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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you / do you intend to pledge to the 1892 Pledge scheme orchestrated by the NUST?

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.




Do they have your support still, and more importantly your money if they make a bid?


I've paid my membership and pledged nothing else because i don't agree with making a bid to buy the club.


They still have my unwavering support though.  They're Newcastle fans.  I'll say when i don't agree with something.  i won't call the entire endeavour flawed and insist a stop be put to it.  You'd have to be a mackem to do that.


To me a Supporters Trust which has access to the board on scheduled, regular occaisions to discuss certain aspects of the club (not including transfers, management etc) could only be a good thing. The NUST isn't this model though (imo obviously). Buying the club this way was never going to work within English Football (for better or worse) and nothing which they have done/said in relation to the campaign has strengthened the appeal of the trust to me. They started off like a couple of piss heads in a pub, got better, but now have slipped back to appearing to be a key stone cops type organisation (again this is my perception obviously).


I don't have to be a Mackem to state that this Trust has failed at present


You don't, and I never said you would.  I said only a mackem would insist they wrap it all up.


What have been the biggest failures for you?  You seem to be suggesting it was a failure from day 1 and will be until it succeeds.  It won't be a failure in my opinion until they lose the financial support of fans and therefore run out of money to keep campaigning


The "Yes We can" campaign is only 8 weeks old and only started because of the refusal from the club to give the fans the recognition that you say would be your aim.  How else would you go about achieving that?


I'm not going to trawl back and pick up every early example of mis-information which has come out of the press rooms of NUST, its just that the tone of what was released early doors was very childish and made the Trust appear to be nothing more than a one trick 'Ashley Out' protest group. If you were MA or DL would you encourage such a group to engage in discussions on the direction/activites of the club? A bit like Osama Bin Laden inviting Bush and Blair around for tea.




Not really.  Bush & Blair never wanted the same thing as Bin Laden.


Don't we all want success for Newcastle United?


You'd have thought Ashley would bend over backwards to keep his customers happy.  You don't walk on egg shells with the manager at Argos when the widescreen telly he sold you blew up after a week.


A lot of successful businessmen don't give a toss about their customers if they keep coming back. See Ryanair for example. I'd also say that Bin Laden and Bush/Blair then do want the same thing, their way of life to be accepted as being the right way of doing things

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There were a number of offers but none of those offers provided evidence that they had the cash behind it. To be fair to Ashley  :kasper: he said the club was for sale, he instructed his lawyers to do it, and he dropped the price to a reasonable level in the circumstances at £80m. Not one buyer came forward who had the money available.


Now its fairly clear that the club won't be sold until the summer - why the hell would you sell something now for £80m or so, when you could quite easily get close to £150m if you hang on for 4/5 months?


Whilst great in principle, the economics of the whole NUST aim to buy the club has heavily flawed for many different reasons; the current economy, the demographic of many NUFC fans, the fact that rich Arabs and Russians have pushed all prices up in football, lack of any return shown by all but a few football clubs etc.


NUST should stick to trying to establish some credibility, getting as many members as possible, and set as its long term goal raising enough pledges to get a nominal stake in the club with some sort of representative voice at board level.


If you were playing deal or no deal and had an 8 box game containing 1p, £1 (some other amounts), £100,000 and £250,000 would you take an offer of £25k for the box knowing that you were potentially one round away from at least £100,000?


all about the risk takig view of the player/seller. Ashley may get £150m if we get promoted, but if we don't then he is stuck with a loss making lame duck in the eyes of potential buyers and he may walk away with the penny

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.


The latest in a long line to be fair.


And still they keep going.


Like the previous mistakes, I'm sure this one will not lose them all credibility as so many seem eager to insist will be the case. 


Lots of  impatient fans who insist on things being perfect immediately will hoy their toys out the pram and denigrate what has been the most succesful enlistment of fans into a single collective voice in my lifetime.  But there are too many fans that realise if it falls apart it's a wasted opportunity that nobody else will feel compelled to try again because there are too many naysayers.


The NUST is what everyone was crying out for for years so they won't call it a day because of one badly worded statement amongst many.


See, I always supported the idea of of some seriously improved channels of communication with the club that all supporters can feel part of but. But right from the start this group started out with childish threats and insults, and still can't wipe the chips from their collective shoulders and move on from the playground politics.


While I'm still a cynical git, I have been impressed by some of their achievements, and genuinely wanted them to demand credibility (to keep making mistakes like this I can't help feeling (silly I know) reflects not only badly on themselves, but all of us who support the club), which is why shit like this is just so sodding irritating.


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If this was Dragon's Den they'd come in with an initial dodgy pitch, with one of the Dragons saying am out from the moment they stop speaking, then another one saying they've got no product and declaring themselves out. Then a ray of hope, one Dragon talks them through their pitch, shows an interest and the other two remaining Dragons get a twitch of interest. Then when asked about the finances of the whole thing, they get profits mixed up with turnovers, while overpricing the whole venture and two of the three dragons decide that its far too unprofessional and a risky investment. One Dragon remains, can they pull it off and get the investment they came for?

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There were a number of offers but none of those offers provided evidence that they had the cash behind it. To be fair to Ashley  :kasper: he said the club was for sale, he instructed his lawyers to do it, and he dropped the price to a reasonable level in the circumstances at £80m. Not one buyer came forward who had the money available.


Now its fairly clear that the club won't be sold until the summer - why the hell would you sell something now for £80m or so, when you could quite easily get close to £150m if you hang on for 4/5 months?


Whilst great in principle, the economics of the whole NUST aim to buy the club has heavily flawed for many different reasons; the current economy, the demographic of many NUFC fans, the fact that rich Arabs and Russians have pushed all prices up in football, lack of any return shown by all but a few football clubs etc.


NUST should stick to trying to establish some credibility, getting as many members as possible, and set as its long term goal raising enough pledges to get a nominal stake in the club with some sort of representative voice at board level.


If you were playing deal or no deal and had an 8 box game containing 1p, £1 (some other amounts), £100,000 and £250,000 would you take an offer of £25k for the box knowing that you were potentially one round away from at least £100,000?


all about the risk takig view of the player/seller. Ashley may get £150m if we get promoted, but if we don't then he is stuck with a loss making lame duck in the eyes of potential buyers and he may walk away with the penny


I completely agree, hence why the club was still available for a reasonable price as recently as September/October. There was still a very real risk that we would be languishing in this division for a while. However, sitting in January a considerable gap between us and third place, and certainly guaranteed to make the play offs I would hope, then the promised return of almost doubling your money outweights the risk of not being promoted.

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.




Do they have your support still, and more importantly your money if they make a bid?


I've paid my membership and pledged nothing else because i don't agree with making a bid to buy the club.


They still have my unwavering support though.  They're Newcastle fans.  I'll say when i don't agree with something.  i won't call the entire endeavour flawed and insist a stop be put to it.  You'd have to be a mackem to do that.


So if you don't agree (partly) with them you are a mackem? Well done, that'll get them in. I don't know where people get this opinion that the members are deluded and up their own arse from.



I thought you were on board with them until this statement came out.


We have a supporters trust growing faster than any in the country.  I don't see how that can be a bad thing for the club whatever campaign is currently being run and i can't see why any Newcastle fan would prefer that endeavour to end.


I was 50-50, its a nice idea like winning the lottery, i stand very little chance but i play it every week. Their campaign started rough, something out of shear frustration and passion and has slowly moulded in to something more reputable, good for them, though they stand no chance of making a bid never mind it getting accepted.


TBF to them its shaping up better than the Manu fans against the Glazers, which was comical, but if the thing wrapped up tomorrow it would make the same amount of difference if it carried on until Ashley left the club and when it does happen they'll have no say in it whatsoever (unfortunately)


The only time we effected Ashley as supporters is when we protested, he instantly listed the club and spat his dummy, and where you could say the sale of it and the mess began.


I personally don't think calling people mackems for not supporting them or the idea is going to help the cause, especially a cause with so many flaws, and an idea which began so amateurish it was ridiculed by the majority of fans. Their image leaves a lot to be desired from the last lot of hiccups,  while this one goes right back to the amateur roots of the start and with something we want addressing so clearly, the finances, it was the wrong subject to blindfully pin the tail on the donkey.




I have no problem with any fan that doesn't want to join or support the NUST.  I can understand why they don't want to spend money on a project they believe is doomed to failure.  I can even see that they'd rather be right when it goes wrong.  It's difficult to fully support it as much as you do the team and to put faith in the small chance it will come off.  Even though that's a self defeating attitude, because it will only succeed with support.


That's fine and i know many people who are passive.  But I can't get my head around voiciferously oppsosing it and calling for an end to it, not because the long term goals and ideals are wrong, but because they've been rash to report an ill thought out rumour in a lapse back to the amateurish beginnings.

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There were a number of offers but none of those offers provided evidence that they had the cash behind it. To be fair to Ashley  :kasper: he said the club was for sale, he instructed his lawyers to do it, and he dropped the price to a reasonable level in the circumstances at £80m. Not one buyer came forward who had the money available.


Now its fairly clear that the club won't be sold until the summer - why the hell would you sell something now for £80m or so, when you could quite easily get close to £150m if you hang on for 4/5 months?


Whilst great in principle, the economics of the whole NUST aim to buy the club has heavily flawed for many different reasons; the current economy, the demographic of many NUFC fans, the fact that rich Arabs and Russians have pushed all prices up in football, lack of any return shown by all but a few football clubs etc.


NUST should stick to trying to establish some credibility, getting as many members as possible, and set as its long term goal raising enough pledges to get a nominal stake in the club with some sort of representative voice at board level.


Whole heartedly agree....and numbers aren't helped by slagging off the NUST at every turn.

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.




Do they have your support still, and more importantly your money if they make a bid?


I've paid my membership and pledged nothing else because i don't agree with making a bid to buy the club.


They still have my unwavering support though.  They're Newcastle fans.  I'll say when i don't agree with something.  i won't call the entire endeavour flawed and insist a stop be put to it.  You'd have to be a mackem to do that.


So if you don't agree (partly) with them you are a mackem? Well done, that'll get them in. I don't know where people get this opinion that the members are deluded and up their own arse from.



I thought you were on board with them until this statement came out.


We have a supporters trust growing faster than any in the country.  I don't see how that can be a bad thing for the club whatever campaign is currently being run and i can't see why any Newcastle fan would prefer that endeavour to end.


I was 50-50, its a nice idea like winning the lottery, i stand very little chance but i play it every week. Their campaign started rough, something out of shear frustration and passion and has slowly moulded in to something more reputable, good for them, though they stand no chance of making a bid never mind it getting accepted.


TBF to them its shaping up better than the Manu fans against the Glazers, which was comical, but if the thing wrapped up tomorrow it would make the same amount of difference if it carried on until Ashley left the club and when it does happen they'll have no say in it whatsoever (unfortunately)


The only time we effected Ashley as supporters is when we protested, he instantly listed the club and spat his dummy, and where you could say the sale of it and the mess began.


I personally don't think calling people mackems for not supporting them or the idea is going to help the cause, especially a cause with so many flaws, and an idea which began so amateurish it was ridiculed by the majority of fans. Their image leaves a lot to be desired from the last lot of hiccups,  while this one goes right back to the amateur roots of the start and with something we want addressing so clearly, the finances, it was the wrong subject to blindfully pin the tail on the donkey.




I have no problem with any fan that doesn't want to join or support the NUST.  I can understand why they don't want to spend money on a project they believe is doomed to failure.  I can even see that they'd rather be right when it goes wrong.  It's difficult to fully support it as much as you do the team and to put faith in the small chance it will come off.  Even though that's a self defeating attitude, because it will only succeed with support.


That's fine and i know many people who are passive.  But I can't get my head around voiciferously oppsosing it and calling for an end to it, not because the long term goals and ideals are wrong, but because they've been rash to report an ill thought out rumour in a lapse back to the amateurish beginnings.


It's certainly doing no harm, i just wish they'd get it together and stop fuking about making massive mistakes alienating swaying fans. The other option is to fuk off, and maybe where people are coming from. The either or, rather than that's what they really want. (hope you get me)


The amateurish beginnings can be put to the back of the mind as long as they don't do the same thing again, and they have and why its all brought up in one and people are classing it as a joke. You can only measure them on what they've done, not on what they hope to achieve, or we'd be handing them out Nobel peace prizes like Obama received for his dreams.

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If their takeover bid does fail, how about the NUST really do help the club out and prove they do want what is best for the club, and offer the £50m they've raised so far into buying players?

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Guest Brummiemag

Its easy to sit behind a computer nit picking and criticising. It seems quite a few people on here want it to fail


No one is saying that they havn't made any mistakes, Im sure they would acknowlede that themselves.


But the bottom line is they are a bunch of committed Newcastle fans who are giving up their own time to try and do something positive for Newcastle United and they should be encouraged and supported.

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.


The latest in a long line to be fair.


And still they keep going.


Like the previous mistakes, I'm sure this one will not lose them all credibility as so many seem eager to insist will be the case. 


Lots of  impatient fans who insist on things being perfect immediately will hoy their toys out the pram and denigrate what has been the most succesful enlistment of fans into a single collective voice in my lifetime.  But there are too many fans that realise if it falls apart it's a wasted opportunity that nobody else will feel compelled to try again because there are too many naysayers.


The NUST is what everyone was crying out for for years so they won't call it a day because of one badly worded statement amongst many.


See, while my opinion is that a takeover could well be an absolute disaster now (though with the right leadership the idea still excites me tbh :blush:), I always supported the idea of of some seriously improved channels of communication with the club that all supporters can feel part of but. But right from the start this group started out with childish threats and insults, and still can't wipe the chips from their collective shoulders and move on from the playground politics.


While I've continued to be cynical, I have been impressed by some of their achievements, and genuinely wanted them to demand respect and credibility (to keep making mistakes like this I can't help feeling (silly I know) reflects not only badly on themselves, but all of us who support the club), which is why shit like this is just so sodding irritating.


It is.


Whenever I speak to anyone in the NUST they're always passionate about encouraging as many people as possible to join and make their voice heard.  It's unfortunate if the 'chip on your shoulder' effect sometimes comes across because, unfortunately, even as non-members they're still speaking for you.  Don't even join up, just go to a roadshow and tell them what they're doing wrong.  they're as receptive to criticism as they are encouragement.

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If their takeover bid does fail, how about the NUST really do help the club out and prove they do want what is best for the club, and offer the £50m they've raised so far into buying players?


They haven't raised £50 million though. In fact, I haven't seen any evidence that they've raised any money at all.

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.


The latest in a long line to be fair.


And still they keep going.


Like the previous mistakes, I'm sure this one will not lose them all credibility as so many seem eager to insist will be the case. 


Lots of  impatient fans who insist on things being perfect immediately will hoy their toys out the pram and denigrate what has been the most succesful enlistment of fans into a single collective voice in my lifetime.  But there are too many fans that realise if it falls apart it's a wasted opportunity that nobody else will feel compelled to try again because there are too many naysayers.


The NUST is what everyone was crying out for for years so they won't call it a day because of one badly worded statement amongst many.


See, while my opinion is that a takeover could well be an absolute disaster now (though with the right leadership the idea still excites me tbh :blush:), I always supported the idea of of some seriously improved channels of communication with the club that all supporters can feel part of but. But right from the start this group started out with childish threats and insults, and still can't wipe the chips from their collective shoulders and move on from the playground politics.


While I've continued to be cynical, I have been impressed by some of their achievements, and genuinely wanted them to demand respect and credibility (to keep making mistakes like this I can't help feeling (silly I know) reflects not only badly on themselves, but all of us who support the club), which is why shit like this is just so sodding irritating.


It is.


Whenever I speak to anyone in the NUST they're always passionate about encouraging as many people as possible to join and make their voice heard.  It's unfortunate if the 'chip on your shoulder' effect sometimes comes across because, unfortunately, as non-members they're speaking for you.  Don't even join up, just go to a roadshow and tell them what they're doing wrong.  they're as receptive to criticism as they are encouragement.


I'd be interested in doing that, where and when?

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We should have a poll on what was more embarrasisng


(1) NUST's press releases

(2) The golf course dossier


(2) would win by a country mile.


On the whole the NUST have been organised, earnest and effective.  This is clearly a mis-step but it's a long term, well backed campaign amongst fans and the media.  Such clangers hurt them all the more having built up the level of momentum they have exactly because they're a far more well publicised and organised group than whoever knocked up the pamphlet on powerpoint that no-one outside of a couple of message boards has any clue about.


The latest in a long line to be fair.


And still they keep going.


Like the previous mistakes, I'm sure this one will not lose them all credibility as so many seem eager to insist will be the case. 


Lots of  impatient fans who insist on things being perfect immediately will hoy their toys out the pram and denigrate what has been the most succesful enlistment of fans into a single collective voice in my lifetime.  But there are too many fans that realise if it falls apart it's a wasted opportunity that nobody else will feel compelled to try again because there are too many naysayers.


The NUST is what everyone was crying out for for years so they won't call it a day because of one badly worded statement amongst many.


See, while my opinion is that a takeover could well be an absolute disaster now (though with the right leadership the idea still excites me tbh :blush:), I always supported the idea of of some seriously improved channels of communication with the club that all supporters can feel part of but. But right from the start this group started out with childish threats and insults, and still can't wipe the chips from their collective shoulders and move on from the playground politics.


While I've continued to be cynical, I have been impressed by some of their achievements, and genuinely wanted them to demand respect and credibility (to keep making mistakes like this I can't help feeling (silly I know) reflects not only badly on themselves, but all of us who support the club), which is why shit like this is just so sodding irritating.


It is.


Whenever I speak to anyone in the NUST they're always passionate about encouraging as many people as possible to join and make their voice heard.  It's unfortunate if the 'chip on your shoulder' effect sometimes comes across because, unfortunately, as non-members they're speaking for you.  Don't even join up, just go to a roadshow and tell them what they're doing wrong.  they're as receptive to criticism as they are encouragement.


I'd be interested in doing that, where and when?


Thu, 21 January, 19:30 – 23:00

Wallsend Labour Club & Institute, Camberley Road, Wallsend, NE28 0PN (map)

(This is a fundraising event for Wallsend Boys club and costs £5 a ticket)


Fri, 22 January, 19:30 – 23:00

The Alexandra Pub, Queen Alexandra Rd, North Shields NE29 9AL


Otr there's always the toon talk radio show where someone from the NUST is always on.


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think the thread needs a title change


NUSt launch "Yes We Can if we had half a brain between us" Campaign to buy the club


Why don't you offer to get involved at the top level?


Seriously.  They'd be over the moon to have any assistance people can give.


Why would he want to do that when he can just sit and hide behind a computer and jump on any mistake and have a go!  Which applies to quite a few on here.

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Im going to be unable to provide any real answers here because Ive been out of the main loop for the last couple of weeks due to personal circumstances. What I will say is that the £7m isnt a figure that we've plucked out of the air, this is something that will be coming out through other respected media organisations very shortly.


If it was down to me, I wouldnt have put that bit in the mail but we did and whats done is done, all I would ask is that when someone else reports the same allegation with the evidence to back it up then people need to backtrack on some of the stuff theyve been saying.


Its a known fact, Ashley is taking money out of this club (and to be fair he can do, its his club, he owns it and he can technically do what he wants), the amount is the only thing that has been at question. When that withdrawal of funds however imacts the clubs ability to run properly ie last seasons transfer windows and the subsequent relegation then that is the fans business.

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Guest Roger Kint

Its a known fact, Ashley is taking money out of this club (and to be fair he can do, its his club, he owns it and he can technically do what he wants), the amount is the only thing that has been at question. When that withdrawal of funds however imacts the clubs ability to run properly ie last seasons transfer windows and the subsequent relegation then that is the fans business.


Link? ???

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Its a known fact, Ashley is taking money out of this club (and to be fair he can do, its his club, he owns it and he can technically do what he wants), the amount is the only thing that has been at question. When that withdrawal of funds however imacts the clubs ability to run properly ie last seasons transfer windows and the subsequent relegation then that is the fans business.


I thought that's the very thing he wasn't doing.


He's taken a big hit so far on his purchase, surely, he's put in much more money than he originally thought he would need to... and the value of his asset has decreased at the same time.

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think the thread needs a title change


NUSt launch "Yes We Can if we had half a brain between us" Campaign to buy the club


Why don't you offer to get involved at the top level?


Seriously.  They'd be over the moon to have any assistance people can give.


Why would he want to do that when he can just sit and hide behind a computer and jump on any mistake and have a go!  Which applies to quite a few on here.


Why let him sit behind a computer and jump on any mistake and have a go?


Pop round his gaff and join him for a bit. He might not agree with you initially but keep hassling and he might be receptive to any encouragement you can give to make him change his life around. O0

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Im going to be unable to provide any real answers here because Ive been out of the main loop for the last couple of weeks due to personal circumstances. What I will say is that the £7m isnt a figure that we've plucked out of the air, this is something that will be coming out through other respected media organisations very shortly.


If it was down to me, I wouldnt have put that bit in the mail but we did and whats done is done, all I would ask is that when someone else reports the same allegation with the evidence to back it up then people need to backtrack on some of the stuff theyve been saying.


Its a known fact, Ashley is taking money out of this club (and to be fair he can do, its his club, he owns it and he can technically do what he wants), the amount is the only thing that has been at question. When that withdrawal of funds however imacts the clubs ability to run properly ie last seasons transfer windows and the subsequent relegation then that is the fans business.


That bit really interests me.

They may not know much about running a football club and need to move on, but I thought he was the only owner/chairman in my life time who has NOT taken money out of the club and has indeed lost a fortune.

I can't wait to see the evidence, just as I look forward to knowing the identity of the "significant local businesses" who will be backing NUST's buyout scheme.

Not long to wait now.

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Its easy to sit behind a computer nit picking and criticising. It seems quite a few people on here want it to fail


No one is saying that they havn't made any mistakes, Im sure they would acknowlede that themselves.


But the bottom line is they are a bunch of committed Newcastle fans who are giving up their own time to try and do something positive for Newcastle United and they should be encouraged and supported.


I am sure the NUST (like most clubs' supporters trusts) is run by genuine fans giving up their free time to do positive things for the club.


The project to buy the club could potentially interest a lot of supporters. But it has to be perceived as being done properly and professionally. The Ashley regime has caused much anger because of its lack of professionalism and integrity and if the NUST effort is to have any credibility it has to demonstrate that it can raise the bar in both those areas. After all people are being asked to commit savings and/or pensions to the cause. I registered and was prepared to give them a chance, I liked the idea of what they were trying to do and admired their initiative. I wanted to hear what they had to say. But the communication yesterday was so totally amateurish and plainly ignorant that, as they say on the Dragon's Den, I am out. No organisation about to embark on a high value negotiation using other people's money could let something like that out and retain any credibility. It just looks like they are well out of their depth on this project, and I am not, in any way criticising any of their other activities which are no doubt extremely worthy.

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Im going to be unable to provide any real answers here because Ive been out of the main loop for the last couple of weeks due to personal circumstances. What I will say is that the £7m isnt a figure that we've plucked out of the air, this is something that will be coming out through other respected media organisations very shortly.


If it was down to me, I wouldnt have put that bit in the mail but we did and whats done is done, all I would ask is that when someone else reports the same allegation with the evidence to back it up then people need to backtrack on some of the stuff theyve been saying.


Its a known fact, Ashley is taking money out of this club (and to be fair he can do, its his club, he owns it and he can technically do what he wants), the amount is the only thing that has been at question. When that withdrawal of funds however imacts the clubs ability to run properly ie last seasons transfer windows and the subsequent relegation then that is the fans business.


That's a massively different statement to


One final thought for you to consider before you fill in the survey - sources have told us that Mr Ashley is

making up to £7m profit out of our club every month and whilst that's not confirmed - do the maths - wages halved, no expenditure on transfers, crowds up, new advertising revenue before the end of the

season and the assets of SJP Holdings.



I appreciate you've already distanced yourself in a personal capacity from that though.


Oh and congratulations. :thup:

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Its a known fact, Ashley is taking money out of this club (and to be fair he can do, its his club, he owns it and he can technically do what he wants), the amount is the only thing that has been at question. When that withdrawal of funds however imacts the clubs ability to run properly ie last seasons transfer windows and the subsequent relegation then that is the fans business.


Link? ???


The thing is he can't do exactly what he wants. The only ways he personally can take money out is by salary or dividends. As far as anyone is aware he isn't an employee so can't take a salary. And he can only receive a dividend if the club has positive reserves and in June 2008 the reserves were negative by £113m. The only other way money could go his way is if Sports Direct are receiving anything for services provided - but that would need to be disclosed in the accounts so cannot be hidden.

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