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Mike Ashley confirms he wants to sell NUFC - see OP for full statement

Guest sicko2ndbest

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The tail wagged the dog last saturday, regardless of who you believed 'lied' once you have 'fan-power' deciding things then the only path from there is a downward spiral.


What happens when the next owner doesn't bring KK back............another march, banners and protest for another?


I am really and seriously worried about the club now.




Aren't fans just customers though?


Haven't many companies changed their approach because customers demand it? Marks and Spencer spring to mind.


Ashley wanted, and wants, to treat the club as a business like his other; I have no objections to that. But the customers are allowed their say. What was their alternative to demonstrating the depth of their feelings? Not go? Many on this board who support Ashley were against this as it would affect the team. Well many people who've paid in advance, some for as long as three years, went to support the team but also took the opportunity as customers to make their feelings known. Quite right too.


Ashley took umbrage and the petulant statment, redolent I have to say of occasional drunken emotional posts on this board (mine sometimes amongst them), was awful. The slur on Newcastle fans that he 'would', not 'might be' or 'could be', but 'would' be assaulted was bad enough; to bring the safety of his children into it was cheap.

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Sorry I dont buy all this Imo hes not selling to keep the fans happy hes selling to make a huge profit and it really wouldnt surprise me if this was the plan from the start, why hire Keegan? when its a fact that if he thinks things are wrong he will walk, its also a fact he wouldnt work in that sort of structure, and thats prob why the 'walkout' clause was in there. its obvious what would happen if Keegan was backed into a corner its also obvious what would happen if the fans thought that Keegan was wronged.

not enough players in when its been obvious were were short, no money spent on transfers, 3 years season tickets up front, merchandise, sky money etc, nice profit so far. As a matter of interest is there actually any proof that he actually paid £110 million off of the debt or is it just what hes said? even if he has if he gets 300mil for the club hes made over 50mil profit, not bad for a year.

and he even walks away seeming the victim of bad advise and because the fans want him to. Hes not a billionair because hes a nice guy



£50m profit? Is that after wages and overheads?

134 mil for the club 110 of debts (if actually paid) 244mil outlay

sky, season tickets, merchandising, league position etc it all adds up

if he gets 300 Id say he'd make at least that, I dont buy this 400mil price thats being quoted

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The tail wagged the dog last saturday, regardless of who you believed 'lied' once you have 'fan-power' deciding things then the only path from there is a downward spiral.


What happens when the next owner doesn't bring KK back............another march, banners and protest for another?


I am really and seriously worried about the club now.




Aren't fans just customers though?


Haven't many companies changed their approach because customers demand it? Marks and Spencer spring to mind.


Ashley wanted, and wants, to treat the club as a business like his other; I have no objections to that. But the customers are allowed their say. What was their alternative to demonstrating the depth of their feelings? Not go? Many on this board who support Ashley were against this as it would affect the team. Well many people who've paid in advance, some for as long as three years, went to support the team but also took the opportunity as customers to make their feelings known. Quite right too.


Ashley took umbrage and the petulant statment, redolent I have to say of occasional drunken emotional posts on this board (mine sometimes amongst them), was awful. The slur on Newcastle fans that he 'would', not 'might be' or 'could be', but 'would' be assaulted was bad enough; to bring the safety of his children into it was cheap.


I'm pretty sure that it was the police that advised him he could be assaulted. It might seem over-reaction on the outside, but if you have angry protests being led against you, it might make you fear for your safety. I'm not saying he did right but it was understandable. Personally I'd have liked to see him brave the crowd, he could always have left his family at home. 

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Can somebody with a bit more knowledge of the money markets, banking etc provide us with some insight as to what impact today's events with Lehman  Bros., Merrill Lynch and AIG could mean for big football investment and the likelihood or otherwise of Ashley finding a buyer at the price he wants?

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Can somebody with a bit more knowledge of the money markets, banking etc provide us with some insight as to what impact today's events with Lehman  Bros., Merrill Lynch and AIG could mean for big football investment.



big trouble for man u re, big trouble for liverpool,


MA should be ok, cos chavs can still afford tracksuits,


Arabs are still making a f-king fortune for the black stuff they found under the sand.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

From Toontalk, and again spot on


There has been a huge amount of fall out, disagreement and abuse thrown at others opinions here, and on other forums, so I thought I would put up words from the great man himself.


Either he has lied, or someone has damagingly misquoted him and he has failed to correct them.


Words from the mouth of Mike


In an interview that appears in the September edition of the official Newcastle United magazine Mike Ashley said: "If the deal is right - and that means the right player who Kevin wants - then we will do that deal. Kevin himself is very particular about who he wants. To use his words, they have to have the right heart for Newcastle. That is massively important for him. If they don't then he's not interested.


“Dennis’ job is to go out and look at young talent all around the world – his task is to help bring new players to our attention and to oversee the Academy and the staff there producing a new cycle of players some of whom we want to see come through into the first team a few years down the line”.


“Yes, there is. If the deal is right – and that means it’s the right player who Kevin wants – then we will do that deal”


and some from Dennis


In the Evening Chronicle (Newcastle) on 1st February this year, Newcastle United’s executive director of football, Dennis Wise, said: “I am here to help Kevin as much as possible with bringing young players through and also recommending certain players to him. He will say yes or no. He has the final word. No-one else. I am not going to do things like bring players in behind his back. I am not into that. Everything that happens will be run past him and he will say yes or no.”


so Keegan can choose the players. Great.


Dennis works for the academy. Cool.


Hold up though. Some words on behalf of Ashley, FACTS even.


"It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, on appointment on 16th January 2008, agreed to report to a director of football and to the board.


"It is a fact that Kevin Keegan worked within that structure from 16th January 2008 until his resignation.”


Mike also said in his rather well worded, heart string pulling, PR company pocket filling with cash, non-question answering statement, that he even intended to put £20 mil a season in(seemingly in regard to transfers) yet by any calculation he has not done that by any stretch, even though it is clear to anyone the positions that need filling. By some calculations it seems we may even be in profit with transfers. Plus the recent injection from tv rights and season tickets sold.


So people. Pick your angle. Choose to trust him anyway if you want, but not as a lover accused of cheating but turns out it was a misunderstanding, at least be honest and put him in the ‘slept around and didn’t care who knew but we will take him back cos we just cant help it” box.


  Hammer the fans who question him as angry, reactionary and thick, but please don’t draw the batlle lines down whether mr Ashley has told the truth. He clearly hasn’t, its in the public domain that he has contradicted himself and made no attempt to re address this

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From Toontalk, and again spot on


There has been a huge amount of fall out, disagreement and abuse thrown at others opinions here, and on other forums, so I thought I would put up words from the great man himself.


Either he has lied, or someone has damagingly misquoted him and he has failed to correct them.


Words from the mouth of Mike


In an interview that appears in the September edition of the official Newcastle United magazine Mike Ashley said: "If the deal is right - and that means the right player who Kevin wants - then we will do that deal. Kevin himself is very particular about who he wants. To use his words, they have to have the right heart for Newcastle. That is massively important for him. If they don't then he's not interested.


“Dennis’ job is to go out and look at young talent all around the world – his task is to help bring new players to our attention and to oversee the Academy and the staff there producing a new cycle of players some of whom we want to see come through into the first team a few years down the line”.


“Yes, there is. If the deal is right – and that means it’s the right player who Kevin wants – then we will do that deal”


and some from Dennis


In the Evening Chronicle (Newcastle) on 1st February this year, Newcastle United’s executive director of football, Dennis Wise, said: “I am here to help Kevin as much as possible with bringing young players through and also recommending certain players to him. He will say yes or no. He has the final word. No-one else. I am not going to do things like bring players in behind his back. I am not into that. Everything that happens will be run past him and he will say yes or no.”


so Keegan can choose the players. Great.


Dennis works for the academy. Cool.


Hold up though. Some words on behalf of Ashley, FACTS even.


"It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, on appointment on 16th January 2008, agreed to report to a director of football and to the board.


"It is a fact that Kevin Keegan worked within that structure from 16th January 2008 until his resignation.”


Mike also said in his rather well worded, heart string pulling, PR company pocket filling with cash, non-question answering statement, that he even intended to put £20 mil a season in(seemingly in regard to transfers) yet by any calculation he has not done that by any stretch, even though it is clear to anyone the positions that need filling. By some calculations it seems we may even be in profit with transfers. Plus the recent injection from tv rights and season tickets sold.


So people. Pick your angle. Choose to trust him anyway if you want, but not as a lover accused of cheating but turns out it was a misunderstanding, at least be honest and put him in the ‘slept around and didn’t care who knew but we will take him back cos we just cant help it” box.


  Hammer the fans who question him as angry, reactionary and thick, but please don’t draw the batlle lines down whether mr Ashley has told the truth. He clearly hasn’t, its in the public domain that he has contradicted himself and made no attempt to re address this


Not wanting to defend Ashley or anything but there are a couple of inaccuracies there.


1. The interview with MA does not say Wise worked solely with the Academy, it is says "his task is to help bring new players to our attention AND to oversee the Academy ". The and being the important point, this doesn't restrict his role to looking for players for the academy.


2. If you read the full statement from Ashley he says he's will to put in 20 million to the club, no where in that can you assume that it for transfers. What he's basically saying is he's prepared to lose 20 million a year on the club, so the balance sheet will never show profit of -20,000,001 or greater.

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I'm not sure anyone really has a problem with Ashley's buisness plan, the problems stem from the fact that he didn't come in and manage expectations or communicate in any meaningful way. Worse, when he did communicate and try to define the roles he was quickly shown to have lied or to have changed the roles without letting people know. Anyway you cut it Wise has far more power than his job description gives him. KK hasn't had the final say on transfers & on that point alone KK was right to have an issue.


The general idea Ashley had on running the club sound sensible but he simply hasn't run the club in the way his plan says. This mess could easily have been stopped before it descended into farce and the serious damage being done to the club and the reputation of the fans. All Ashley had to do was to say to KK that they'd been a bit naughty, that it wouldn't happen again & that he'd get the support from the structure that should have been his in the first place.


What has come out of it is that Ashley & KK have thrown their toys at each other, the fans have vented their feelings through frustration and the media have labelled the fans as mob rule & the club as unmanagable. I'm actually pissed off with the pair of them as they will walk away from this mess & get on with their lives. The casualities - us - will dust ourselves down & wait for the next circus.

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Apperently Mike Ashley was spotted in Dubai today.


Wasn't that yesterday ? Old news, trying to get DIC to buy us but they weren't interested.


I don't know but he is in Dubai and i've been told that he was seen today, still didn't take the trip back i guess.


Could be there for any one of a hundred reasons.

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Apperently Mike Ashley was spotted in Dubai today.


Wasn't that yesterday ? Old news, trying to get DIC to buy us but they weren't interested.


I don't know but he is in Dubai and i've been told that he was seen today, still didn't take the trip back i guess.


Could be there for any one of a hundred reasons.


Aye apparently the duty free shop this is well worth a visit.

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Guest Howaythetoon

It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.

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It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.



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It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.


To be honest though, if they do sell to a rich investor who pumps money into the club, we're still far better off than heading into administration under Shepherd with Big Sam at the helm.

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Guest Howaythetoon

This has the makings of a brilliant reality show, cash in your attic move over. Two teams have to fly to any Arab state and in 24 hours have to make contact with wealthy billionaires and sell them things, the team who makes the most money wins.

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Guest Howaythetoon

It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.


To be honest though, if they do sell to a rich investor who pumps money into the club, we're still far better off than heading into administration under Shepherd with Big Sam at the helm.


It just seems strange how yesterday Ashley had no intentions of selling, then 24 hours later he's having talks with some Arabs or whoever. We should forget about signing Spanish based players which seem to take months to conclude, shop in Arab land where deals take 24 hours or less.


The club has been for sale all along, now he's cashing in his chips.

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It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.


To be honest though, if they do sell to a rich investor who pumps money into the club, we're still far better off than heading into administration under Shepherd with Big Sam at the helm.


It just seems strange how yesterday Ashley had no intentions of selling, then 24 hours later he's having talks with some Arabs or whoever. We should forget about signing Spanish based players which seem to take months to conclude, shop in Arab land where deals take 24 hours or less.


The club has been for sale all along, now he's cashing in his chips.


Didn't the arabs say they'd wanted to buy NUFC before citeh? Or was that someone making stuff up on the boards?

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Guest optimistic nit

no thats true. the club wasnt up for sale then though. and thats from what the arab group have said btw.


although the fans must have a better source than that as its common knowlage that ashley has been trying to sell the club for ages, has been looking out for a quick profit and wanted keegan to resign.

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It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.


To be honest though, if they do sell to a rich investor who pumps money into the club, we're still far better off than heading into administration under Shepherd with Big Sam at the helm.


It just seems strange how yesterday Ashley had no intentions of selling, then 24 hours later he's having talks with some Arabs or whoever. We should forget about signing Spanish based players which seem to take months to conclude, shop in Arab land where deals take 24 hours or less.


The club has been for sale all along, now he's cashing in his chips.


What a load of shite. The Abu Dhabi group which eventually bought Man City were after us as well but claimed that Ashley wouldn't even take their calls, whereas Shaksin was more or less pimping Citeh by comparison.

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It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.


To be honest though, if they do sell to a rich investor who pumps money into the club, we're still far better off than heading into administration under Shepherd with Big Sam at the helm.


It just seems strange how yesterday Ashley had no intentions of selling, then 24 hours later he's having talks with some Arabs or whoever. We should forget about signing Spanish based players which seem to take months to conclude, shop in Arab land where deals take 24 hours or less.


The club has been for sale all along, now he's cashing in his chips.


Seeing as though we have all eaten a little bit of humble pie with the fact the papers appear to have been correct about whats been going on behind the scenes, it is therefore hard to ignore the constant stories over the past few months about us being for sale.


I said it before but that statement wasnt written Saturday night after the furore at the match. Thats been written and prepared for days

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Guest optimistic nit

It was supposed to be Jimenez that was in Dubai yesterday, so Ashley also now being there could mean something is developing.


Smells like they've had this all rigged up from the off to me or at least courted interest before all this blew up. I shall book a flight there tomorrow and try and sell them something, must be a piece of piss.


To be honest though, if they do sell to a rich investor who pumps money into the club, we're still far better off than heading into administration under Shepherd with Big Sam at the helm.


It just seems strange how yesterday Ashley had no intentions of selling, then 24 hours later he's having talks with some Arabs or whoever. We should forget about signing Spanish based players which seem to take months to conclude, shop in Arab land where deals take 24 hours or less.


The club has been for sale all along, now he's cashing in his chips.


HTT man, do you ever even include an ounce of logic in your posts.


The arab group was looking at buying a club, ashley said no so they bought city, then september the first happened, ashley tries to convince keegan back which culminates in a meeting on friday which fails to resolve it and realising without keegan he's not going to get the fans back on side he puts the club up for sale. thats my guess, although he may have decided to put the club up for sale already and told keegan this, trying to use the fact he was going to tempt him back.


Why would the arab group themselves say ashley wasn't receeptive to talks if he was trying to sell the club? and there's no way he'll get as much as he would have before september first.






HTT if fans are going to make their conclusions, like you and countless others have, and then use these conclusions to build a fantasy to back it up, like you have, then its no wounder our club is at its current state.

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