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Alan Shearer contract latest: long gone


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I'm sure there will be a hefty financial benefit from this move. That goes without saying and it probably did have a sway on his decision; he's got a comfy lifestyle atm - sitting on a no-doubt handsome payslip for simply talking about footy every Saturday night. Newcastle would have had to atleast match that wage. I hope people don't use this as a bat to hit him with; if the cash is aiding his motivation then fair enough.


The reason why he's taken the job is because he knows he'll be branded a hero, again, for keeping us up. And rightly so. Aye he's already a legend but to be able to save us from the cusp of relegation is something he never had to do as a player tbh. If he can do it as a manager it would be amazing for him.


And to echo Big TRon there; it's hardly no-risk. If he takes us down it will pang like a bitch for him. The sheer determination of the man, combined with the devotion and pride he's got in this club, will mean it will kill him if he's the one at the helm when we go down. Shearer is Newcastle United and i for one think there is absolutely no f***ing way we are off down now. No chance.


Well said

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Well this is quite a lot to wake up to and digest here in New York. I'm in shock, my head is spinning, heart is racing. I'm f***ing over the moon! And I have absolutely no idea what is going on here. Never a dull day in Newcastle...

Up at the crack of noon?  :mike:


Still in some kind of quiet, stunned disbelief myself.  Too scared to be hopeful.


Hehe recently becoming unemployed and hungover means getting up any earlier would be completely unreasonable.


I just don't know what to think or how to react. I'm a combination of scared, excited, confused, hopeful, and disbelieving. I'm fearful of getting too excited one second, and yelling at myself for being so pessimistic the next second. My irrational side is sure that the prodigal son will save us, and my logical side thinks that even he can't save us now with so little time and with the players available. Both feelings are mixing together to create some kind of incomprehensible belief that Shearer will both save us and fail at the same time. Then again, this may just all be the leftover alcohol in my bloodstream talking.

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shearer would have been the only manager to galvanise all of us in this way, i expect us to stay up now


shearer will be able to attract good players as well


and keep ahold of owen etc...?


If Owen misfires in these next 8 games then he can fuck off imo

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Crucial appointment for the clubs future. IF we go down despite him coming in, he'll keep some more players at the club and be able to bring in quality and get us back up. IF we stay up, we'll attract better players than the likes of Kinnear would have managed to do.

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shearer would have been the only manager to galvanise all of us in this way, i expect us to stay up now


shearer will be able to attract good players as well


and keep ahold of owen etc...?


If Owen misfires in these next 8 games then he can f*** off imo


oh okay :)

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Guest Chubby Jason

Sorry if this has already been posted but this is from nufc.com:


PS: The intriguing possibility has emerged that the Shearer appointment is linked to a new investor in the club and he's been persuaded to take the position by someone other than Ashley and Llambias. The events of the coming days will doubtless prove or disprove that theory.


Could make sense...

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Guest Micktoon

It´s bloody weird after a full day of Shearer on the lips of all the press and all over the telly, there is still bugger all official from the club or on the webpage.


Something smells I tells ya.

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It´s bloody weird after a full day of Shearer on the lips of all the press and all over the telly, there is still bugger all official from the club or on the webpage.


Something smells I tells ya.


You mean the press pulling the biggest April fool in history?


Would laugh my tit's off like but highly doubt it

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It´s bloody weird after a full day of Shearer on the lips of all the press and all over the telly, there is still bugger all official from the club or on the webpage.


Something smells I tells ya.


Newcastle in lack of communication shocker?

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