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Guest VegasToon

Why the hell have the FA refused to rescind the Huth red card?


Just taking a stab, on the ball challenge? :yao:


I was surprised as well. 

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The Argie league has been renamed the Crucero General Belgrano Primera División.




I see that they're still blocking Falkland Isle-flagged ships from docking at their ports at the moment too, presumably there are elections coming up or something.


Nay, they just had them.


The last apertura was called the Copa Malvinas too, seems they name them all after historical jibber jabber.


Pretty much every street/plaza in Argentina is named after some old historical/military giffer.

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The Argie league has been renamed the Crucero General Belgrano Primera División.




I see that they're still blocking Falkland Isle-flagged ships from docking at their ports at the moment too, presumably there are elections coming up or something.


Nay, they just had them.


The last apertura was called the Copa Malvinas too, seems they name them all after historical jibber jabber.


Pretty much every street/plaza in Argentina is named after some old historical/military giffer.


Fair enough, but that Kirchner still seems to have one sandy vagina, they're now going to report us to the UN for war mongering according to the beeb ffs.

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Sexwale bags Fifa media committee position



Fifa has appointed Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale to its media committee, his department said on Tuesday.


The committee -- chaired by Algerian Mohamed Raouraoua -- deals with working conditions of the media at Fifa events, said spokesperson Isaac Skhosana.


It was also responsible for maintaining relationships with the international media.


"Sexwale ... says he is humbled by the appointment, which should be seen as a continued recognition of South Africa's successful hosting of the 2010 World Cup," Skhosana said.


Sexwale was a member of the World Cup organising committee and Fifa fair play and development committee.


In his new role he would participate in the Show Racism the Red Card campaign, led by Fifa president Sepp Blatter.


Sexwale was returning from an expedition to Antarctica with figures such as former US vice-president Al Gore and Virgin founder Richard Branson.


Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke congratulated Sexwale on his appointment in a letter and wished him "success and enjoyment", Skhosana said. -- Sapa

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