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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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He was interviewed at Wimbledon yesterday and comparing himself with Andy Murray in that they both 'polarise opinion'.


:lol: Who likes the cunt anymore? Arrogant prick.


Ah well. So he's no longer a skaghead cunt with a hipster wannabe haircut. He's just a skaghead cunt. Like the good old days.

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He was interviewed at Wimbledon yesterday and comparing himself with Andy Murray in that they both 'polarise opinion'.


:lol: Who likes the c*** anymore? Arrogant prick.


Ah well. So he's no longer a skaghead c*** with a hipster wannabe haircut. He's just a skaghead c***. Like the good old days.

show's you what a lot of people are like though when they can twist their mind so much that they can make themselves like someone, blind themselves to soemones character because he plays for their club. pleasing that some aren't so shallow.
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He's nothing like Murray. People tend to not like Murray because he comes accross miserable, surley and arrogant at times. People do not like Barton because he stubbed a cigar in a players eye, assaulted a fellow pro, mooned rival fans, served time for beating someone up, has a brother who is a convicted murderer and had a meltdown on the football pitch which resulted in a massive ban. I'm sure i've missed a few. Yeah you're so much a like Joey.

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Guest bimpy474

I find that people who dislike Joey, do it because his opinion of his ability vastly outweighs his actually ability.


The way he goes on you would think he is one of the best players in the world, when in reality he is an average premiership player, adding the trouble that comes with him, why put up with it from such an average player.

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Guest bimpy474

He actually said he was going to support Paraguay in the world cup when were due to play them, tounge in cheek i thought.

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Guest Realist

well surely if you dont mean it then dont say it.

Sounds like it was just part of some back and forth and spiralled out of control, I'm sure he didn't call a press conference to say it.



Murray identifies himself as Scottish and British.[194][195] Prior to Wimbledon 2006, Murray caused some public debate when he was quoted as saying he would "support anyone but England" at the 2006 World Cup.[196] He received large amounts of hate mail on his website as a result.[197] It was also reported that Murray had worn a Paraguay shirt on the day of England's World Cup match with the South American team.[196], something Murray later denied.[1]

Murray explained that his comments were said in jest during a light-hearted interview with sports columnist Maurice Russo,[198] who asked him if he would be supporting Scotland in the World Cup, in the knowledge that Scotland had failed to qualify for the tournament.[199] Sports journalist Des Kelly wrote that another tabloid had later "lifted a couple of [the comments] into a 'story' that took on a life of its own and from there the truth was lost" and that he despaired over the "nonsensical criticism".[200]

Murray protested that he is "not anti-English and never was"[194] and he expressed disappointment over England's subsequent elimination by Portugal.[201] In an interview with Nicky Campbell on BBC Radio 5 Live, Tim Henman confirmed that the remarks had been made in jest and were only in response to Murray being teased by Kelly[198] and Henman.[202]

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One of his tweets today was about how he ranked Owen ahead of Gazza, in players England have produced.


Back on the drink.
















Not Gazza.


















Well ok, maybe both.

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