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Sir Bobby Robson (1933–2009)

Guest Stephen927

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Guest BigTrev

Anyone know if there are any documentaries about him or tributes to him on the tv tonight or the weekend? I hope so


ssn1 at 7pm tonight

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Anyone know if there are any documentaries about him or tributes to him on the tv tonight or the weekend? I hope so


Sky Sports 1, 7pm tonight.


Champion, not got the channel so my mam's recording it for me.

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After a short-lived spell as manager of the Cottagers, Robson took charge of Ipswich Town where he stayed for 13 years. Such was the quality of the youth system at Portman Road, Robson brought in only 14 new players in that entire period


Bloody hell!



qualified for Europe every season, as well.

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Today has brought a whole host of memories back too about my granda who died battling cancer almost two years ago. It was his fifth time fighting it too, yet he still got by with a smile on his face and always thought of others rather than himself. So I suppose I knew this would come back today too but it has certainly made today a lot more emotional for me too.

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Anyone know if there are any documentaries about him or tributes to him on the tv tonight or the weekend? I hope so


Monday, 10:35, BBC1, in case you're not watching the local news.


SS1 10 minutes

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Today has brought a whole host of memories back too about my granda who died battling cancer almost two years ago. It was his fifth time fighting it too, yet he still got by with a smile on his face and always thought of others rather than himself. So I suppose I knew this would come back today too but it has certainly made today a lot more emotional for me too.


:weep: Love to you, 2J.

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"He was a great man, a winner and a battler and he saved my Newcastle career."


"I was devastated. Just like everyone else will be. It's a sad, sad day for the sporting world and for the football world.


"I was privileged and certainly honoured to play under him. I played in the game on Sunday with the rest of the guys in the England - Germany game. I just think that that summed him up.


"He must have been going through so much and he wanted to get out there, he wanted to get onto the pitch and I just thought he's made that and possibly in his mind he's put up such a fight and I just thought he's got through that and he can't go on any more.


"But what a man he was. He was able to man-manage both experienced players and young players. In particular in today's day and age when players, young players, are paid vast sums of money and it can be difficult at times to manage that.


"But he had such a knack of dealing with that and getting the best out of his players. For me that was one unique talent that he had was the man management and how he got over that and how he got the best out of all his players.


"I was disillusioned, I wasn't enjoying the game. I wasn't scoring goals and wasn't playing as I knew I could.


"He knew me as a person, I'd spoken to him many times. He knew me as a player. He tried to buy me when he was manager at Barcelona, and he just came in and he got me playing in a different way.


"He got me playing again with a smile on my face and enjoying football. If it wasn't for him then certainly my Newcastle career would have ended early.


"He was just a unique man. He was able to light the dressing room up. Because of his experience and because of the respect that everyone had for him when he spoke people listened.


"And when he spoke and asked you to do well you wanted to do well for him because you liked him and you adored him and you felt for him and you felt the pressures and the pain he was going through. He had that aura about him. He will never, ever be beaten."


Words of Shearer. Love that last paragraph.



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awful news  :weep:

will always be remembered as a great man, not just a great football player and manager.

will always remember my first few seasons as a season ticket holder,  looking down from the milburn and seeing his bright white hair on the touchline, the football his team played always inspired me, was an absolute legend and the entire country, especially newcastle and the rest of the north east, has lost a great man, who battled to the end, not for himself, but to help others.


R.I.P  :weep:

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Even though I knew he was a dying man for the past 2 years, and even though he looked terrible on Sunday, I was still shocked and to be honest pretty devastated when I heard about this today at work.


Pleased he got to the match on Sunday. Even more pleased England won for him and with a Shearer goal as well. Fitting tribute in itself.


Thanks for everything over the years Sir Bobby, you truly were a legend and will be sorely missed. And not just by Newcastle fans. One of the few true gentlemen in the game. The memories you've given us we'll keep forever. Rest in peace.

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I'm not sad.


I've got that warm glow you get when you just turn that final page on a good book.


We all have to go some time, and Sir Bobby is no different.


The only thing different about him is the dignity and class with which he lived his life and displayed right until the end.


I'm sure as he left us this morning he was a man contented, having led a successful and fulfilling life, earning the respect of thousands (millions?) of people around the world.


A football man through and through. He won't be forgotten.


Let's have a drink to him tonight.

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Sorry if already posted: some tributes from Barcelona


Barça Atlètic coach Luis Enrique Martínez learned of the death of his former coach Bobby Robson while in El Montanyà. The Asturian described the Englishman as “a manager who left his mark”.



Luis Enrique Martínez and Bobby Robson both came to FC Barcelona in 1996/97. The player signed from Real Madrid while the manager arrived from Porto. The man who now coaches the Barça reserves has fond memories of that first season and of Robson: “It was a fantastic year both for football and for personal experiences. Although he was only on the bench for a year, Robson was a manager who left his mark”.


“A very intimate person”


One of the many virtues Luis Enrique remembers of Bobby Robson was his human quality. “He was a very intimate man. He found it hard to speak Spanish and spoke to us in English, but was very intimate in his manner”.


“Only good words”


Luis Enrique went on to say that “he is a great loss not just in a footballing sense, people only had good words for him wherever he went, he was also a very likeable person on a human level”.



Alfons Godall has expressed the club’s sorrow to learn of the death of Sir Bobby Robson. The vice president has fond memories of the year the Englishman was in charge of the first team.



After hearing that Sir Bobby Robson has died, vice president Alfons Godall wished to send his condolences to his family and to the football world via Barça TV and www.fcbarcelona.cat.


“It is the moment for me, in representation of FC Barcelona to express our sorrow, our condolences, and our support to Bobby Robson’s family and to share out sadness with the football world, because we are aware that he was a very well respected person, who made history as both a club and international manager” he said, before adding that “he will be very much missed at FC Barcelona”.


The great 1996-97 season


Godall also remembered the 1996-97 season, when Robson was manager of the first team. “Bobby Robson took the reigns of the first team after the Dream Team era under Johan Cruyff. It was a huge responsibility and I think he did a great job, winning three titles. And we were also able to enjoy lots of goals. I remember the spectacular football of players like Ronaldo, Gica (Popescu), Luis Enrique, Nadal, Guardiola and so many other players that under his management were able to enjoy an excellent season”.



“He showed how to win with a smile”www.fcbarcelona.cat




Those are the words of Gica Popescu, captain of FC Barcelona in the 96/97 season, who Bobby Robson brought from Romania to Holland and later made captain of Barça.



Gica Popescu and José Ramón Alexanco were both part of Robson’s team at FC Barcelona, the former on the field, the latter on the bench. Speaking to the club today, they remembered the Englishman’s qualities, both in a sporting and personal sense.


A true gent


Having learned today of the death of Bobby Robson, the Barça captain during his year as manager of the club, Gica Popescu, has spoken about the great man. “He was an exceptional person, a true gentleman who won some very important titles with all of his teams”.


“He showed you could win with a smile, not just shouting”, explained Gica Popescu in reference to Robson’s affable and respectful nature. “He always spoke well of his players and with a smile, it was always the image he gave. It is very hard to find managers like him.”




“The best thing that ever happened to me in football was becoming captain of FC Barcelona and it was he who made me captain. I owe that honour to Bobby Robson” said the Romanian.


Popescu always had a very special relationship with Robson: “It was him, in 1990, who brought me from Romania to play for PSV Eindhoven. We won two titles there, and in his year at Barça we won 3 of the 4 titles at stake”.


On the bench with Alexanco


The current youth football coordinator at FC Barcelona, José Ramón Alexanco, was third manager in that season of 96/97. He worked alongside Bobby Robson, who he remembers as “a man that everyone loved, he had a sensational way of dealing with football and everybody around him”.


“He put together one of the best squads Barça has ever had, we won several titles, but he couldn’t continue the work he was doing for long because of the arrival of Van Gaal”.


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Guest Walking in a waddle wonde

Been walking round work in a daze all day since the news broke. Like everyone else I'm totally gutted.

Words cannot express. R.I.P Sir Bobby. I will love and remember you until the day that I die.

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