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The England Thread


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Never really understand why people seemingly write Defoe off. He's still a quality striker.


He's been nowhere in this game until it was put on a plate for him. He's a finisher and nothing else. He'll score the occasional sweet finish but other than that he's done at the top level.

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Never really understand why people seemingly write Defoe off. He's still a quality striker.


He's been nowhere in this game until it was put on a plate for him. He's a finisher and nothing else. He'll score the occasional sweet finish but other than that he's done at the top level.


It's not a case of him being done. He's never been 'top level' at any stage of his career.


Just another limited English forward.

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Never really understand why people seemingly write Defoe off. He's still a quality striker.


He's been nowhere in this game until it was put on a plate for him. He's a finisher and nothing else. He'll score the occasional sweet finish but other than that he's done at the top level.


Put on a plate. :lol:

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Guest BooBoo

Never really understand why people seemingly write Defoe off. He's still a quality striker.


He's been nowhere in this game until it was put on a plate for him. He's a finisher and nothing else. He'll score the occasional sweet finish but other than that he's done at the top level.


Fair enough. I disagree though.

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He's a selfish little shit with about a million faults to his game.


Name them all.


:lol: it's like that bit on The Simpsons with the wax lips.


"The candy with a thousand uses!"


"Name them all."


"Okay... one, a hilarious substitute for your own lips. Two... err... excuse me, I'm needed in the basement!"

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Never really understand why people seemingly write Defoe off. He's still a quality striker.


He's been nowhere in this game until it was put on a plate for him. He's a finisher and nothing else. He'll score the occasional sweet finish but other than that he's done at the top level.


Put on a plate. :lol:


In the sense that he was put through by Milner. It's not like he crafted that chance himself. Turned and finished, that's the extent of what he did there. Not good enough at international level in my opinion.

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