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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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How many assists and goals does Carroll have this season, the bigger picture is the progress Carroll has made in 12 months is exceptional. Give it 2 years with the attributes he has to fine tune and it's scary what he could become.


Not to mention being a local youngster making the grades in our academy.


Really can't understand why any mag would want a swap like that.

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Rooney has enough trouble motivating himself to play for man u and england when his mind is on other things, if he was here how much of his time would be spent skulking around with his head down thinking  "bah, I'm wayne rooney, what am I doing playing for this lot', ala owen? Carroll's more useful to US because he has natural talent and he has a reason to go out on the pitch beyond his wage slip, when previously we've had talented players who couldn't be arsed because of the recent predicaments the club found itself in.

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Rooney has enough trouble motivating himself to play for man u and england when his mind is on other things, if he was here how much of his time would be spent skulking around with his head down thinking  "bah, I'm wayne rooney, what am I doing playing for this lot', ala owen? Carroll's more useful to US because he has natural talent and he has a reason to go out on the pitch beyond his wage slip, when previously we've had talented players who couldn't be arsed because of the recent predicaments the club found itself in.


Don't try logic, the kid is nuts.

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He said "who would you swap" not "who would you swap, while also taking in account their personal feelings"


Oh right, so "Who would you swap" not "Who would you swap taking into account if they'd actually be any good for us."

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Hahahah. You don't have any idea what Rooney would feel if he moved to Newcastle. All this is make believe. 


And you've got no idea how many assists and goals he'd get for Newcastle if we swapped him for Carroll, you don't even know how many he's got for Man U.

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Those stats are bollocks. He has 6 assists.

Taking a shot and the keeper spilling it doesn't count as an assist. Although some places count those.



Hahahah. You don't have any idea what Rooney would feel if he moved to Newcastle. All this is make believe. 


And you've got no idea how many assists and goals he'd get for Newcastle if we swapped him for Carroll, you don't even know how many he's got for Man U.

12 in total. 9 in the league.
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He said "who would you swap" not "who would you swap, while also taking in account their personal feelings"


Oh right, so "Who would you swap" not "Who would you swap taking into account if they'd actually be any good for us."

There is no way anyone could possibly know that.
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Feels like Ready to Go here. Carroll is in good form, Rooney isn't happens to all strikers.


Rooney is one of the best players in the world, Carrolls had a good 6 months. James Beattie had a good 6 months for stoke, Crouch for Southampton. Carroll has potential, but noone can predict if he will do it season after season.

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I was actually taking the piss when I said Rooney, because I thought it would get laughed at. Then, to my absolute shock, people actually say he would be a downgrade.

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I dont think Carrol is anywhere near Rooney, but would you still take him in a straight swop? Considering he is on 120K + wages.

That would mean, with our current finances, that we would need to sell or weaken other areas of the team.



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I dont think Carrol is anywhere near Rooney, but would you still take him in a straight swop? Considering he is on 120K + wages.

That would mean, with our current finances, that we would need to sell or weaken other areas of the team.



You didn't tell us take into account his wages, personality or granny fetish.
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Value is subjective. Value is what someone else is prepared to pay. Our valuation of Bent, and Aston Villa's valuation im guessing are very different.


The market value of Carrol may be around 15-20mill. Our valuation is somewhat more. He is young. Local. Lowish wages. 5 year contract.

Our value of him is very high. Our value of Rooney may be lower, because of his form, his wages, etc.

Get the point. Anyways. I would probably still take Rooney. My hope was to spark some discussion around Carrols VALUE. I can only count 3 players I would take in the entire league in a straight swop.

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The problem for Newcastle is that, like it or not, players with comparable talent, potential and market value to Carroll would usually be pretty disappointed to find themselves in a Newcastle shirt at the end of a transfer window.  We've seen time and time again that players who are unhappy at a club are likely to a) Perform way below their potential or b) Put themselves in the shop window, become a vital part of the team and fuck off as soon as another club notices them banging them in and offers them a big pay day.  That's assuming you can get them to come in the first place, when other clubs may be offering them European games or a bigger pay packet.


Our current situation is that we're still an unstable team, we can no longer compensate for our lack of success by outbidding everyone with Hollywood wages, there are now more 'big (number)' clubs in England than there have been for a decade and, rightly or wrongly, for some players living outside of London means you need an extra incentive.  With Carroll we've got something very rare, a player who's the envy of most of the league to who Newcastle actually has a lot of selling points - his friends and family are here, he grew up here, he's come through the academy, he's number nine for his childhood club.  Any replacement we get is going to be a trade-off between talent and ego.  Does anyone really think that if Ronaldinho had been dropped into that Blackburn team that the Premier League would have been set alight by crazy samba skills?


There's also the cliche of Carroll being the endangered 'traditional centre forward' and I think the kind of player he is is much more valuable, in relative terms, to a team in our situation than it is to a strong team where strikers get a lot of support.  I think he suits a newly promoted team better than, say, a Torres type striker would.  And that's not saying that he's a better player than Torres, just that we don't have the right style or quality of players that we'd need to support Torres as a striker, whereas a player like Carroll, as long as we can get someone who can wang a ball in, pretty much supports himself.

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Any NUFC fan who'd swap Carroll for the Rooney we're seeing at the moment is mad.


They are not even the same type of player to be honest - Carroll's game is much more physical than Rooney's and he is much bigger ; Rooney is, at this time, more skillful with the ball at his feet but Carroll may improve that way.

If Carroll can improve anywhere near as much as he has done this season, I would not swap Rooney for him. He is 3 years younger for a start. I also have doubts as to whether Rooney has the desire to give 100% in most games now - next season will tell the tale.

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