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The England Thread


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Do you what the sad thing is about this game - I don't really care what happens. This is what happens when your international team is full of cunts.


It is a friendly, like.

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I'm enjoying the game to be truthful

This, although I am watching the game as a neutral, I don't really have a passion for international football. I'm viewing this like I would any random game that on tv tbh.

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Should have played for Independence, if Scotland win they are free, if they lose we own their arses forever.


If Scotland loses, Gordon Strachan is hanged, drawn and quartered.


And deep fried.

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Guest chopey

I don't know why people go out of their way to declare that they are watching the game as a neutral though :lol:


Seems a lot more effort than just watching the team like a normal person and supporting the club/country of your allegiance :lol:


I cant watch any professional sporting event without choosing a side to support, even when I watch weightlifting in the Olympics I support the weights and find great pleasure when they cant be lifted 

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