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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest Antec

If Barton had been bullying younger players and Cabaye then he had to go. All depends on whether that is true though.




Such an awful influence on the young'uns he only had Beardsley singing his praises in the local press two weeks ago.


Fucking hell, this just gets better and better :lol:

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If Barton had been bullying younger players and Cabaye then he had to go. All depends on whether that is true though.




Such an awful influence on the young'uns he only had Beardsley singing his praises in the local press two weeks ago.

Err, you know Beardsley was also accussed of bullying youngsters . Birds of a feather and all that. :lol:

Christ, the kids must've came back from Holland looking like they'd went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson :lol:

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Guest Heneage

If Barton had been bullying younger players and Cabaye then he had to go. All depends on whether that is true though.




Such an awful influence on the young'uns he only had Beardsley singing his praises in the local press two weeks ago.

Err, you know Beardsley was also accussed of bullying youngsters . Birds of a feather and all that. :lol:

Christ, the kids must've came back from Holland looking like they'd went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson :lol:

Why do you think they sent them by boat, give the injuries time to heal.

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Barton is obviously a difficult character to handle, but handle him well and he's the sort of player who is of massive benefit to the team both on and off the pitch. If you can handle that kind of player, you can get bargains in the transfer market and fashion a decent team on the cheap. It's not easy though, and not many clubs have been successful at it.


The problem is that our management team cannot handle difficult characters, that much is blindingly obvious. In fact it goes way beyond that, they can't even handle players who have always been model pros like Milner, Nolan, Enrique who have all eventually felt the need to come out and publicly criticise them. They are the antithesis of what is needed to make a system like that work.


The fact that we are actively targeting this kind of player - who have either let their contracts run down, left on contract loopholes, or are known to play up and cause trouble if they don't get their own way - is just so staggeringly short-sighted. It's just such a car crash waiting to happen, it's almost beyond belief that they are blind to the inevitability of it. I honestly can't decide whether they are just so stupid and arrogant that they don't see that they are a major part of the problem, or that they just don't really care and think that they will be able to make enough money selling on some of the players after a bit of exposure regardless, and the more the player acts up, the more those dumb supporters will feel the club's decision to sell them is justified.




Wait till Ben Arfa starts playing up as his history implies there will inevitably be a falling out at some point and he has shown that he is not one to keep quiet either.


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MA: "That is unacceptable because I am Mike Ashley and it is a FACT that..."


JB: "It is a FACT that you're a fat spastic fucktard with shit for brains"


:lol: :lol:

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Guest bimpy474

Footballers ego's are huge how would they react to Barton slating them?


Joey is like one of those lads most people know one, the type that are uneasy to be around, everyone will crack onto them have a laugh, humour them but as soon as they leave everyone breathes a sigh of relief.





I know a bloke just like that, not that this is relevent but he's just been charged with murdering his ex.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy


MA: "That is unacceptable because I am Mike Ashley and it is a FACT that..."


JB: "It is a FACT that you're a fat spastic fucktard with shit for brains"


:lol: :lol:


Send it to Joey on twitter someone. :lol:

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The fact that we are actively targeting this kind of player - who have either let their contracts run down, left on contract loopholes, or are known to play up and cause trouble if they don't get their own way - is just so staggeringly short-sighted.


who are you counting here HBA?  Ba?  Cabaye? Gosling? Marveaux?


other than HBA & Ba (harsh imo too) who else have we targetted that "play up and cause trouble"?


a player leaving on a free doesn't automatically make him a cunt

You've not read the Enrique thread then.


Ben Arfa - no comment necessary

Gosling - left on a free after assurances he'd sign a new contract

Cabaye - a year left on his contract, utilised a release fee in his contract and announced to his manager he was moving to Newcastle just before their last game of the season

Marveaux - ran contract down, as such wasn't played much last year

Ba - left Hoffenheim after refusing to play

N' Zogbia (if serious) - no comment necessary


They wont all act up like Barton, but none of them are stickers, and they are all motivated enough either by money or ambition to leave their respective clubs in the lurch. There's nothing wrong with that per se, but when it's combined with the lack of ambition, and the lack of any kind of integrity from the senior management at the club, at the very best you can expect many more Enrique type situations in the future. It's no way to build a squad with any kind of stability, and will mean at best the club is constantly in a "rebuilding" phase. Of course that plays into the hands of an owner who isn't bothered about onfield success - just blame it on those greedy players for destabilising the club.


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wasn't cabaye with lille since he was 13? :lol:


as i understand Ba has only kicked up at one club, Hoffenheim as you say, and he had decent reasons from what i remember


players exploit loopholes and let contracts expire all the time man, because we're collecting them like football stickers doesn't meant they're a set of cunts


we go down i'd expect them to kick up...and the likes of cabaye just left a title winning team to come to this fucking circus, would you blame him if he was pissed off already?  i wouldn't

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I want to know who first used it.


Probably an Ashley apologist in an "I'm not an Ashley apologist, but..." kind of post. It's certainly the way it's most commonly used now.



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The fact that we are actively targeting this kind of player - who have either let their contracts run down, left on contract loopholes, or are known to play up and cause trouble if they don't get their own way - is just so staggeringly short-sighted.


who are you counting here HBA?  Ba?  Cabaye? Gosling? Marveaux?


other than HBA & Ba (harsh imo too) who else have we targetted that "play up and cause trouble"?


a player leaving on a free doesn't automatically make him a c***

You've not read the Enrique thread then.


Ben Arfa - no comment necessary

Gosling - left on a free after assurances he'd sign a new contract

Cabaye - a year left on his contract, utilised a release fee in his contract and announced to his manager he was moving to Newcastle just before their last game of the season

Marveaux - ran contract down, as such wasn't played much last year

Ba - left Hoffenheim after refusing to play

N' Zogbia (if serious) - no comment necessary


They wont all act up like Barton, but none of them are stickers, and they are all motivated enough either by money or ambition to leave their respective clubs in the lurch. There's nothing wrong with that per se, but when it's combined with the lack of ambition, and the lack of any kind of integrity from the senior management at the club, at the very best you can expect many more Enrique type situations in the future. It's no way to build a squad with any kind of stability, and will mean at best the club is constantly in a "rebuilding" phase. Of course that plays into the hands of an owner who isn't bothered about onfield success - just blame it on those greedy players for destabilising the club.



If this had happened at another club, we would have been one the first in the queue to sign Barton.


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I don't know what's more depressing - the future of this great club under Ashley,

or the fact that there are people on this forum who believe the shite written in the low-life press (Sun. Mirror,Star, Express, Mail) and the low-life TV (Sky).

We have lost a great team player, who has been a - granted - well-paid servant of this club.

We have a manager with no balls.

We have a owner and MD who know as much about football as any other dopey southerner.


We are in shit.

I give up...

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I don't know what's more depressing - the future of this great club under Ashley,

or the fact that there are people on this forum who believe the shite written in the low-life press (Sun. Mirror,Star, Express, Mail) and the low-life TV (Sky).

We have lost a great team player, who has been a - granted - well-paid servant of this club.

We have a manager with no balls.

We have a owner and MD who know as much about football as any other dopey southerner.


We are in shit.

I give up...


I hope you're referring specifically to those southerners that are in fact dopey. Really can't abide the assumption that if you're not born north of the Watford gap you automatically know fuck all about football. Ridiculous.

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Guest cr4igora

I don't know what's more depressing - the future of this great club under Ashley,

or the fact that there are people on this forum who believe the s**** written in the low-life press (Sun. Mirror,Star, Express, Mail) and the low-life TV (Sky).

We have lost a great team player, who has been a - granted - well-paid servant of this club.

We have a manager with no balls.

We have a owner and MD who know as much about football as any other dopey southerner.


We are in s***.

I give up...


I hope you're referring specifically to those southerners that are in fact dopey. Really can't abide the assumption that if you're not born north of the Watford gap you automatically know f*** all about football. Ridiculous.


Don't take it out on him! Simple people, simple views.





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Guest bimpy474

I don't know what's more depressing - the future of this great club under Ashley,

or the fact that there are people on this forum who believe the s**** written in the low-life press (Sun. Mirror,Star, Express, Mail) and the low-life TV (Sky).

We have lost a great team player, who has been a - granted - well-paid servant of this club.

We have a manager with no balls.

We have a owner and MD who know as much about football as any other dopey southerner.


We are in s***.

I give up...


I love this club more than my own family apparently, so they keep telling me anyway, and i'm not even a Geordie, infact i'm as southern as you get, but from the age of 4 i've had this club as the centre of my life, dramatic maybe but completely true. Ive spent more money following this club and than you could ever dream of, a mental amount infact. Like you i hate what Ashley is doing, but in this case i think the blame was with both of them to begin with but now its Joey who has made it into the s*** storm it has become.


Was Keegan wrong when he suspended Joey was at Man.City, was Shearer wrong to make him train alone when Joey kicked off after his stupid challenge at Liverpool and slated Shearer in front of the team, there has to discipline at clubs, Barton may not like it but as is being proven he cannot behave himself, eventually the bad side of him comes out, when it comes out in some people it affects one relationship, like Cole and Sheringham at Man.Utd, they didn't speak but didn't let it go further, But with Joey it affects everything, everyone around him suffers.


I know Joeys case is different but tbf at the start he had valid points but he has gone way too far, the poor little me act has shown to be utter crap now. This isn't about his contract, it isn't about loving this club, its isn't about wanting whats best for all of us, not anymore, its about him and his need to be centre of attention.


Or am i as a southerner and everyone else who refuse to blame just Ashley being controlled ?.


For the record I dont see myself as a southerner, just a person, partner and a dad,  i dont see you as a northerner, i see you as a person, a special one at that because of who you support, that anti southerner attitute you have stinks and does you no justice.

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