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I like Sterling, but there's no way someone as raw as him would get an England cap if he played for the like of us.


Double digits for goals and assists in the league at age of 19 is impressive for any player, no matter they play for Liverpool or Norwich.


Of course he'd look worse of managed by a dinosaur like Hodgson compared to Rodgers. He is a lot better central, and interchanging, but he was instructed to be strictly on the wing tonight which was disappointing.

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If nowt else, tonight showed us what a great idea it is to widen the Euro Champs so as not to avoid the likes of Denmark & Southern Ulster missing out.


To be fair Denmark had nothing to play for. No world cup to look forward to ,and almost a completely domestic squad.


It never hurts to have Danish fans around. Agreed about the team though, Olsen really needs to go. He's kept the team decently competitive over the last decade without having an outstanding achievement. He's like Moyes of international football. Most Danes are bored of him. With Laudrup jobless now, I wouldn't rule him out getting the job if Denmark had a poor s tart to the Euro 2016 qualifying campaign.

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Anyone else reckons Rooney at 18 was better than Rooney now ?


I think he is hinderance to the team. Would be a great super sub.

Not at all :lol:


Rooney is massively underrated like, he doesn't tear up trees for England but then no-one does, he's a 20 goal a season striker when played up front.

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Anyone else reckons Rooney at 18 was better than Rooney now ?


I think he is hinderance to the team. Would be a great super sub.

Not at all :lol:


Rooney is massively underrated like, he doesn't tear up trees for England but then no-one does, he's a 20 goal a season striker when played up front.


He's of course a great player, but all this managers trying to create a CM or Attacking Mid out of him have stopped him from reaching his true potential. It's pathetic. Whenever Man Utd are losing this season, Moyes immediately switches one of his biggest goal threats (Rooney) to play as the deepest midfield, so far away from opposition goal. This started with Ferguson and was of course reason behind his fall-out. it's just not correct to play a player who never plays as striker for his club, right as striker for national team. No wonder the team looked a lot better as he went off and players played in their natural position that they are used to. Really like Welbeck in Roy's system though, tailor made. A lot better than the Ameobi comparison I made a year ago.

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Anyone else reckons Rooney at 18 was better than Rooney now ?


http://i.imgur.com/EUfDz5K.pngTooj likes this.


Has his moments of magic still but SAF basically tamed him for the good of Manure.

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Under Fergie I think he was pretty invaluable playing the "Pardew's wet dream" role. Honestly haven't really watched them much under Moyes, I just like laughing at their results.


He's a great passer of the ball which is sometimes overlooked. Nothing wrong with him playing deep imo, and he still grabs his fair share of goals.

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We created a lot going forward and were unlucky to only get one, I thought.


The defence still looks very shaky. No leadership there and not much cover from the midfield. I just fear that a good side will go right through us.

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Don't get me wrong Rooney is still really good when he wants to be but he shouldn't be shunting Sturridge out wide, based on form Sturridge has to start centrally. Rooney should play off him if anything, a 4-4-2 with Rooney and Sturridge and Llallana and Oxlaide-Chamberlain (or Stirling I suppose but I am not convinced) on the wings to me seems a strong option.

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The biggest thing I'm still hating is our terrible inter-play in the opposition half. The whole team spreads out, stands there marked. Very little movement up close to support each other and make something happen, only ever one player making himself available which is predictable and easy to mark. The most successful moves come down the flank but then our next major flaw, god awful crossing. Shame Gerrard can't be down the flank more as he seems to be the only player who can hit them in to the danger areas with a high rate of success. Some great long passing from him today.


These guys must work on creating smaller groups in the opposing half of 3 players minimum that can give-and-go under pressure and using first touch where possible. All the top sides can operate in smaller spaces than our guys can, the list of nationality's that do it way better than us is huge. Our defence doesn't look any worse than it has in the past with bigger names at the back, but then again tonight it was against Denmark.


I just feel our lack of ability to use any possession we get to be more cutting is something that will mean we never threaten the better sides, given that we struggle to do it with the worse ones. I wonder how much of that fault is down to the players just not being technically good enough or whether Roy sadly just doesn't have the staff or desire tactically to focus on improving this part of our game. Just feels like the same old rigid and stagnant stuff we've seen since 2006 era.

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Rooney ruins the equilibrium of the team, he's not bad, just doesn't fit. It should be three in midfield and three up top with Sturridge through the middle.


Fully agree with this. Rooney and Gerrard are too similar in that they both need to operate in space and be on the ball constantly.

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He's bloody brilliant and was on the cusp of being a star for some time; yet seemed like nobody felt like paying up. Rodgers laughing all the f***ing way to a CL spot and a title run? Fucking hell.

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