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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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Guest Mantis

No real reason. Just a picking-on-Owen day today. Not that I have ever been a real fan of his. His arrogance and greed and lack of passion when playing in a black and white shirt have brought me to despise the man.




I sometimes wonder Ronaldo whether you'd stab Ian Huntley or Owen if you had the chance.


Didnt realise the thread had turned onto the topic of murderers.  The thread is about Owen and he has been as useful as the above convict this year.

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Guest neesy111

i hate the little tosser and remember when he got injured in the world cup with his knee injury, he was still injured from his broken foot


that really makes my blood boil as he should of not been anywhere near a football pitch then and it showed what he thought about NUFC which is fuck all


i'm glad he hasn't acceptated that contract


also i can't believe we turned down robbie keane and anelka for 12 million between them for owen


thanks shepherd you fat bastard, this really got the boat rolling for what ultimely happened which was relegated

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Guest toonlass

Owen owes this football club nothing. None of the players do. Would be a good gesture from them but if they don't do anything then I wouldn't hold it against any of them. They're paid high wages, that doesn't mean they should share it, most wouldn't in their position.


You are kidding me?

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Guest Stephen927

Owen owes this football club nothing. None of the players do. Would be a good gesture from them but if they don't do anything then I wouldn't hold it against any of them. They're paid high wages, that doesn't mean they should share it, most wouldn't in their position.


You are kidding me?


Shepherd agreed to pay his wages, it was obvious for everyone to see that he was only coming here because he was desperate to come back to England and we were simply the biggest club in England that put forward the most money at the time.


It was fairly obvious his attitude before he signed, his injuries were unfortunate for all parties involved. As for rushing back to play for England, most footballers would have done the same thing, it's not often you get the chance to play for your country in a World Cup so I don't blame him for that at all.

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Guest neesy111

Owen owes this football club nothing. None of the players do. Would be a good gesture from them but if they don't do anything then I wouldn't hold it against any of them. They're paid high wages, that doesn't mean they should share it, most wouldn't in their position.


You are kidding me?


Shepherd agreed to pay his wages, it was obvious for everyone to see that he was only coming here because he was desperate to come back to England and we were simply the biggest club in England that put forward the most money at the time.


It was fairly obvious his attitude before he signed, his injuries were unfortunate for all parties involved. As for rushing back to play for England, most footballers would have done the same thing, it's not often you get the chance to play for your country in a World Cup so I don't blame him for that at all.


ultimely it's us who pay his wages, as without us there wouldn't be a football club


and for the england thing, that's bollock's it's us who pay his wages so it should ultimely be up to us to say whether he's fit or not

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Guest Stephen927

Owen owes this football club nothing. None of the players do. Would be a good gesture from them but if they don't do anything then I wouldn't hold it against any of them. They're paid high wages, that doesn't mean they should share it, most wouldn't in their position.


You are kidding me?


Shepherd agreed to pay his wages, it was obvious for everyone to see that he was only coming here because he was desperate to come back to England and we were simply the biggest club in England that put forward the most money at the time.


It was fairly obvious his attitude before he signed, his injuries were unfortunate for all parties involved. As for rushing back to play for England, most footballers would have done the same thing, it's not often you get the chance to play for your country in a World Cup so I don't blame him for that at all.


ultimely it's us who pay his wages, as without us there wouldn't be a football club


and for the england thing, that's bollock's it's us who pay his wages so it should ultimely be up to us to say whether he's fit or not


I agree it should be the club who decides that but isn't there a rule that says they can't withdraw them from competitive games, only friendlies? If so, then that rule needs to be changed because Michael Owen shouldn't have played at that tournament, a summer recuperating will have done him good but it was largely out of the clubs hands.

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Guest dazzanufc1892

Owen owes this football club nothing. None of the players do. Would be a good gesture from them but if they don't do anything then I wouldn't hold it against any of them. They're paid high wages, that doesn't mean they should share it, most wouldn't in their position.


You are kidding me?


Shepherd agreed to pay his wages, it was obvious for everyone to see that he was only coming here because he was desperate to come back to England and we were simply the biggest club in England that put forward the most money at the time.


It was fairly obvious his attitude before he signed, his injuries were unfortunate for all parties involved. As for rushing back to play for England, most footballers would have done the same thing, it's not often you get the chance to play for your country in a World Cup so I don't blame him for that at all.


ultimely it's us who pay his wages, as without us there wouldn't be a football club


and for the england thing, that's bollock's it's us who pay his wages so it should ultimely be up to us to say whether he's fit or not


I agree it should be the club who decides that but isn't there a rule that says they can't withdraw them from competitive games, only friendlies? If so, then that rule needs to be changed because Michael Owen shouldn't have played at that tournament, a summer recuperating will have done him good but it was largely out of the clubs hands.


i agree with you stephen, always said it

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Guest Mani

cant wait for this little turd to disappear from our club.  worst signing than Stéphane Guivarc'h.  I honestly dont even want Owen here even if he takes a wage cut down to only 45K a week.   


I was ridiculed for dreading the sigining of Owen,  was called mackem basdard and all sorts but i thought we were better off keeping Bellamy and spending the money at the back which was our weakest part of the team.


I knew Owen would be bad for us for two main reasons


A) he'll be a success and run his contract down just like he did to his beloved Liverpool, then move to Manc or Arsnal for a pittance.

B)complete failier , suffer recurring injuries, and we end up selling him for a pittance compared to the 17 million we forked out on him.


but i never anticipated us letting him go for free, which is gonna happen now.  Nothing should surprise me really when its nufc.



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Guest iliketoonarmy

Very bad...bad signing...

Even signing of Boumsong and Amdy Faye was a much better one...

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Maybe if we'd sold him for the 10 mill being touted we'd have bought an attacking midfielder to replace him :( probably would have just bought Nolan earlier though, disgraceful transfer windows we've had.

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IMHO the worst money we have ever spent good riddance.


Said it from day one tbh.


Glad he'll be going, epitomizes the reasons we have been relegated.


Also still hanging on to his last pennies from us even though were down, cannot even do the decent thing and terminate his contract and save us £500k.


Absolute cock end.

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Why do contracts run past the end of the season? It would make sense for them to run out a week after the end of the season.


I do wonder where Owen will end up. There have been rumours of Everton. He would fit their bill in so far as he wouldn't cost a transfer fee. Owen isn't exactly is a position of strength. Poor injury record and out of form for at least half a season. I can't see clubs beating a path to his door. If they do, the wages he can command will be relatively low compared to what we wasted on him.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Luque scored some goals, scored against the mackems and skinned Rio and only just missed

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Owen owes this football club nothing. None of the players do. Would be a good gesture from them but if they don't do anything then I wouldn't hold it against any of them. They're paid high wages, that doesn't mean they should share it, most wouldn't in their position.


You are kidding me?


Shepherd agreed to pay his wages, it was obvious for everyone to see that he was only coming here because he was desperate to come back to England and we were simply the biggest club in England that put forward the most money at the time.


It was fairly obvious his attitude before he signed, his injuries were unfortunate for all parties involved. As for rushing back to play for England, most footballers would have done the same thing, it's not often you get the chance to play for your country in a World Cup so I don't blame him for that at all.


How does any of that mean he doesn't owe us anything?  There is such a thing as morals and while I don't expect most Footballers to have them that doesn't mean I think its ok that they don't..

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Guest Mucky01

Michael Owen was signed because he WAS a very good player at the time and for marketing reason’s as he brought in loads of dosh from sponsorship. He may have not brought in the same amount as Beckham at Real Madrid but he was the next best thing for us. Shepherd knew this from his experience with Shearer and had to get a replacement for his profile. This included loads of money coming from Northern Rock et al.


Shepherd and all the directors would have wanted Owen to go to that world cup, when Shepherd said that he was “nearly physically sick” on seeing him do his knee in, it was mainly for commercial reasons and not concern for MO’s physical well being. If MO had had a good world cup, Shepherd and co. would have been milking the MO cash-cow dry even more.


Don’t think his wages and signing on fee was all one way.

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It's the fact that we gambled everything on Owen that's made his failure here worse for me. We spent £17m of money we didn't have and paid wages no club outside the CL should be able to afford (without a sugar daddy at least). We had him down as the Shearer replacement, the next player the team would be built around and who on account of his ability/calibre, would drag or carry the team from being shit to decent, from decent to good, from good to very good, etc. He was meant to be our talismanic player, and we didn't think twice about passing up opportunities to sign the likes of Anelka and Torres because he was available. So to end up with a player who has been dogshit up front, slow, weak, diminishing sharpness and finishing prowess, constantly injured, etc etc, has been a major kick in the balls, and without a doubt a contibuting factor to our eventual relegation - we couldn't even ship the guy out for cheap because of his wages, so had no choice but to stick it out with this frail has-been. We even made the guy captain because of his status, a huge mistake in hindsight (thought it was a good idea at the time, as did many of us - how wrong we were).


With Luque, Marcelino, Boumsong, etc, although the money wasted was significant and the actual return in comparison to Owen was worse, the expectations, the risks taken, and the sacrifices made weren't anything like as significant as they were with Owen. We never gambled our future on any of these players. So them being worse individually when compared to Owen's tenure here doesn't really bare significance to how Owen's failure has affected the club.


So I'd agree with the viewpoint that Owen is the worst signing in the club's recent history. We'd not have been relegated had we spent that money on someone else - anyone else (even a second Martins) - because even if they had turned out to be shit, we'd have moved them on and replaced them before things got as bad as they did, something we could never do with Owen.

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