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Sir Bobby Robson (1933–2009)

Guest Stephen927

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RIP Sir Bobby, a man of honour, and a man in football who was a true gent, he will not only be missed by teams whom he managed and played for, but all of football, their will never be one like him ever again. It's great to see that even in his illness he did not stop, he created a charity to help other who may have to go through what he went through, only a real person could do something like that.


It has been heartbreaking to see him so weak over the last few years, and I was almost in tears on Sunday night seeing him in a wheelchair, such a shame for such a strong person, but now he is no longer in pain.

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Love Bobby so much considering I never really met him. The amount of people coming out to talk them man up says it all.


Even a couple of Arsenal and Man U fans at work were gutted today, found out during a teleconference and even that went a bit quiet and solemn when we were told.


Absolute legend of a man, will be massively missed by all  :weep:


Finally gets to rest in peace after such a heroic battle.

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RIP Sir Bobby, a man of honour, and a man in football who was a true gent, he will not only be missed by teams whom he managed and played for, but all of football, their will never be one like him ever again. It's great to see that even in his illness he did not stop, he created a charity to help other who may have to go through what he went through, only a real person could do something like that.


It has been heartbreaking to see him so weak over the last few years, and I was almost in tears on Sunday night seeing him in a wheelchair, such a shame for such a strong person, but now he is no longer in pain.

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rip sir bobby. a true legend, a gentleman and a national treasure. he was a gift to football. thank you for bringing back the entertainers and making newcastle a force to be reconed with. surely now we should name a sir bobby robson stand! gutted.

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Watching 'Just call me Bobby' again and there's this bit:


[At PSV] there was a board, and he had a marker. He drew a Mickey Mouse on the board and said to a player 'You looked like him yesterday in the tackle'.



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Watching 'Just call me Bobby' again and there's this bit:


[At PSV] there was a board, and he had a marker. He drew a Mickey Mouse on the board and said to a player 'You looked like him yesterday in the tackle'.





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The North East and Football have lost a genuine treasure and a genuine Sir.


RIP Bobby.


PS - Kieron Dyer = Crocodile Tears.

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Watching 'Just call me Bobby' again and there's this bit:


[At PSV] there was a board, and he had a marker. He drew a Mickey Mouse on the board and said to a player 'You looked like him yesterday in the tackle'.






I'm really going to miss him.


People are always so quick to hold up sport stars as role models when most of the time they don't deserve that title but SBR lived his life with honour, magnanamity and dignity; he is the perfect role model.


That 4-1 quote is simply superb.

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Heard on the radio, the bloke was saying he didn't lose his battle to cancer, he won 4-1.


Can someone get this exact quote and turn it into something we can sell for his charity....

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Tribute to Sir Bobby currently on Real Radio. Gazza and Beardsley coming up soon.



thought the Legends was very Good tonight, apart from that knacker Macca..( what an embarrassment he was)

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Guest BigTrev

that 4-1 is brilliant really made me smile on such a sad day i live near oxford and i am thinking of comi up tomorrow to pay my respects


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Guest Howaythetoon

I have been dreading this moment for a while now, often thinking I'd burst into tears or grieve for his loss, but today when I found out that dreaded day had arrived I broke out in a smile and rather than feeling sad I felt a huge sense of joy having experienced so many great memories of not only those magical moments on the pitch with Newcastle United but also of the man himself.


Thank you Bobby, you loved our club so much and give it so much, and indeed your fellow fans. We'll never forget you and rather than mourn your passing I personally will celebrate your time, remembering all those moments both good and bad you delivered with great humility, passion and above all else, devotion.


I used to love listening to your pre-or-post match interviews, you often went off on a tangent and I'd laugh when the interviewer would try to wrap things up, but you captivated him and the audience to such a degree he dare not cut you off short.


You made me believe in you and that team of ours and those players and football even when the results on the pitch or performances suggested otherwise. There was something magical about you and definitely something magical about your time at your beloved NUFC, from the 8-0 win over Sheff Wed to that barmy night in Rotterdam.


You're one of the best things to have happened to NUFC and your time here will go down as a benchmark of what this club can achieve and should always be aspiring to achieve and you yourself are a benchmark for all those that represent it and follow it, to carry themselves with pride, professionalism, humility, passion, devotion and with a smile because it really is a beautiful game and indeed a beautiful life. RIP Bobby and again, thanks.


*now the tears are rolling*

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If you have facebook and can view this http://www.facebook.com/album.php?page=2&aid=96260&id=537937685#/album.php?page=1&aid=96260&id=537937685 there is about 5 pages of photos from inside st James park today.


For those without, here are a few of them:





































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Tribute to Sir Bobby currently on Real Radio. Gazza and Beardsley coming up soon.



thought the Legends was very Good tonight, apart from that knacker Macca..( what an embarrassment he was)


Yup - it was. Supermac sound like he was in tears, when he read the lead story at 6pm.


As for that Macca lad - what a complete dick, especially after the lads had said the night was devoted to memories of Sir Bobby.

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Guest BigTrev

I have been dreading this moment for a while now, often thinking I'd burst into tears or grieve for his loss, but today when I found out that dreaded day had arrived I broke out in a smile and rather than feeling sad I felt a huge sense of joy having experienced so many great memories of not only those magical moments on the pitch with Newcastle United but also of the man himself.


Thank you Bobby, you loved our club so much and give it so much, and indeed your fellow fans. We'll never forget you and rather than mourn your passing I personally will celebrate your time, remembering all those moments both good and bad you delivered with great humility, passion and above all else, devotion.


I used to love listening to your pre-or-post match interviews, you often went off on a tangent and I'd laugh when the interviewer would try to wrap things up, but you captivated him and the audience to such a degree he dare not cut you off short.


You made me believe in you and that team of ours and those players and football even when the results on the pitch or performances suggested otherwise. There was something magical about you and definitely something magical about your time at your beloved NUFC, from the 8-0 win over Sheff Wed to that barmy night in Rotterdam.


You're one of the best things to have happened to NUFC and your time here will go down as a benchmark of what this club can achieve and should always be aspiring to achieve and you yourself are a benchmark for all those that represent it and follow it, to carry themselves with pride, professionalism, humility, passion, devotion and with a smile because it really is a beautiful game and indeed a beautiful life. RIP Bobby and again, thanks.


*now the tears are rolling*



here here you took the feelings right out of my mouth

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