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He could be a miss. While he's no superstar hes a solid player and a good passer of the ball and is more disciplined in that midfield role than either Gerrard or Lampard could be (though Lampards performances in that kind of position vs Barca and Bayern was impressive) plus never hurts to have as many winners in your squad as possible and he is a premier league winning player and he normally gets into City's side.

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He could be a miss. While he's no superstar hes a solid player and a good passer of the ball and is more disciplined in that midfield role than either Gerrard or Lampard could be (though Lampards performances in that kind of position vs Barca and Bayern was impressive) plus never hurts to have as many winners in your squad as possible and he is a premier league winning player and he normally gets into City's side.


Seeing as it's more difficult to get a game for Man City than it is for England, that's food for thought.


Barry seemed to take too much of the blame during the last World Cup, when he wasn't fully fit, and his reputation hasn't recovered.


I can't quite imagine Jones, with his current level of experience, doing a job for us in centre mid in an international tournament.

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Confirmed Barry out Jagielka in


Phew, was really afraid of Henderson getting the nod! In any case, Barry's injury is a blessing in disguise, he would have been torn apart in CM against the big guns from the French, Swedish and even Ukrainian teams.

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Barry getting injured is quite possibly the best thing we could have hoped for. He's too slow, especially when you consider the lack of pace in his potential partners. It's about time we started playing someone else there, his time as an England player should be (hopefully) finished.

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Not having this "well he's solid" bollocks. He's an average player with hugely limited attributes, who has been able to play with some of the best players in Europe this season (let alone this league).


From an England perspective, yes, we're hardly overflowing with quality but I'd rather give a young lad a chance than play him. Playing mediocrity like Barry is a key reason for why we're going backwards as an international team.


I thought that game against Germany would've been the last of him at international level but alas, there he is, built up to be some sort of key fucking player for us.


Delighted he's injured.

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How has jones performed for man u this season when played in midfield?




Nah I don't know tbh.  I know he had an up-and-down season overall, but I do remember him playing in CM at QPR and he was brilliant, totally ran the show imo.

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As with all England midfielders he's not good or comfortable enough on the ball to play midfield internationally. The though of him and Gerrard having to play alongside each other is frightening, both totally undisciplined.

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As with all England midfielders he's not good or comfortable enough on the ball to play midfield internationally. The though of him and Gerrard having to play alongside each other is frightening, both totally undisciplined.


Absolutely this.


Looks good there in the Prem sometimes because he's a good athlete.

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I always rated Barry as a centre half, fuck knows why he decided to become a midfielder and even more so of a fuck knows why he has dozens of caps there.


Remember when he was a left back? Christ.

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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.


Saw a lot of him live when he was at Watford and even then he was a class above everytime he played. He's very creative and chips in with his fair share. If he'd stayed fit this season he would've been in the squad imo.

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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.


Saw a lot of him live when he was at Watford and even then he was a class above everytime he played. He's very creative and chips in with his fair share. If he'd stayed fit this season he would've been in the squad imo.


Saw him at Watford and he looked a cut above then but when in the Premiership he hasn't looked a cut above if you like. Just wanted to know if I am missing something and if he's being hyped simply due to the lack of quality in his position.


Also when I first saw Wilshere play he stood out immediately as did Chamberlain.

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