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The England Thread


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Loving the Roy coaching set up too. Very retro and reminds me of the good old days of 1986 and Bobby, Don Howe etc.


Classic Englishmen abroad stuff. Inappropriate clothing etc. Brilliant.


For me, the whole England set up is quite likeable at present. I like Woy and I like the players he is putting in. Decent, promising youngsters with a passion, drive and lack of twattery off the pitch.

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Is Montero the one Tim Vickery rates quite highly? Tearing Milner a new one like.


Yep. Good young player.


''young''. ;)


He's Jozy young :lol:


:lol: Jozyoung? Nah didn't work, fuck that.

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Really enjoyable half this.


Yup. Ecuador look decent, and I don't think it's specifically down to the cliche "hur hur making them look good" thing either.

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Really enjoyable half this.


Yup. Ecuador look decent, and I don't think it's specifically down to the cliche "hur hur making them look good" thing either.


Better than the borefest Peru brought to Wembley

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Wasn't Barkley likened to Gazza pre-England friendlies? Not sure who by like.

You need your Lampards and the like around just to show the younger lads the ropes a bit. Confidence is high though and the effort and quality is certainly there. Just a bit better decision making.

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Don't like Rooney on the left at all. There's no out ball on the wing, as Shaw isn't getting forward enough. (not really sure what Woy is expecting) In fact Lamberts been out there too much for my liking, he's the man we need attacking the middle.

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:lol: The amount of shit passes by these professional footballers is worrying. Don't slowly roll the ball towards a teammate when he has an Ecuadorian steaming towards him. It's not rocket science you bunch of knackers. 
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