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this could easy have gone in the football pet hates..........


now and again i'll have a check of other clubs forums before we play them to see what they think about us as ateam, fans and club in general. i really thought we were lothed by everyone till checking those of some other games not involving us and it's the same, nowt but spite and malice from everyone towards everyone. contrast it with the banter in the championship, much more fun.

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this could easy have gone in the football pet hates..........


now and again i'll have a check of other clubs forums before we play them to see what they think about us as ateam, fans and club in general. i really thought we were lothed by everyone till checking those of some other games not involving us and it's the same, nowt but spite and malice from everyone towards everyone. contrast it with the banter in the championship, much more fun.

tbh theres many a rather dislikeable team in the prem

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this could easy have gone in the football pet hates..........


now and again i'll have a check of other clubs forums before we play them to see what they think about us as ateam, fans and club in general. i really thought we were lothed by everyone till checking those of some other games not involving us and it's the same, nowt but spite and malice from everyone towards everyone. contrast it with the banter in the championship, much more fun.

tbh theres many a rather dislikeable team in the prem


Leffe, in particular, has been pissing me off in this forum tbh. Hate finding Spurs fans you don't despise :lol;


I have a lot of time for Arsenal and Fulham, but small sections of fans/individual players of clubs will always do something that pisses off opposition fans on a large scale if they're in the same division for long enough.

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this could easy have gone in the football pet hates..........


now and again i'll have a check of other clubs forums before we play them to see what they think about us as ateam, fans and club in general. i really thought we were lothed by everyone till checking those of some other games not involving us and it's the same, nowt but spite and malice from everyone towards everyone. contrast it with the banter in the championship, much more fun.

tbh theres many a rather dislikeable team in the prem


Leffe, in particular, has been pissing me off in this forum tbh. Hate finding Spurs fans you don't despise :lol;


I have a lot of time for Arsenal and Fulham, but small sections of fans/individual players of clubs will always do something that pisses off opposition fans on a large scale if they're in the same division for long enough.

My like/dislike of Arsenal depends on how long since we've played them because I forget at times what a whiny bunch of spoiled brats they're players and Wenger in particular are at times, on the other hand Arsenal is one of the few clubs actually trying to do things the right way ie not buy success and try and bring young players through which gets them in my good book.


Fulham are just a nice pleasant club which is hard to find any reason to dislike

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this could easy have gone in the football pet hates..........


now and again i'll have a check of other clubs forums before we play them to see what they think about us as ateam, fans and club in general. i really thought we were lothed by everyone till checking those of some other games not involving us and it's the same, nowt but spite and malice from everyone towards everyone. contrast it with the banter in the championship, much more fun.

tbh theres many a rather dislikeable team in the prem


Leffe, in particular, has been pissing me off in this forum tbh. Hate finding Spurs fans you don't despise :lol;


I have a lot of time for Arsenal and Fulham, but small sections of fans/individual players of clubs will always do something that pisses off opposition fans on a large scale if they're in the same division for long enough.

My like/dislike of Arsenal depends on how long since we've played them because I forget at times what a whiny bunch of spoiled brats they're players and Wenger in particular are at times, on the other hand Arsenal is one of the few clubs actually trying to do things the right way ie not buy success and try and bring young players through which gets them in my good book.


Fulham are just a nice pleasant club which is hard to find any reason to dislike


I always dislike Arsenal right backs. (Lauren, Sagna).


Dixon was alright I suppose, but he's an annoying pundit.

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this could easy have gone in the football pet hates..........


now and again i'll have a check of other clubs forums before we play them to see what they think about us as ateam, fans and club in general. i really thought we were lothed by everyone till checking those of some other games not involving us and it's the same, nowt but spite and malice from everyone towards everyone. contrast it with the banter in the championship, much more fun.


Whilst I absolutely agree with the general senitment...we got a horrible reaction after some games, Bristol City (who we seemed to get on fine with pre-match) and Cardiff being two that spring to mind.

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