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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest bimpy474

You know what ? fuck him, fuck Ashley and fuck 4pm,


This club will be around long after those spackers are gone......feckin load of attention seeking anal juice mudpilots.


I'm very fed up by the way.

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LukeEdwardsTele Luke Edwards

I don't want to cause alarm and I might be jumping the gun, but been told #nufc have been talking to a club about the sale of @joey7barton

1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

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Guest bimpy474

You know what ? f*** him, f*** Ashley and f*** 4pm,


This club will be around long after those spackers are gone......feckin load of attention seeking anal juice mudpilots.


I'm very fed up by the way.


Only Newcastle United could reduce their fans to shunning the concept of time.


Aye i'm off to mow the grass or weed the feckin garden, i hate gardening but i'm going to do it until 6pm just to piss off Joey the mong, pah 4pm.

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I'm gonna go with that he has submitted a transfer request and the club have accepted, so he will be off in the next week or two. Not like it was unexpected, given that he was never going to get a new deal anyway. Ashley and Llambias must be laughing their tits off, especially given the amount of fans that have turned on Barton. For the record, I was one of those who wanted him sacked when he got sent to jail, but the lad turned it around and put in a very good campaign last season. NUFC will be a lot poorer without him, IMO.  And in the meantime, the owner continues to laugh all of the way to the bank.


Oh and if he goes, we are again down another body. And in the meantime, Pardew is hoping to bring in 'one' new face. Fucking wonderful because we will now have a weaker squad in terms of numbers than the one that started last season. We are fucked as things stand - it's as simple as that.

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Wild guess will be that he is quitting Twitter. Cant really see what else it would be considering he has said all along he is leaving at the end of the season.


I'd be very surprised if he classes whether or not he stays on twitter as 'a decision on his future' to be fair.

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LukeEdwardsTele Luke Edwards

I don't want to cause alarm and I might be jumping the gun, but been told #nufc have been talking to a club about the sale of @joey7barton

1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply


"Joey7Barton Joey Barton

Newcastle think I'm talking to a club about signing for them, but I'm on my arse at home watching Homes Under the Hammer. DON'T GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY #toon4life #helmet"

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This shit is so tiresome, all we're asking for is a bit of stability but everyone at every level whether it's Lambarse, Ashley, player unrest, contrives on an almost daily basis to unhinge everything. We're always in a state of perpetual collapse, it's a fucking joke, so sick of it. Was feeling positive about the season ahead but all this shit behind the scenes is making it crash down around us

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I'm gonna go with that he has submitted a transfer request and the club have accepted, so he will be off in the next week or two. Not like it was unexpected, given that he was never going to get a new deal anyway. Ashley and Llambias must be laughing their tits off, especially given the amount of fans that have turned on Barton. For the record, I was one of those who wanted him sacked when he got sent to jail, but the lad turned it around and put in a very good campaign last season. NUFC will be a lot poorer without him, IMO.  And in the meantime, the owner continues to laugh all of the way to the bank.


Oh and if he goes, we are again down another body. And in the meantime, Pardew is hoping to bring in 'one' new face. Fucking wonderful because we will now have a weaker squad in terms of numbers than the one that started last season. We are fucked as things stand - it's as simple as that.


:thup: :thup: :thup:


I wanted him sacked too btw.

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I'm gonna go with that he has submitted a transfer request and the club have accepted, so he will be off in the next week or two. Not like it was unexpected, given that he was never going to get a new deal anyway. Ashley and Llambias must be laughing their tits off, especially given the amount of fans that have turned on Barton. For the record, I was one of those who wanted him sacked when he got sent to jail, but the lad turned it around and put in a very good campaign last season. NUFC will be a lot poorer without him, IMO.  And in the meantime, the owner continues to laugh all of the way to the bank.




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This shit is so tiresome, all we're asking for is a bit of stability but everyone at every level whether it's Lambarse, Ashley, player unrest, contrives on an almost daily basis to unhinge everything. We're always in a state of perpetual collapse, it's a fucking joke, so sick of it. Was feeling positive about the season ahead but all this shit behind the scenes is making it crash down around us


I wouldn't put this in the same bracket as the other stuff we've had happen. Joey has always been unstable, now he just has a twitter account to whinge to the world and make everything seem much worse than it is.

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I'm gonna go with that he has submitted a transfer request and the club have accepted, so he will be off in the next week or two. Not like it was unexpected, given that he was never going to get a new deal anyway. Ashley and Llambias must be laughing their tits off, especially given the amount of fans that have turned on Barton. For the record, I was one of those who wanted him sacked when he got sent to jail, but the lad turned it around and put in a very good campaign last season. NUFC will be a lot poorer without him, IMO.  And in the meantime, the owner continues to laugh all of the way to the bank.


Oh and if he goes, we are again down another body. And in the meantime, Pardew is hoping to bring in 'one' new face. f***ing wonderful because we will now have a weaker squad in terms of numbers than the one that started last season. We are f***ed as things stand - it's as simple as that.



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I'm gonna go with that he has submitted a transfer request and the club have accepted, so he will be off in the next week or two. Not like it was unexpected, given that he was never going to get a new deal anyway. Ashley and Llambias must be laughing their tits off, especially given the amount of fans that have turned on Barton. For the record, I was one of those who wanted him sacked when he got sent to jail, but the lad turned it around and put in a very good campaign last season. NUFC will be a lot poorer without him, IMO.  And in the meantime, the owner continues to laugh all of the way to the bank.




Ashley's planning on opening a Flex account.
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This shit is so tiresome, all we're asking for is a bit of stability but everyone at every level whether it's Lambarse, Ashley, player unrest, contrives on an almost daily basis to unhinge everything. We're always in a state of perpetual collapse, it's a fucking joke, so sick of it. Was feeling positive about the season ahead but all this shit behind the scenes is making it crash down around us


I wouldn't put this in the same bracket as the other stuff we've had happen. Joey has always been unstable, now he just has a twitter account to whinge to the world and make everything seem much worse than it is.



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