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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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As I've said before, Carroll will go if he maintains his improvement - unless NUFC are taken over by a meg-rich owner, Carroll will NOT win honours at SJP OR receive the kind of wages he will command at the Top clubs so the player himself will want to go.


However, I will be surprised if this happens before the summer although you can never rule anything on or out with Ashley in charge.

It will be a major disappointment if he is sold for less than 30m frankly - there are very few players like him, esp with all their careers in front of them.

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All the same arguments over and over again. Getting damn tired tbh. He is a Newcastle player - let's enjoy it.


This.  It's fair enough commenting on an article but all the speculating on what's going through Carroll's and Ashley's minds is just tiresome.  Who know what Carroll wants to do?


People are commenting as it everything is set in stone.

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Ashley will wait until the fans' attitude towards him has calmed down again before he sells Carroll.

He likes to have something in his back pocket to make things kick off big style every now and again to raise the club's (Sports Direct's) profile.

Cynical I know.

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We should sell him ASAP. It's not as if he's cruical to us or anything


anybody said that or you just love pointless exaggerations?



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We should sell him ASAP. It's not as if he's cruical to us or anything


anybody said that or you just love pointless exaggerations?




its your attempt at sarcasm that deserves :facepalm:  :lol:


My suggestion was far better than the utter bullshit you've been spouting. Pipe down and leave 'supporting' Newcastle to real fans

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This is the sort of game that could convince him that he needs to leave. He's blatantly too good for us and the gap between him and the rest of the squad is just embarrassing.


Tottenham didn't even have to break a sweat even after going down to 10. Other than Carroll not a single one of our players on the pitch would make it within a mile of their first team squad.


You might be able to accept that the "top 4" are on a different playing field to begin with, and Man City to an extent, because they have infinite money, but once you realize just how far away we are from other teams with similar resources... You start wondering why you're wasting the best years of your career here.





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We should sell him ASAP. It's not as if he's cruical to us or anything


anybody said that or you just love pointless exaggerations?




its your attempt at sarcasm that deserves :facepalm:  :lol:


My suggestion was far better than the utter bullshit you've been spouting. Pipe down and leave 'supporting' Newcastle to real fans


Oooh you're such a sooopafan...I'm trembling scared, go sleep if you can't tolerate others having a different opinion to yours.

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This is the sort of game that could convince him that he needs to leave. He's blatantly too good for us and the gap between him and the rest of the squad is just embarrassing.



Well, in terms of form yes, sheer quality... not really, he still isn't better than say, James Beattie was at his pomp.


He swapped shirts with Crouch yesterday, blatantly wanted to trade places with him  :angry:

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I stand by my earlier comment (even before this game) that we should sell Carroll if two conditions are met


1) we get minimum offer of 30M


2) All 30M are reinvested back to strengthen various positions in the team (RW, strikers, and backup LB)


Right now all we have is Carroll which is why all we seem to do is lump the ball to his head and hope that he does something with it, when he has even a slightly off day (like yesterday), our attack becomes completely toothless


Anything to say Antec beyond your typical response of  :facepalm:?

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This is the sort of game that could convince him that he needs to leave. He's blatantly too good for us and the gap between him and the rest of the squad is just embarrassing.



Well, in terms of form yes, sheer quality... not really, he still isn't better than say, James Beattie was at his pomp.


He swapped shirts with Crouch yesterday, blatantly wanted to trade places with him  :angry:


some of us here thinks that he is world class already  :lol:

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