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Isn't that not allowed?


I think there's some weird restrictions on the players that Darlo can field in the next few games.  They can only sign players who haven't played in the last 2 seasons or something like that, wouldn't be an issue for a number of our youngsters who haven't kicked a ball in a 1st team game yet but would prevent us from sending them Alan Smith (besides, they've probably suffered enough already).

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They can play these next few games with loan signings.


Just mentioned on the Legends that apparently Pardew has said Craig Liddle has only to pick up the phone and we'll send players down.  However, they can't be any older than 19.


Mowbray apparently said similar.  Nice gesture.


It looks like another team in the league has moaned about the possibility of loans so they can't do it.

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I'm not sure what the 2 weeks time for due diligence is going to do.


"Now, let's see the accounts. Oh, wow, they weren't lying."


The bottom line is - from my knowledge anyway - the club is simply not sustainable. It needs a massive injection of money for it to survive until the end of the year, let alone long-term.

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SkyGraemeBailey Fleetwood Town block Darlington, who currently have 9 players, from signing loan players from Newcastle and Middlesbrough. Disgraceful.

4 minutes ago


SkyGraemeBailey Pardew and Mowbray happy to help out neighbours, but Fleetwood use technicality over embargo to stop Quakers ahead of their game on Saturday

4 minutes ago



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SkyGraemeBailey Fleetwood Town block Darlington, who currently have 9 players, from signing loan players from Newcastle and Middlesbrough. Disgraceful.

4 minutes ago


SkyGraemeBailey Pardew and Mowbray happy to help out neighbours, but Fleetwood use technicality over embargo to stop Quakers ahead of their game on Saturday

4 minutes ago



So basically they are using the situation in order for Darlington to either forfeit the match or play pretty much whoever they can find on the streets.


I'd laugh my ass off if Darlington beat them, disgusting antics from Fleetwood.

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Guest Roger Kint

SkyGraemeBailey Fleetwood Town block Darlington, who currently have 9 players, from signing loan players from Newcastle and Middlesbrough. Disgraceful.

4 minutes ago


SkyGraemeBailey Pardew and Mowbray happy to help out neighbours, but Fleetwood use technicality over embargo to stop Quakers ahead of their game on Saturday

4 minutes ago




That would be big spending Fleetwood? Utter wankers, just because their rich owner buys above their means its fuck everyone else.....

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for all it's not nice i can almost understand fleetwoods point. if fleetwood missed out on promotion due to dropping 3 points against darlo, who could end up with a team of better players if they got help from ncl/sland/boro reserves, it could cost them a lot. for all i'd just about side with darlo over this i think fleetwood have apoint.

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Guest Roger Kint

for all it's not nice i can almost understand fleetwoods point. if fleetwood missed out on promotion due to dropping 3 points against darlo, who could end up with a team of better players if they got help from ncl/sland/boro reserves, it could cost them a lot. for all i'd just about side with darlo over this i think fleetwood have apoint.


Darlo need a miracle to survive the season, any result will no doubt be void in a few weeks the way its currently heading. No need for Fleetwood doing this imo.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Darlington rescue group given time to create share issue


Darlington's administrators have granted the Darlington FC 1883 Limited group an opportunity to raise the funds to buy the club through a share issue.


In a statement, Harvey Madden said the group would have time to set up a scheme to generate a sum of £750,000, at a proposed cost of £100 a share.


In addition the group has raised the money to guarantee the club's future until the end of the season.


The period of exclusivity will end on 30 April 2012.



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  • 3 months later...

They should have just started again. Now they're down there anyway saddled with debt!


Yep, and they have no hope with that ridiculous stadium, they never did.


George Reynolds completely fucked them over, despicable.

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Can't believe they're playing at Shildon. :lol:


...and Whitley Bay!


No, they're actually playing their home games at Shildon! :lol:


I used to go there with my dad cos his mate knew the manager and he'd get them free drinks in the bar afterwards. Me and my mate would go and play on the pitch and jump around doing overhead kicks in the filthy Northern League goalmouths, come back caked in mud every single week, my mam used to go mental.

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