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Guest Phil K

Personally I thought Johnson was the worst player on the pitch.

I thought he was crap.....and STILL the best defender. Doesn't that speak volumes ?

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Entertaining game, enjoyed it.


Mind, it hardly told us anything we didn't already know. We're good enough to beat teams like Sweden, but will get beat by a better team - of which there are many in this tournament.

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I thought Gerrard played well but that was probably just the beer. I'm sure i read somewhere earlier that Rooney will start against Ukraine. I'd drop Milner because he's been crap both games, but it'll be Welbeck or Carroll surely?

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but will get beat by a better team - of which there are many in this tournament.


Very debatable on the last point. Most other teams considered better have under performed so far while England have done better than we expected.

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but will get beat by a better team - of which there are many in this tournament.


Very debatable on the last point. Most other teams considered better have under performed so far while England have done better than we expected.


Personally I think we've done exactly as expected, I think a few opinions of how "bad" we are have been exaggerated. We're not an awful team, good enough to beat teams like Sweden - through making it hard for ourselves, mind.


I personally think we'll struggle against the likes of Croatia or Russia if we come to meet them, let alone Germany or Spain, who we could very possibly play in the next round if we make it.

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I thought Gerrard played well but that was probably just the beer. I'm sure i read somewhere earlier that Rooney will start against Ukraine. I'd drop Milner because he's been crap both games, but it'll be Welbeck or Carroll surely?


No matter how well the team has done so far - Rooney has to start regardless. He'll be able to make a huge difference.

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First England game I've enjoyed in a while, watching with Germans, like. Good stuff, all in all.


A German footie mag said the game was "as beautiful as a drunken woman at four in the morning when you're even drunker."



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Guest firetotheworks

I laughed at the Johnson praise as well. They praised him for almost keeping their first goal out, despite playing everyone onside. Then had a go at Young for stepping up with everyone else. (except Johnson)

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Wellbeck - took his goal well but his first touch and ball control was shocking. Good movement though.

Carroll - had a great first half an hour but faded rapidly and started giving away loads of daft fouls. Doesn't look like he has the fitness to handle 90 mins at the top.

Gerrard - gave a 'Scotty Parker' type performance. Lovely cross for the goal, but seemed intent on personal glory. On a number of occasions he lost possession an couldn't be fucked to chase it back. Should have left that sitter at the end for AOC. Still, probably our most likely candidate for an assist.


Against Ukraine i'd opt for a front three of Carroll (central) and Rooney and Wellbeck roaming off him, with a midfield three of Gerrard, Parker and AOC.

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but will get beat by a better team - of which there are many in this tournament.


Very debatable on the last point. Most other teams considered better have under performed so far while England have done better than we expected.


Personally I think we've done exactly as expected, I think a few opinions of how "bad" we are have been exaggerated. We're not an awful team, good enough to beat teams like Sweden - through making it hard for ourselves, mind.


I personally think we'll struggle against the likes of Croatia or Russia if we come to meet them, let alone Germany or Spain, who we could very possibly play in the next round if we make it.


Germany and Spain are the 2 who would be the big favourites when they play any other team in the tournament but other than that I think it's very close. England could lose to most teams here and I think they could beat most teams too.

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If they can iron out the fundamental problem they have with keeping a lead, England can potentially stifle teams all the way to the semis, especially if Rooney's up for it. I think they'll beat Ukraine, finishing top of the group and meeting Croatia in the quarters.

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If they can iron out the fundamental problem they have with keeping a lead, England can potentially stifle teams all the way to the semis, especially if Rooney's up for it. I think they'll beat Ukraine, finishing top of the group and meeting Croatia in the quarters.


Even if we beat Ukraine we wont finish the top of the group unless France f*ck things up royally... So Spain it is.


No way in hell we are stifling Spain, even Italy who is going to lock down Pirlo & Cassano from combining? it's very very unlikely imo we would have to get ridiculously lucky even the Croat's we would struggle to get past IMO.


Ok we scraped past a very poor Sweden side or apart from Ibra is full of very poor players ( some of which ply their trade at the bottom of the Premier League or Championship) but lets not go nuts we are still very poor and haven't really shown anything that would suggest we could oust Spain, Italy or even Croatia.

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