's ability to stand or fall by his own choices.


With a DoF, if the signings don't work, then the manager can say (with justification) 'not my fault, I didn't sign them'. If the manager has identified them and got them in and they don't perform, then it is his fault. All this DoF nonsense just blurs the boundaries of responsibility.


Although I'm clearly preaching to the most converted audience anywhere at the moment on this subject ;)




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The thing about MON buying players like Knight and Harewood is that, whilst it is embarassing when it happens, and you want better, you just have to trust the manager to get the right people in.


Knight at the time looked a mad signing. That was only a year and a bit ago, and now he's fourth choice behind Laursen, Curtis Davies, and Cuellar. If I'd have thought back then that would be or CB line up, I'd have spaffed in my pants.


Sometimes he does some stuff which looks mental, but he can point at the results as evidence that he was right.



results do not prove that a 4th choice centre half was the right move. if so we should have been happy with dabizas/o'brien/titus as centre halves cos we finished 3rd with them


No, they don't, but Knight did a decent job last year. We actually had our best defensive spell when he was in the team.


I was one of the people covering my eyes when we signed him, but he contributed last season, and now he's down the pecking order with much better players in front of him



which is what building a squad is all about really.


he's doing a cracking job MON imo, and he's being allowed (by both fans and owners) to get on with it. good times ahead at your place iyam.

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