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The England Thread


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No one expected much from this team. In that sense, I'd say the tournament was rather successful for England. Winning the group, which virtually no one thought would happen, and shutting out a tough Italian team for 120 minutes only to fall in penalties is no small feat.


Central midfield will look better as young guys like Wilshere, Rodwell, and Cleverley come back from injury and gain experience over the next couple years. I expect England will be better able to control the ball through the midfield by Brazil14.

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No one expected much from this team. In that sense, I'd say the tournament was rather successful for England. Winning the group, which virtually no one thought would happen, and shutting out a tough Italian team for 120 minutes only to fall in penalties is no small feat.


Central midfield will look better as young guys like Wilshere, Rodwell, and Cleverley come back from injury and gain experience over the next couple years. I expect England will be better able to control the ball through the midfield by Brazil14.


Wilshere I can buy into. The rest I am unconvinced.

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No one expected much from this team. In that sense, I'd say the tournament was rather successful for England. Winning the group, which virtually no one thought would happen, and shutting out a tough Italian team for 120 minutes only to fall in penalties is no small feat.


Central midfield will look better as young guys like Wilshere, Rodwell, and Cleverley come back from injury and gain experience over the next couple years. I expect England will be better able to control the ball through the midfield by Brazil14.


Wilshere I can buy into. The rest I am unconvinced.


I thought Cleverley looked a smart player before he went down. Rodwell isn't better than Parker or Barry at DM at this point, but more reps at Everton will do him good.

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Rodwell needs to a) stop getting injured and b) improve quite a bit


Also, Walker should be replacing Johnson on that right flank from now on.


Richards is better than them both IMO.


Does anyone have an actual reason as to where Richards was? What's he done to Hodgson?

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I think Italy will give Germany a pretty good game tbh, they look like a good side to me.


Milner has no business playing on the wing at any level, never mind for the English team. Offers absolutely nothing. Think that between Carroll and Wellbeck you've got two good options alongside Rooney for the future, this tournament will be good experience for them.


A lot depends on getting Wilshire established in the first team, he's the type of player you've sorely missed for years.


Wilshire and Cleverly I could both see being absolutely massive for England's passing game in the future. Even Rodwell, for a more defensive midfielder uses the ball so much better than Parker.


Rodwell, Cleverly and Wilshire in a midfield three would have been 10 times better than the midfield in this tournament. There's certainly players that can play a far better brand of football.


The question is how soon will they be given a chance? How long will Gerrard, Parker, Barry and lampard continue to linger?


Well it wasn't a question at this tournament, because they were all injured.


You're right though, those players are key and should be blooded ASAP.


The problem is not individual players. It's our culture. How many times did Terry/Lescott hit it long? Compare that to Barzaghli/Bonucci. It's in our DNA.

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IMO Cleverly is class, and Rodwell is very good too. I've only seen McEachran a few times, but he looks brilliantly technical and skillful.


I'm not convinced in the slightest.

Spain probably have at least 5 cleverly's who don't get a look in for the national side.


He's an average player but because he is one of our better prospects who is likely to come in we deem him as class.

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Anyone with better knowledge of hte younger English players consider doing a first 11 and 5-8 players outside of that that are young and actually have something to them? Ie your Wilshire, McEch, etc? Ive seen a few around here but maybe your "long-term" Starting 11 of players who actually are quite brilliant and bring something to their game?

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I think Italy will give Germany a pretty good game tbh, they look like a good side to me.


Milner has no business playing on the wing at any level, never mind for the English team. Offers absolutely nothing. Think that between Carroll and Wellbeck you've got two good options alongside Rooney for the future, this tournament will be good experience for them.


A lot depends on getting Wilshire established in the first team, he's the type of player you've sorely missed for years.


Wilshire and Cleverly I could both see being absolutely massive for England's passing game in the future. Even Rodwell, for a more defensive midfielder uses the ball so much better than Parker.


Rodwell, Cleverly and Wilshire in a midfield three would have been 10 times better than the midfield in this tournament. There's certainly players that can play a far better brand of football.


The question is how soon will they be given a chance? How long will Gerrard, Parker, Barry and lampard continue to linger?


Well it wasn't a question at this tournament, because they were all injured.


You're right though, those players are key and should be blooded ASAP.


The problem is not individual players. It's our culture. How many times did Terry/Lescott hit it long? Compare that to Barzaghli/Bonucci. It's in our DNA.


We see the same with NUFC.  When Krul, Willo or Colo start punting it long and bypassing the midfield the opposition regain possession a large percentage of the time and it invites pressure onto us.  It's  basic fact of football and it's a pity that both NUFC and england resort to it because both sides have players capable of so much more.

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IMO Cleverly is class, and Rodwell is very good too. I've only seen McEachran a few times, but he looks brilliantly technical and skillful.


I'm not convinced in the slightest.

Spain probably have at least 5 cleverly's who don't get a look in for the national side.


He's an average player but because he is one of our better prospects who is likely to come in we deem him as class.


Well, I'm saying he's a good footballer, I'm not saying he's as good as Xavi.

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Josh McEachran is supposed to be really promising as well isn't he?

I don't think he will ever come to fruition. The boy is a decent passer and an alright touch, but he is lacking in physicality and attacking drive. He reminds me of Guthrie, with the skill set of a deep-lying playmaker, but completely lacking in the engine and strength necessary to play there in Engand.

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Anyone with better knowledge of hte younger English players consider doing a first 11 and 5-8 players outside of that that are young and actually have something to them? Ie your Wilshire, McEch, etc? Ive seen a few around here but maybe your "long-term" Starting 11 of players who actually are quite brilliant and bring something to their game?

I am jealous of any nation that can sit and name eleven players under twenty who "are actually quite brilliant". :lol: It is impossible to know so early in the career. Players like Welbeck and even Moses who plays with us now, I wouldn't have predicted them to make the developmental leap they did this season.

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IMO Cleverly is class, and Rodwell is very good too. I've only seen McEachran a few times, but he looks brilliantly technical and skillful.


I'm not convinced in the slightest.

Spain probably have at least 5 cleverly's who don't get a look in for the national side.


He's an average player but because he is one of our better prospects who is likely to come in we deem him as class.


Forget how class these guys are, it's not necessarily about that.


We're talking simple basics now i.e. just having the ability to move into the right spaces to receive the ball, and then look to play it forward to feet, and these guys being discussed are far more capable of doing this than your Parkers and Barry's.



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Guest taps01

Josh McEachran is supposed to be really promising as well isn't he?

I don't think he will ever come to fruition. The boy is a decent passer and an alright touch, but he is lacking in physicality and attacking drive. He reminds me of Guthrie, with the skill set of a deep-lying playmaker, but completely lacking in the engine and strength necessary to play there in Engand.


Ross Barkley at Everton is very highly thought of at Everton

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Thought Rooney was terrible for yous last night.


The bottom line for me is that he didn't look fit.



Bottom line is he was terrible. At 26 you shouldn't have such poor conditioning that you can't sit out a 6 week lay off.


He starts eating a lot as soon as the season finishes.

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Guest taps01

IMO Cleverly is class, and Rodwell is very good too. I've only seen McEachran a few times, but he looks brilliantly technical and skillful.


I'm not convinced in the slightest.

Spain probably have at least 5 cleverly's who don't get a look in for the national side.


He's an average player but because he is one of our better prospects who is likely to come in we deem him as class.


Forget how class these guys are, it's not necessarily about that.


We're talking simple basics now i.e. just having the ability to move into the right spaces to receive the ball, and then look to play it forward to feet, and these guys being discussed are far more capable of doing this than your Parkers and Barry's.




In our next friendly if we were looking at mainly putting out a team with 'potential international players' id like to see something like the below.



Walker Smalling Jones Gibbs

        Wilshire Rodwell


Chamberlain          Sturridge




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Josh McEachran is supposed to be really promising as well isn't he?

I don't think he will ever come to fruition. The boy is a decent passer and an alright touch, but he is lacking in physicality and attacking drive. He reminds me of Guthrie, with the skill set of a deep-lying playmaker, but completely lacking in the engine and strength necessary to play there in Engand.


Yep, Guthrie is a very good comparison.


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Another thing. I would be slightly worried about the manager England have chosen, as they might have got it wrong again.


Hodgson seems very committed to 4-4-2 / 4-4-1-1, and never even hinted at changing this despite England being over run in midfield in pretty much all of the games.


I think the idea of selecting the right manager is the wrong way round in the way we do it. Going out and getting an expensive world class manager like Capello say just seems desperate. I don't think international coaches will win you tournaments generally, you have to get all the other stuff right from the ground up. Developing players the right way, playing a set system that all the players understand and work with and then simply having a decent coach who buys into the whole set-up.


Just like Germany, is Loew a top manager or is he just a cog that fits the system? I dunno.


Short term I think Hodgson was a decent appointment in all honesty. Whether he's the right man to help rebuild the whole set-up is more important than how he sets us up tactically in the short term with this current group of players.


Germany saw problems with players coming through in the late 90's and have invested 90m euro a year every year since then to rebuild the youth system and integrate a huge network of planning and coaching (600 uefa licensed youth coaches in Germany).


The DFB is the biggest sporting organisation in the world now. At the same time German clubs have year upon year had less need for foreign players, replacing them with youger German players (when their tv money collapsed they had to).


It's about 40% foreign players now and ours is 60% in the PL (30% in France and 23% in Spain). There are also licensing rules that clubs have to abide by ie youth setups and at least 12 German eligible youth players at the academy. It's taken them a decade and a bit to start seeing things coming through. We're at least two decades behind them if we started tomorrow.

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Also, Walker should be replacing Johnson on that right flank from now on.


Richards is better than them both IMO.


I rate Richards higher than Johnson but Walker is their best option, imo. He gets up the field just as well as Richards but isn't as much a defensive liability. People (myself included) rate Richards because he can simply run people over, but he's often misplaced.

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Guest taps01

Josh McEachran is supposed to be really promising as well isn't he?

I don't think he will ever come to fruition. The boy is a decent passer and an alright touch, but he is lacking in physicality and attacking drive. He reminds me of Guthrie, with the skill set of a deep-lying playmaker, but completely lacking in the engine and strength necessary to play there in Engand.


Yep, Guthrie is a very good comparison.



But why are we dismissing an 18 year old here for not being physicall enough.  If you watch him play the boy has something about him and can play football, we should be encouraging these types of players.

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I honestly think as far as i've seen we only have Wilshere in CM department who is looking like he could step up with ease on to the international stage and play in any side.


And this might sound stupid and silly but Jordon Henderson is the next best but that is how far behind the others are because there is a massive gulf in class between the two named.


Henderson, Rodwell, Cleverly, Barkley, McEachran they are all decent footballers who have a while to improve but none of them stand out from one another imo.

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