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PLEASE ALL READ: Fixture lists


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I would just like to point out that Dave, last year deleted my completely fixtious fixture list prior to the publishing of the official fixture list. I'm still bitter at the overly officious twat tbh ;)

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I'm not certain it's NUFC.COM at all. Unless they acquired that status under Ashleys tenure because I think they were having a run in with the Club not too many years ago. Didn't Shepherd promise to have them 'shut down within the month' mainly because they had the .com name.


Or did I just imagine that?


The bottom line of all .com fixtures:


Reproduced under licence from Football DataCo Limited. All rights reserved. Licence number NEWMEDIA/NUFCCOM/166225a.


Copyright © and Database Right The FA Premier League Ltd 2008. All rights reserved. No part of the Fixtures Lists may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Football DataCo Limited.


So yeah, they've got it.


It says nothing in there about them being the preferred fanzine. It looks more like they stumped up the wedge to reproduce.

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I'm not certain it's NUFC.COM at all. Unless they acquired that status under Ashleys tenure because I think they were having a run in with the Club not too many years ago. Didn't Shepherd promise to have them 'shut down within the month' mainly because they had the .com name.


Or did I just imagine that?


The bottom line of all .com fixtures:


Reproduced under licence from Football DataCo Limited. All rights reserved. Licence number NEWMEDIA/NUFCCOM/166225a.


Copyright © and Database Right The FA Premier League Ltd 2008. All rights reserved. No part of the Fixtures Lists may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Football DataCo Limited.


So yeah, they've got it.


It says nothing in there about them being the preferred fanzine. It looks more like they stumped up the wedge to reproduce.


I agree, it wouldnt suprise me if the nominated 'fanzine' was some official club magazine like that 'Black and White' one a few years back.

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  • 2 years later...



Football authorities in England and Scotland have lost a court case over copyright in match fixture lists.


European Court judges in Luxembourg said compiling match fixture lists needed "significant" work and skill, but did not entail the creativity required for copyright protection.


Yahoo, bookmaker Stan James and sports information firm Enetpulse had been accused of breaching EU copyright laws.


The case was brought on behalf of the football leagues by Football Dataco.

Gambling firms


It is the firm responsible for protecting the rights acquired in English and Scottish football league fixtures, and said the trio of firms had breached copyright by failing to pay for the use of the match schedules.


Football Dataco grants licences to third parties allowing them - for a fee - to reproduce the Premier League, the Football League, Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League fixtures.


News and media services, as well as gambling firms, fantasy football operators and other commercial outlets, use the information to produce fixture information for fans and allow gamblers to bet on events.


The case had originated in the English courts, before being sent to the European Court of Justice for clarification of certain points of database law.

High Court


"A football fixture list cannot be protected by copyright when its compilation is dictated by rules or constraints which leave no room for creative freedom," said the European judges.


The case was referred to the European court by the High Court in London, which must now "assess, in the light of the considerations set out by the [Luxembourg] court, whether the football fixture lists concerned are databases which satisfy the conditions of eligibility for copyright protection".


But the European judges added: "However, the court adds that unless the procedures for creating the lists concerned as described by the national court are supplemented by elements reflecting originality in the selection or arrangement of the data contained in those lists, they do not suffice for those lists to be protected by the copyright laid down in the directive."

TV listings


One copyright expert said the European ruling seemed to leave the High Court with little room for manoeuvre now.


"The ECJ has left pretty much no scope for the English court to do anything except say, 'There is no copyright in the fixture list'," said Mark Daniels, an expert in copyright, patents, and trademarks at law firm Browne Jacobson.


And he said that if that were the case, then in future, anyone would be able to use the football fixtures lists, as long as they did not try to imply that they were representing the football leagues.


Mr Daniels also said the case could have a potential future impact on other areas in the sales and licensing of "fixture lists", such as with television listings.


"This has a much wider impact for those people who create data, such as those who create TV schedules," he said.


"There must now be questions about whether any copyright could exist in a TV listing."


Another legal expert, Tom Usher, of SJ Berwin law firm, said the financial implications of the decision could be huge.


"Since a 1959 UK decision that such lists were protected, the UK professional football leagues, most recently acting through Football Dataco, have obtained many millions of pounds from betting operators and newspapers for the use of the lists," he said.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi





I'm assuming it goes without saying that we're still not to risk it until this ruling is final?


There's a 5 Alarm Warning going off in Dave's Terminal right now.

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I'm assuming it goes without saying that we're still not to risk it until this ruling is final?


There's a 5 Alarm Warning going off in Dave's Terminal right now.

I'm sure Football DataCo isn't going to lgo out of business quietly and will still send out bogus takedown/threatening legal letters that most ISP's will just comply with rather than fight even though they're wrong. 


The answer is move the servers / domain to a country that gives no fucks about copyright.  I'd help fund it, just saying.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi



Results aren't copyrighted. :razz:


So I posted the fixture from years gone by, but didn't include the result, would that have been a 3 Alarm Warning in Dave's terminal or not?

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