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Sky Sports running a poll on who people think the next manger of Forest will be, these are the managers they selected. :lol:


Who should be the new Nottingham Forest manager?

Harry Redknapp

Mick McCarthy

Alex McLeish

Darren Ferguson

Roy Keane

Sven Goran Eriksson



No Alan Curbishley?

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:lol: what really got me about McLeish was that even when Villa were dominating us at SJP, playing some really nice football on the deck and only being denied by good last-ditch defending or Krul's reflexes, he was going absolutely fucking mental on the touchline. Ranting and raving, angrily bellowing at his players, petulantly waving his arms at them etc.


Then you had an optimist like Pardew who is constantly clapping and encouraging his players - "brilliant Cheik", "well done so-and-so" etc. Totally different approach and sort of fitting that it won the game.


Of course, brummie will probably give a better insight than me. But that negative attitude really irked me, even as an opposition fan.


EDIT: and of course the fact he abandoned the successful on-the-floor football that had gotten a foothold in the game at 1-1 after the interval and resorted to mindless long punts from the centre-halves for no apparent reason


I can think of a few times last season when we played some really, really nice stuff on the ground. The problem was, it was invariably first half only, and disappeared to the usual negative shit in the second half, similar to what you saw.


It was weird, as if his caution mechanism kicked in.


The only time I remember us playing really well for 90 mins was Arsenal at home (when we played them off the park despite losing to a last min goal), and Chelsea away.


We played Stoke at Villa Park towards the end of the season. We were the better side over most of the game and Weimann scored a lovely goal. Then on 82 mins, Stoke equalised.


On full time, McFuck did a victorious fist pump and waved at someone up in the executive seats. That says it all. We were all gutted at throwing away 2 points to Stoke at home. he was delighted with a point.


Almost 40 years I've been watching us, and I've seen worse Villa teams (the one that got relegated five years after winning the European Cup was a stinker), but I've never see us be so utterly spineless as he sent us out last year.


We were routinely embarassed to watch. It was actually the first time i have repeatedly been embarassed of my team for a prolonged period. If I weren't a Villa fan last season, I'd have been praying for us to go down, so spineless and ambitionless were we.


Thank god he has gone. I still can't believe he was ever appointed in the first place, mind. I really can't.


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Going to Union vs Montreal Impact tomorrow. Apparently Nesta hasn't travelled though, not ready for his debut yet :(


I get to see Marco Di Vaio though. :undecided:


I wonder which old Italian journeyman Montreal will sign next (not including Nesta in that).


I mean, I get that Montreal has loads of Italians, but are the likes or Bernardo Corradi and Marco Di Vaio really going to draw Italians to the Stade Saputo more so than bigger name non-Italian players?


Ferrari was decent before the injury tbf.

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How young they all look :lol:





Speed, Bobby  :weep:


Still can't believe Speed's dead man. Always 'forget' momentarily when watching highlights n that; so desperately tragic.


Just to be sombre. Great, great memories.

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How young they all look :lol:





Speed, Bobby  :weep:


Still can't believe Speed's dead man. Always 'forget' momentarily when watching highlights n that; so desperately tragic.


Just to be sombre. Great, great memories.

Was watching that 06/07 Premiership review earlier on and a bit popped up about him being the first player to reach 500 Premiership games. Totally choked me up.

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