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The England Thread


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We're gonna need to win both games to qualify automatically.


Fail to win today and we'll need to beat Poland to even get a playoff.


Yes Woy, that cowardly draw in Ukraine really was a very valuable point wasn't it.


Is the Poland game home or away (I presume the latter as today's game is at Wembley). Massively worrying either way..


Home, got a bore 1-1 away after being 1 up.


Chrystal ball?

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Take Townsend off, fuck sake. Should never have started.


Really? He's one of the view that's making things happen.


If you're being sarcastic, that doesn't work on the printed page.


Made things happen? I think you're easily impressed then, fella. It doesn't much for an English player to get a cap now days, eh?

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Sturridge is shite. Send him to the glue factory.


Shite bait


No baiting. Our attacking play has been sloppy as fuck. Even the goal we just scored took two attempts and we benefited from a fortunate deflection in the build up. We've been awful going forward. Sturridge has been marginally worse than Welbeck, but not by much.

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