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Llambias Q&A with Chronicle: OP updated with Thursday's articles

Guest neesy111

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnears heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: Joe has incredible experience.


Hes got incredible vision and hes a good man manager. We think hes a good fit for us, hes realistic of what hes looking for.


Hes what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we dont know. And if he doesnt well review the situation and well go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).



They cry out for communication thern they rubbish it all anyway.



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We backed Kinnear's transfer-window requests


Feb 12 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle


DEREK LLAMBIAS claims all of Kinnear’s January transfer-window requests to the board were accepted.


He added: “All I can tell you on this window is we said no to nobody.


“We asked ‘who do you want?’ We were given two players. One was Michael Johnson, and we asked how much.


“It was £8m, and we waited two and half hours before we heard back from Manchester City.


“So then we asked ‘who else?’ We went for Kieran Richardson, that bid went straight in.


“We had already agreed Kevin Nolan and Peter Lovenkrands as back-up, and Ryan Taylor.


“We really wanted another midfielder because of what had happened to Danny Guthrie and Joey Barton.


“It did not happen – but we never said no to any requests. We are happy to spend the money.”



As ambiguous as ever. Who can make any sense of what he has said here?

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I'm not saying I wanted JK as permanent manager at any point, but just out of interest what exactly are people judging his ineptness on?


Is it just results? If so, is that really fair? Especially when you consider the environment he walked into and the injuries we have suffered from?


All things considered he hasn't been as disastrous as some on here claim he has been, and the players in particular seem to be gving their all for him.


He isn't perfect but wow do some people go overboard with their disgust for his period of management.



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We backed Kinnear's transfer-window requests


Feb 12 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle


DEREK LLAMBIAS claims all of Kinnear’s January transfer-window requests to the board were accepted.


He added: “All I can tell you on this window is we said no to nobody.


“We asked ‘who do you want?’ We were given two players. One was Michael Johnson, and we asked how much.


“It was £8m, and we waited two and half hours before we heard back from Manchester City.


“So then we asked ‘who else?’ We went for Kieran Richardson, that bid went straight in.


“We had already agreed Kevin Nolan and Peter Lovenkrands as back-up, and Ryan Taylor.


“We really wanted another midfielder because of what had happened to Danny Guthrie and Joey Barton.


“It did not happen – but we never said no to any requests. We are happy to spend the money.”



If that's true,which i doubt,then the thick cunts need to be reminded that the January transfer window is a month long and not just one fucking day at the beginning of February..

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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.


Its nowt to do with any personal agenda, which is the problem most people have, not me.


Interesting also, is that a lot of people were always harping on about the club not having a "plan", [other than the idea to bring good players to the club and keep the good players we already have] and are now moaning like nobodies business that they don't like the "plan".



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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.



i agree, however i feel thats over simplifying the issue somewhat, dont you? in light of the clubs current financial status?

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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.



i agree, however i feel thats over simplifying the issue somewhat, dont you? in light of the clubs current financial status?


You mean seeing 2 of our best players, one of whom has been a fabric of the club and couldn't wait to get away, and our captain to follow soon, is over-simplifying ? I don't think so. In fact, its frightening.



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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.


Its nowt to do with any personal agenda, which is the problem most people have, not me.


Interesting also, is that a lot of people were always harping on about the club not having a "plan", [other than the idea to bring good players to the club and keep the good players we already have] and are now moaning like nobodies business that they don't like the "plan".




So if JFK asked for Lovenkrnads, Raylor, Nolan, Richardson and Johnson for whom bids were placed, did the board back their manager?

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.

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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.



i agree, however i feel thats over simplifying the issue somewhat, dont you? in light of the clubs current financial status?


You mean seeing 2 of our best players, one of whom has been a fabric of the club and couldn't wait to get away, and our captain to follow soon, is over-simplifying ? I don't think so. In fact, its frightening.




no thats not what i mean because thats not what i said. i dont really think thats relevant to backing the manager? as it opens a whole load of other issues regarding whether jfk wanted given and n'zogbia to stay, what the club did to keep them etc, so lets not side track. i agree with you that boards should back their managers financially, but given the clubs finances at present, how should the board be providing more than they currently are?

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


That's why I'm still with my pig ugly girlfriend.  To show the stunners I'm not afraid of commitment.



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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.


Fair enough, but I'm not gonna shoot my load, pop a vein in my head and cry murder until nufc.co.uk confirm that JK has signed the contract extension. Fair?

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnears heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: Joe has incredible experience.


Hes got incredible vision and hes a good man manager. We think hes a good fit for us, hes realistic of what hes looking for.


Hes what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we dont know. And if he doesnt well review the situation and well go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.


Fair enough, but I'm not gonna shoot my load, pop a vein in my head and cry murder until nufc.co.uk confirm that JK has signed the contract extension. Fair?


That's completely fair enough. And I admire your faith in Ashley, Llambias and Wise and the fact you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I wish I would, I just can't.

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.


Fair enough, but I'm not gonna shoot my load, pop a vein in my head and cry murder until nufc.co.uk confirm that JK has signed the contract extension. Fair?


That's completely fair enough. And I admire your faith in Ashley, Llambias and Wise and the fact you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I wish I would, I just can't.


It's not a case of me having faith in them. I'm just holding on to the faint hope that this is just a PR stunt as I can't bear to think what would happen to us should JK stay on for another 2 years or so.

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.

relax,it doesn't matter. i have it from a higher source that getting a manager to get results is a lottery anyway.
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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.

relax,it doesn't matter. i have it from a higher source that getting a manager to get results is a lottery anyway.


good post

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This from the Journal...


Speaking before Kinnear’s heart scare, Llambias defended the decision to offer the former Republic of Ireland international a two-year contract.


That contract has still not been signed as Kinnear argued he would rather wait until the end of the season before deciding whether he wanted to make that sort of commitment.


Llambias said: “Joe has incredible experience.


“He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


“He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else."


What the f***.... one day he's saying he just runs the stadium selling pies and s***, he has nothing to do with football side of things. The next he's giving us his  incredibly knowledgeable views on why JFK will be the manager for the next 2 and a half years.


I know he said "we", but he should have f*** all to do with deciding who the manager should be. We might as we consult the tea lady as well while we're at it.


I'm sorry but i just think he's feeding us s*** what he think's we want to hear (about everything else, not JFK).





It's posts like this that make me laugh. Everything they say is bollocks except the JFK craic eh? Do you really think Llambias is going to come out and say, "erm roight we fink Jawou iz a bit ov awright, ba ee aynt got a cloo abaat nuffink, and we're looking to get rid asap" ???


He's their appointment, and they're merely showing their appreciation for him taking on the job. Joe Kinnear will not be NUFC manager beyond the end of this season. Of this I am confident. If he is installed as a permanent manager, I will turn on them personally just like everyone else.




Omg you honestly don't see the issue with this here?  The mere fact that JFK was offered a long term contract is the problem.  His results so far has been average at best and that is being generous.  They have clearly no ambition if they believe him or someone of his caliber is the man for the job.  We might as well go and appoint Souness or Roeder again.  It's that level of ambition.


What I am trying to say is that it could all be a ploy to show the world that they don't change managers like they change socks, and that they are willing to commit to an employee they believe in. This could be to encourage future incumbents who may hesitate to apply for the job in the summer when it is vacant, without having any concerns about the board's desire to establish stability.


For the record, I do NOT think keeping JK is a good idea, and I suspect Ashley and co also realize that we could do much better!


You have heard from 2 sources confirming there is a contract and Mike Ashley being interviewed saying Kinnear is his hero.  Everyone in football knows that Kinnear was always going to be a short term solution so i don't buy into your argument that they are putting out quotes to make it seem we are stable.


They believe Kinnear is a good idea because they all have a good working relationship, it certainly isn't based on football results.  That is my take on it.

relax,it doesn't matter. i have it from a higher source that getting a manager to get results is a lottery anyway.


anyone but Fred  bluelaugh.gif


Don't ask Roman Abramovic mind, he sacks World Cup winners  bluelaugh.gif



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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.



i agree, however i feel thats over simplifying the issue somewhat, dont you? in light of the clubs current financial status?


You mean seeing 2 of our best players, one of whom has been a fabric of the club and couldn't wait to get away, and our captain to follow soon, is over-simplifying ? I don't think so. In fact, its frightening.




no thats not what i mean because thats not what i said. i dont really think thats relevant to backing the manager? as it opens a whole load of other issues regarding whether jfk wanted given and n'zogbia to stay, what the club did to keep them etc, so lets not side track. i agree with you that boards should back their managers financially, but given the clubs finances at present, how should the board be providing more than they currently are?


I'm not sure either, but maybe Shay Given could shed some light on it ? As well as Keegan and Owen ? Don't you find their actions tell you something ?



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Get back in your own thread NE5.


nowt to say then ?



Just joking man, I'm pretty bored, we all know spending money improves your chances of doing well, but it's not a given, you need the right manager, the right scouts and the right amount of money but you can do well without spending massive amount if you have the right manager e.g. Moyes and Everton.


on the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get a decent manager, and it IS a lottery, and don't back him, he'll be off. Like Moyes, unless Everton are taken over or it all suddenly goes tits up for him.


When you say "do well", how well do YOU want to do ?




It's a lottery getting a good manager?


No it's a skill, not an easy one but it is definately a skill.


is it now ?


We'll see how easily Arsenal replace Wenger and ManU replace Ferguson.


Or Everton replace Moyes ..........




Even a "good manager" isn't necessarily the "right manager", which I suppose adds credence to NE5's "lottery" theory.


Bit simplistic on the whole though, as usual.


you mean "realistic", as usual. Which also, as usual, too many people fail to grasp.



were you happy with the kinnear appointment ?


hey getting a good manager is a lottery right,surely theres as much chance getting a s*** one to turn out good results as there is a good one turning out bad to your thinking or maybe you are piffling again in anattempt to detect any criticism from the your beloved fred ?


(conversly it must work with players aswell...shevchenko,veron,woodgate at real,keane at liverpool......good players who didn't do it so surely it means it's pointless spending big as these players prove it works)



i'll stop you in your tracks........."back your manager"............what with ? where was the money going to come from......at this point you mention the debt of others and as always i mention the debt of the top 4 is different to ours as they are making money aside from those with sugar daddies where as we have consistently made losses (not a good scenario when begging to the banks with few assets left to hock). look at the other clubs who,like us have lived beyond their means,they are all cutting right back and ask yourself what liverpools or arsenals spending would be like if they missed out on the champs league for 3 or 4 years ?


often on here you have alluded to others having thir heads in the sand but it is clear the one one doing an ostrich is yourself in relation to the position fred left us in.




Especially when there are still people hell bent on defending Ashley to the bitter end, and I mean bitter end = relegation and with little chance of coming back.


Pleased for you that you still appear to write off all those european qualifications and champions league appearances and the manner in which they were achieved.


Still, nobody is "embarrassing us" any more, right ?





we've covered the euro qualifications to death as that has little to do with the position we were in spring 2007.


defending ashley to the bitter end......like you defending fred ?


i never mentioned being embarassed by fred's utterences.



nice to see you keep your head in the sand re our position when fred left.


you mentioned Shepherd, not me, with a silly childish comment.


Yep, I will "defend" anybody who gave me the only 15 years out of 45 that tried to compete at the levels this club should always compete at, and thus gave me the best most consistent and highest league positions as a result.  As I've said before. 




Then you should be happy that your season ticket money is going towards paying the bills he racked up in the process.


The alternative is of course, only supporting the club when they are winning, as you did when the Halls and Shepherd took over [if you even did that]



Was that the Hall/Shepherd era where we were nearly relegated from the 1st division? Or the Hall/Shepherd era where we were finishing 13th in the league despite the big spending?


nah, the Hall/Shepherd who took over a club days from bankruptcy, getting 15000 gates and couldn't be sold for 1.25m quid, that became a club filling a 52000 all seater stadium, playing in the champions league, qualifying for europe more than anybody but 4 clubs, and was valued at anything between 100m and 200m quid.


I am sorry you feel the need to scorn the big spending that did all of that, what a shame you would have preferred solvency and 2nd division obscurity instead of beating Barcelona and playing in the San Siro.




You really are one blinkered old man aren't you. Who said I didn't appreciate the wonderful football we have experienced, but you paint the Hall/Shepherd days with such rose-tinted spectacles. You fail to see what it has cost this club to get these things. You know I wouldn't prefer to be in the 2nd division, but a happy medium of the club not being whored out to pay for the fabulous football we saw would have been nice, do you not think? As for the £100-£200 million quid. Are you happy that Sir John Hall and Fred Shepherd pocketed over £180 million between them when this club was sold, especially since Sir John Hall stood on the steps of St James when he first bought the club and stated he wasn't in it for the money! YEAH RIGHT!


oh dear. Resorting to insults. How old are you ? I'm not old you daft bugger, and I'm in good health too. If you don't want to listen to others who have seen things [without meaning to sound patronising] then you really do have a serious problem, and are talking like a naive teenager.


I don't believe you saw the mediocrity of the 1970's and 1980's if you think the souness, Roeder and Allardyce league positions were mediocre league positions.


Sorry like, but I don't. I believed you at first but your own comments have gave me the impression I now have.


I have no idea what makes you think I am happy with money going out of the club. All I have said is that the Halls and Shepherd are by far the best owners we have had in 50 years, in fact, the ONLY good owners in that time. To that extent, they deserved something, for the job they did and the initial risks they took, taking over the club in the state it was in.


And don't compare the state of the club in 1991 to now, because believe me, it was miles apart.




but we're in the same league position now as we were when shepherd left, so its not the league positions you care about? but how much money we spend? seems weird.


I don't ever remember us being in such a relegation scrap under Shepherd's tenure though.


point taken, but remember we're always only one or two results away from being out of it (just as much as the opposite is true i understand). but to criticise ashley on current league position while stating that the souness roeder allardyce finishes were not mediocre is hypocritical, whereas to criticise ashley on financial grounds is at best naive and at worst a blatant agenda.


I really don't know how many times this has to be said. A board that backs their manager and shows ambition will always be better than one who choose not to.



i agree, however i feel thats over simplifying the issue somewhat, dont you? in light of the clubs current financial status?


You mean seeing 2 of our best players, one of whom has been a fabric of the club and couldn't wait to get away, and our captain to follow soon, is over-simplifying ? I don't think so. In fact, its frightening.




no thats not what i mean because thats not what i said. i dont really think thats relevant to backing the manager? as it opens a whole load of other issues regarding whether jfk wanted given and n'zogbia to stay, what the club did to keep them etc, so lets not side track. i agree with you that boards should back their managers financially, but given the clubs finances at present, how should the board be providing more than they currently are?


I'm not sure either, but maybe Shay Given could shed some light on it ? As well as Keegan and Owen ? Don't you find their actions tell you something ?



i reckon they'd tell you they left cos the club aint going to be challenging anytime soon (and i would say it it was down to the financial mess we are in)


you would say we should have kept on borrowing to keep these players ,cross your fingers and hope we find success before the banks say "no" or "err can we have our money back please"

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