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Sterling is nowhere near ready to be starting games for England at a World Cup.


He was pretty much the best English attacking player in the league, back end of last season. Of course he's ready to start

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I'm still convinced all the Liverpool players are gonna be s**** like.


There is a part of me that thinks that, with the exception of Sturridge, they're made to look much better than they really are by Rodgers' set up. Still, its impossible to write off Sterling for England when he's not starting games.

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The thing about Sterling too, is that he presses really well, and gets back defensively. Not sure how some thing he wouldn't be ready. Not sure what they think he won't do well.

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Sterling is nowhere near ready to be starting games for England at a World Cup.




It's a lot of pressure and hype to live up to. Most England players cannot cope with it coming in to their peak, for a teenager with previous off field issues its a lot to take in. Coming off the bench against tired legs is a perfect role for him atm.


It was only last season when he was playing for Liverpool in the Europa cup people on here were taking the piss out of his performances, probably the same people crying to start him tonight and the same people quick to jump on him should he not live up to the hype.


It's always the same, Walcott, Rooney, Wilshere....just chill, the manager has forgotten more about football than anyone on here knows, certainly developing players. Let him do what he thinks best on this one.



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Guest taps01

Can't see anything other than a defeat for us tonight our team simply isn't good enough. Hopefully I'm proved wrong.

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Sterling is nowhere near ready to be starting games for England at a World Cup.



the manager has forgotten more about football than anyone on here knows, certainly developing players. Let him do what he thinks best on this one.


Means f*ck all, plenty of managers you can say that about and they have all made mistakes they are human after all.


Because he's been in football all his life doesn't mean he has a right where nothing he does can be questioned, you could have said the same about Capello look how that turned out.


As i said i hope he proves me wrong, but i have great concerns about the set up and how certain players will be used.

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The frustrating thing is this Italy team are there to be got at. A few quality players, obviously, but they're nowt like recent, previous incarnations of their side. Which makes it all the more annoying we're seemingly opting to try to 'contain' them instead of letting our own talented players give them something to worry about.

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The frustrating thing is this Italy team are there to be got at. A few quality players, obviously, but they're nowt like recent, previous incarnations of their side. Which makes it all the more annoying we're seemingly opting to try to 'contain' them instead of letting our own talented players give them something to worry about.


Aye. Stinks of negativity and fear for Hoggy to be (supposedly) deliberately picking players to stop a 35 year old. Why not use players who can get in behind him and do some damage?



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Sterling is nowhere near ready to be starting games for England at a World Cup.



the manager has forgotten more about football than anyone on here knows, certainly developing players. Let him do what he thinks best on this one.


Means f*ck all, plenty of managers you can say that about and they have all made mistakes they are human after all.


Because he's been in football all his life doesn't mean he has a right where nothing he does can be questioned, you could have said the same about Capello look how that turned out.


As i said i hope he proves me wrong, but i have great concerns about the set up and how certain players will be used.


I personally think Roy is playing this right, and just to note im not a big fan, in fact quite the opposite. There's a deep lying problem with Sterling, he's a monumental cunt, and this could easily go to his head, just like it did when he broke through at club level. Rodgers held him back, said it was fatigue (only started two games in that period) when really it was all about getting him to focus again and stop acting like a prick.


Sterling, Barkley and the likes Roy will never get the benefit from, he's prepping them for the next manager, he loses out as much as anyone holding back a player. He's not doing it to spite the nation.




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I could perhaps get on board with what TT is saying about Stirling (and Barkley) if:


A) the alternative wasn't fucking Danny Welbeck or some shit, it's not like we've got our own Robben.


B) England managers hadn't adopted the same strategy as long as I can remember and it failing time after time. Only one I remember coming close to working was Gazza in 90.


Just set a team up solid and start with Sturbridge, Rooney and Stirling plus Barkley supporting and go out to fucking beat them.

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